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Chinese delegate to Melbourne charged with rape of student: Anger in China

No.The overseas crimes are regularly reported.How many are excluded is impossible to say,I suppose. And why I wrote about the "State's responsibility" is because of the wide belief in the world about the intensity of Chinese state control over it's printed/electronic media. You might come up with a denial but this is not an Indian's blind prejudice,rather a world's concern.

You said it. Since it's impossible to say how many overseas crime are not reported by Indian media, on what basis can you claim that Indian media regularly reports them? 1 out of 100 or 20 out of 100? Do you see the contradiction?

There is no denial about censorship in China, but for you to suggest the State censored this article without offering any evidence is the best example of blind prejudice, be it Indian's or alien's.
When there is no rape epidemic, there is no need to compile. The definition of rape varies among countries. Unless it is standardized, drawing comparison across countries on these data do not reflect the ground reality.

India rape data looks better for two reasons:

1) Marital rape is NOT criminalized in India( Many countries reported higher numbers due to marital rape)

2) Shame and blame culture. Hence, rape victims don't report.
Victims blamed in India's rape culture - CNN.com by Ruchira Gupta

One only needs to assess how women is treated in the country to know how likely they will be sexually assaulted. In India, your men openly eve tease, aka harass, women in the public. Even Jim Roger's wife got molested in the street in India. Where else do you find such abuse? Certainly not in China.

India faces a social crisis in 'Eve-teasing' | The National

Women protection is so bad that UN ranked India as the worst place for women
India worst place for women among top 19 economies, Canada best - Hindustan Times

Rape Every 20 Minutes For The World's Largest Democracy? - Forbes

No rape epidemic!!!! China literally recording high rape statistics than India - the last such attempt to asses the same situation in China was made in 2007 which concluded China having 31,833 rapes a year compared to 20,737 rapes a year in India.....

(1) Martial rape is neither criminalized in China.

(2) Shame and blame culture. Hence, rape victims don't report. - the same you will find in China too - If the violator indulging in any sort of sexual assault is powerful or backed by someone important then guess what - the victim will be pressured to solve the problem quietly - as seen in India too.

This quote is from a piece by eminent social activist Zeng Jinyan – wrote for the Huffington Post in 2011 under the title: “Sex assault victims suffer twice in China.”:-

“Another ironic, but sadly common phenomenon is that when a victim has reported a sexual assault to police, seeking justice, hoping for the violator to be punished by the law, if the violator is powerful or backed by someone important, the victim will be pressured to solve the problem quietly, mostly to save face for the violator and related parties.”

“It is difficult and frustrating for the victim to insist on justice, as the court usually won’t stand for it. Bringing public opinion to bear can force the authorities to change a little, but not enough. Most victims never receive full justice. Some even lose their lives as the price of resistance. They are still suffering twice,” she wrote.

(3) One only needs to assess how women is treated in the country to know how likely they will be sexually assaulted. - and there we goo the same in China - Eve teased? Avoid miniskirts, Chinese police advise woman commuters - They have advised the women they have advised the women to take precautionary measures themselves and refrain from showing their legs off by wearing hot pants and miniskirts....

And there comes the rape statistics again - if take up the Chinese Rape statistics way back in the year 2007 then there is a rape in China every 20 minutes - and we all know the fate of with consent, Having sex with anyone under the age of 14 is not considered rape in China even if a girl is under 14, the perpetrator may be allowed to go free as long as he claims not to know the girl is under 14.....

And to conclude first present some credible statistics - Every responsible government compiles its relevant crime records on a regular basis annually and the world is well aware how the CPC is always in a habit to exaggerate facts and figures in its favour... Without such a structure for compiling records and stats - no matter what so called standard definition you set up for such crimes- they will have no relevance to the context.

Source(s) :- Zeng Jinyan: Sex Assault Victims Suffer Twice in China
China's 'Child Rape Isn't Rape' Law Is Sparking Outrage
Eve teased? Avoid miniskirts, Chinese police advise woman commuters - daily.bhaskar.com
Stricter laws on rape in China but prejudices against women exist : Hutong Cat
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For every Chinese rapist, there are 50,000 Indian rapists.
There is a rape every 22 minutes in India. Those are just the reported rapes. God only knows the true amount of rapes in India. No matter how Indians try to sugar coat it, India is the rape capital of the world. Backward species!
Are you kidding me? They would top the medal tally.
One Chinese official raped a woman can't compare to the deplorable of frequent occurrence of gang raped in India. 
The Chinese convicted of raped should be executed by hanging his balls upside down to the heated iron rod.

Let me again quote from the @Chanakya's_Chant 's post:

"You guys don't even compile your crime records unlike other countries and no wonder the United Nations office on Drugs and Crime holds no such records from China the last such attempt to asses the same situation in China was made in 2007 which concluded China having 31,833 rapes a year compared to 20,737 rapes a year in India....According to the United Nations office on Drugs and Crime the Rate per 100,000 population in India is 1.8 with even the western countries like Australia and Untied Sates being way ahead of it..."

That means in China there is a rape in every 16.5 minutes, much worst than India. Only difference is that we Indians are making it a big issue, our media is highlighting it in a big way, common Indians are protesting it on roads, while China (And most other countries with similar problem) is covering it up and showing the world an artificial moral superiority. Shame!
You said it. Since it's impossible to say how many overseas crime are not reported by Indian media, on what basis can you claim that Indian media regularly reports them? 1 out of 100 or 20 out of 100? Do you see the contradiction?

There is no denial about censorship in China, but for you to suggest the State censored this article without offering any evidence is the best example of blind prejudice, be it Indian's or alien's.

There is absolutely no contradiction. When crimes are committed overseas especially in European countries or countries like Malaysia,Singapore you can expect most of them to be reported in Indian media. Expecting all of them to be reported is preposterous. There are reports of rape,molestation in Indian newspapers everyday,from every corner of the country.So,we can assume that at least a substantial part is being covered by the media. But the incident happened in Melbourne was not one in the million. This might be a rarest of the rare case for a Chinese involved in such a crime in Australia. It was very easy for to draw the attention of a severely state controlled media which not very surprisingly failed to appear among the mainland Chinese. If for once I take your words that the state did not censor the news,the fact remains true that the state refrained itself from published it too.Hope I am being able to make you understand what I am trying to say.
When there is no rape epidemic, there is no need to compile. ......

:lol:......Chinese 'high IQ' logic....:lol:
How do you know whether it is in the sate of epidemic or not without compiling and having a statistical data to analyse.....
Your family members not getting raped by chance is enough for you?
Let me again quote from the @Chanakya's_Chant 's post:

"You guys don't even compile your crime records unlike other countries and no wonder the United Nations office on Drugs and Crime holds no such records from China the last such attempt to asses the same situation in China was made in 2007 which concluded China having 31,833 rapes a year compared to 20,737 rapes a year in India....According to the United Nations office on Drugs and Crime the Rate per 100,000 population in India is 1.8 with even the western countries like Australia and Untied Sates being way ahead of it..."

That means in China there is a rape in every 16.5 minutes, much worst than India. Only difference is that we Indians are making it a big issue, our media is highlighting it in a big way, common Indians are protesting it on roads, while China (And most other countries with similar problem) is covering it up and showing the world an artificial moral superiority. Shame!
Well thats insane!!

Were these guys just spamming about India in last few months?
Well thats insane!!

Were these guys just spamming about India in last few months?

Because we don't hide it, in fact we ourselves are highlighting it to increase awareness and strict Govt. action. But most other countries keep it hidden (like China) or keep it silent (like most other countries). Some countries follow a more effective solution, they jail the victim to reduce reports of rape (unless the victim was raped !n front of 4 innocent men who are willing to testify for her).
There is absolutely no contradiction. When crimes are committed overseas especially in European countries or countries like Malaysia,Singapore you can expect most of them to be reported in Indian media. Expecting all of them to be reported is preposterous. There are reports of rape,molestation in Indian newspapers everyday,from every corner of the country.So,we can assume that at least a substantial part is being covered by the media. But the incident happened in Melbourne was not one in the million. This might be a rarest of the rare case for a Chinese involved in such a crime in Australia. It was very easy for to draw the attention of a severely state controlled media which not very surprisingly failed to appear among the mainland Chinese. If for once I take your words that the state did not censor the news,the fact remains true that the state refrained itself from published it too.Hope I am being able to make you understand what I am trying to say.

Logic and reasoning doesn't apply to Indian? You said Indian media regularly report overseas crime, yet you admitted that it is impossible to know how many cases are not reported. If your statement is not contradictory, the language we are using is not English.
The overseas crimes are regularly reported.How many are excluded is impossible to say,I suppose.

The accused in this incident is not even a big shot govt officials, why the need to suppress it when the kid who bought more embarrassment by drawing on ancient egyptian wall was reported? Even the general son's rape case was reported too. No? For you to accuse State involvement without offering any evidence is typical indian prejudice, plain and simple.
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No rape epidemic!!!! China literally recording high rape statistics than India - the last such attempt to asses the same situation in China was made in 2007 which concluded China having 31,833 rapes a year compared to 20,737 rapes a year in India.....

(1) Martial rape is neither criminalized in China.

(2) Shame and blame culture. Hence, rape victims don't report. - the same you will find in China too - If the violator indulging in any sort of sexual assault is powerful or backed by someone important then guess what - the victim will be pressured to solve the problem quietly - as seen in India too.

This quote is from a piece by eminent social activist Zeng Jinyan – wrote for the Huffington Post in 2011 under the title: “Sex assault victims suffer twice in China.”:-

“Another ironic, but sadly common phenomenon is that when a victim has reported a sexual assault to police, seeking justice, hoping for the violator to be punished by the law, if the violator is powerful or backed by someone important, the victim will be pressured to solve the problem quietly, mostly to save face for the violator and related parties.”

“It is difficult and frustrating for the victim to insist on justice, as the court usually won’t stand for it. Bringing public opinion to bear can force the authorities to change a little, but not enough. Most victims never receive full justice. Some even lose their lives as the price of resistance. They are still suffering twice,” she wrote.

(3) One only needs to assess how women is treated in the country to know how likely they will be sexually assaulted. - and there we goo the same in China - Eve teased? Avoid miniskirts, Chinese police advise woman commuters - They have advised the women they have advised the women to take precautionary measures themselves and refrain from showing their legs off by wearing hot pants and miniskirts....

And there comes the rape statistics again - if take up the Chinese Rape statistics way back in the year 2007 then there is a rape in China every 20 minutes - and we all know the fate of with consent, Having sex with anyone under the age of 14 is not considered rape in China even if a girl is under 14, the perpetrator may be allowed to go free as long as he claims not to know the girl is under 14.....

And to conclude first present some credible statistics - Every responsible government compiles its relevant crime records on a regular basis annually and the world is well aware how the CPC is always in a habit to exaggerate facts and figures in its favour... Without such a structure for compiling records and stats - no matter what so called standard definition you set up for such crimes- they will have no relevance to the context.

Source(s) :- Zeng Jinyan: Sex Assault Victims Suffer Twice in China
China's 'Child Rape Isn't Rape' Law Is Sparking Outrage
Eve teased? Avoid miniskirts, Chinese police advise woman commuters - daily.bhaskar.com
Stricter laws on rape in China but prejudices against women exist : Hutong Cat
This quote is from a piece by eminent social activist Zeng Jinyan – wrote for the Huffington Post in 2011 under the title: “Sex assault victims suffer twice in China.”:-

“Another ironic, but sadly common phenomenon is that when a victim has reported a sexual assault to police, seeking justice, hoping for the violator to be punished by the law, if the violator is powerful or backed by someone important, the victim will be pressured to solve the problem quietly, mostly to save face for the violator and related parties.”

“It is difficult and frustrating for the victim to insist on justice, as the court usually won’t stand for it. Bringing public opinion to bear can force the authorities to change a little, but not enough. Most victims never receive full justice. Some even lose their lives as the price of resistance. They are still suffering twice,”
This quote is from a piece by eminent social activist Zeng Jinyan – wrote for the Huffington Post in 2011 under the title: “Sex assault victims suffer twice in China.”:-

“Another ironic, but sadly common phenomenon is that when a victim has reported a sexual assault to police, seeking justice, hoping for the violator to be punished by the law, if the violator is powerful or backed by someone important, the victim will be pressured to solve the problem quietly, mostly to save face for the violator and related parties.”

“It is difficult and frustrating for the victim to insist on justice, as the court usually won’t stand for it. Bringing public opinion to bear can force the authorities to change a little, but not enough. Most victims never receive full justice. Some even lose their lives as the price of resistance. They are still suffering twice,”
This quote is from a piece by eminent social activist Zeng Jinyan – wrote for the Huffington Post in 2011 under the title: “Sex assault victims suffer twice in China.”:-

“Another ironic, but sadly common phenomenon is that when a victim has reported a sexual assault to police, seeking justice, hoping for the violator to be punished by the law, if the violator is powerful or backed by someone important, the victim will be pressured to solve the problem quietly, mostly to save face for the violator and related parties.”

“It is difficult and frustrating for the victim to insist on justice, as the court usually won’t stand for it. Bringing public opinion to bear can force the authorities to change a little, but not enough. Most victims never receive full justice. Some even lose their lives as the price of resistance. They are still suffering twice,”

As I said, the data doesn't reflect the ground reality in India due to the culture of shame and blame. China does not have such culture.(cases not reported does not equal to shame and blame culture) Your problem is compounded by the weak rule of law and poor police enforcement. China has much stronger enforcement and harsher penalty.

I see you're getting desperate that you had to quote from a social worker's blog as an authority on rape in China. @DRAY this goes to you too.
You guys can dig out as much dirt as you can find, it is meaningless as these sex crimes happen anywhere from China and India to Europe. In statistical term, these are the outliers. It is the area under the bell curve that is crucial. In other words, how well women are treated and respected is an good indication of how likely sexual assault will happen.

In India, women are openly eve-teased in the public. The problem is so rampant that a new law is called for. One doesn't need to stretch his imagination what eve teasing would lead to in more secluded places.
In China, we don't have eve-teasing culture. There's no dowry requirement, much less dowry killing. Women here are treated with more respect and rights. (No wearing short skirts in certain area is about being prudent, women do that in US too)

The plight of women in India is well documented by UN and various groups. India is consistently ranked as the worst place for women. You ranked at the bottom with Saudi and African. I know you will deny it, but no amount of denial can hide the fact. China bashing won't either.

"Rape in India has been described by Radha Kumar as one of India's most common crimes against women[1] and by the UN’s human-rights chief as a “national problem”.

According to the National Crime Records Bureau, 24,206 rape cases were registered in India in 2011, although experts agree that the unreported cases of sexual assault is much higher.[9]
A new case is reported every 20 minutes.[10][11] However the latest estimate suggest a new case every 22 minutes.[12]"

No country for women, abuse runs high in India | Asia | DW.DE | 19.06.2012
When girls do become women they continue to be oppressed in vast swathes of India where patriarchy and discriminatory customs and values reign. Many suffer sexual abuse and domestic violence silently.

A recent poll by the Thomson Reuters Foundation that interviewed 370 gender specialists found that in some areas India was even behind Saudi Arabia, where women are not allowed to drive and only earned the right to vote in 2011.

It is "incongruous" says Ranjana Kumari, the director of the Centre for Social Research, in today's world that age-old feudal views which see women as inferior objects to be confined to the home and exploited for sexual and domestic servitude persist.

BBC documentary: India A Dangerous Place to be a Woman.
A British-Indian journalist returned to India to investigate the situation of Indian women and she was molested on several occasions in the public. She was groped in the train and even in the store by the store assistant.
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Man......so much news coming out despite their media being strangled......just imagine the real situation in China.....it is understandable why the Chinese govt. stopped providing rape statistics after 2007....

IPS – In India, Rapists Don

Stories of rape and abuse, often involving fatalities, are pouring in every day now, with the latest figures showing that child rapes in India have risen 336 percent between 2001 and 2011.

Human rights activists lament that these figures represent only reported cases, while the actual number may be much higher.

Many of these rapes occur in the confines of the victim’s own household, sometimes by family members or other known assailants, other times by unknown attackers.

According to a recent report by the New Delhi-based Asian Centre for Human Rights (ACHR), sexual offences against children in India have reached an “epidemic proportion”.

The 56-page report, citing National Crimes Record Bureau (NCRB) statistics, stated that rape cases increased from 2,113 cases in 2001 to 7,112 cases in 2011, with a total of 48,338 cases in that period.

ACHR Director Suhas Chakma told IPS these numbers represent “only the tip of the iceberg, as the large majority of child rape cases are not reported to the police”, while other forms of sexual assault against children pass largely under the radar of the authorities.

Everyone's Mom Has Convinced You Not to Go to India Because of Rape

"Although the per capita rate of rapes reported to the police in India is below that of many developed nations, some experts believe that many sexual attacks go unreported and that the actual number is far higher."

Indian families go to drastic measures to protect daughters from rape - International - Catholic Online

The statistics for violence against Indian women are especially grim. There have been 48,338 child rape cases were recorded in India from 2001 to 2011, and the number rose 336 percent over that period, according to the Asian Center for Human Rights.

"These are only the tip of the iceberg as the large majority of child rape cases are not reported to the police while children regularly become victims of other forms of sexual assault too," the report states
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