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Chinese delegate to Melbourne charged with rape of student: Anger in China


Dec 14, 2010
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Anger after Chinese delegate to Melbourne charged with rape of student
Song Jingsong, a 43-year-old Chinese official who heads an urban planning institute in Guangzhou, was little known in China's social media until this week, when an Australian newspaper reported that he had been charged with raping a university student tour guide when he visited as a government delegate three months ago.

Song was bailed in August, on condition that he surrendered his passport and reported daily to police in Melbourne, reported Australian newspaper the Age. Song applied on Thursday to change his bail so he could return to his job and family in China, said the report. He must now report daily in Guangzhou and return once a month to Victoria state in Australia.

The English language report was picked up by Chinese bloggers who translated it and shared on Sina Weibo, China’s popular social media platform on Friday. It quickly drew thousands of comments and reposts from readers, who were angered both by the report and the fact that they had to find out the alleged criminal behaviour of a Chinese civil servant from a foreign newspaper.

Netizens pointed out that no word regarding Song’s arrest in Australia was ever mentioned in the Chinese media, including the outspoken and well-respected Southern Metropolis Daily based in Guangzhou, where Song lives and works.

The only online trace of Song that internet users were able to find turned out to be a few photos in which he appeared as a guest lecturer when speaking to a class of university students in Shenzhen in late 2012.

In a report published on the website of the Shenzhen university where Song was invited to talk, a person named "Song Jingsong" was introduced as the deputy chair of “Guangdong Urban and Rural Planning and Design Institute”, an organisation affiliated with the provincial Department of Housing and Urban-rural Development. He was also a member of Guangdong's Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), said the report.

Song had talked about the “regional collaborations among Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macau. “ Described as a knowledgeable and charismatic speaker, Song was reported as quoting a comment made by fictional character Harry Potter towards the end of his speech.

“When you make a mistake in school, you can start all over again; but it’s impossible to undo a mistake you make in the real world,” Song allegedly told his student audience. Months later, when Song was charged with raping a student in Australia, he was given relentless criticism from his compatriots back home.

“Please never let him return to China - ask him to serve and labour in an Australian prison for the rest of his life,” a microblogger wrote.

“Now we have someone spreading the communist ‘seeds’ all over the world,” wrote another sarcastic reader.

Song’s hearing will resume next week in Melbourne, when his friend who is an Australian resident is scheduled to give evidence, said the Age report. Guangdong Urban and Rural Planning and Design Institute could not be reached for comment on Saturday.

Anger after Chinese delegate to Melbourne charged with rape of student | South China Morning Post
Chinese delegate to Melbourne charged with rape of student

A member of a Chinese delegation to Melbourne has been charged with raping a university student tour guide assigned to his group.

Jingsong Song, 43, the head of a Chinese government urban planning institute, has been reporting daily to police in Melbourne since his arrest and extradition from NSW three months ago.

Song was bailed in August, on strict conditions that included surrendering his passport with orders he not leave Victoria or Australia, on charges that included two allegations of digital rape.

He appeared in Melbourne Magistrates Court on Thursday to apply to vary his bail to allow his return to China, to report daily in Guangzhon City and return once a month to Victoria.

Magistrate Donna Bakos heard Song was also prepared to put up a $500,000 cash deposit and two friends a total of $150,000 in sureties to help ensure he answered his bail.

Detective Senior Constable Ross Waring opposed the application on the grounds there was no extradition treaty between Australia and China – whose policy was not to extradite its nationals – so "there is no way for us to bring him back" if he breached his bail conditions.

Song's wife and a work colleague flew to Melbourne to give evidence before Ms Bakos at the application.

She told Ms Bakos she needed him home to be with her for her impending surgery and because their five-year-old daughter also had health issues.

She knew if he did not return to Australia they would lose the $500,000, which was their life savings, while his friend gave evidence that Song was trustworthy and that "whatever he promises, he will do it".

"Mr Song will come back to face these charges," he said through an interpreter.

In support of the application, defence barrister Daniel Gurvich said the prosecution case could not be regarded as strong given the "level of intoxication" of his client and the woman and the content of pretext conversations.

Based on evidence in the brief, Ms Bakos said the woman was "so blind drunk she can't possibly consent".

Mr Gurvich also noted his client's lack of prior convictions, his good character, the hardship to his family if he remained in Australia and unchallenged evidence in an affidavit that 50 employees from the institute would be sacked if he did not return.

Mr Gurvich said his client had made no admissions to any criminal conduct.

Prosecutor Michael Hannan said Song was already on strict bail conditions, but he argued that the court was "being invited to set up a bail structure that cannot be enforced", which was the "fatal flaw" in the application.

The hearing was adjourned until next week for the friend of Song's, an Australian resident married with three children, to give evidence.

Read more: Chinese delegate to Melbourne charged with rape of student
For every Chinese rapist, there are 50,000 Indian rapists.

You guys don't even compile your crime records unlike other countries and no wonder the United Nations office on Drugs and Crime holds no such records from China the last such attempt to asses the same situation in China was made in 2007 which concluded China having 31,833 rapes a year compared to 20,737 rapes a year in India....According to the United Nations office on Drugs and Crime the Rate per 100,000 population in India is 1.8 with even the western countries like Australia and Untied Sates being way ahead of it...

First present some credible statistics and then talk bull shit like that just to yourself feel good - the world is well aware how the CPC is always in a habit to exaggerate facts and figures in its favour may it be the GDP - inflation stats adding up $1 trillion to the economy through dodgy data or that 2005 official stats of 15,000 rapes a year .....

Source(s):- US-China Today: Rape in China
Rape statistics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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There is a rape every 22 minutes in India. Those are just the reported rapes. God only knows the true amount of rapes in India. No matter how Indians try to sugar coat it, India is the rape capital of the world. Backward species!
There is a rape every 22 minutes in India. Those are just the reported rapes. God only knows the true amount of rapes in India. No matter how Indians try to sugar coat it, India is the rape capital of the world. Backward species!

There are equal number or even more in China.

A woman gets raped every 22 minutes in India.
A child gets raped every 76 minutes in India.

These are just the official stats, the real numbers are far worse. Forget about how many Indians do rape, we should move the debate to how many Indians have not committed rape. Very few I would think. Shameful stuff India. What's even more shameful is Indians here trying to compare India's staggering rape epidemic to China or any other country.

India didn't win a gold medal at the London Olympics, but they will definitely win one if rape was a sport.
One Chinese official raped a woman can't compare to the deplorable of frequent occurrence of gang raped in India. 
The Chinese convicted of raped should be executed by hanging his balls upside down to the heated iron rod.
You guys don't even compile your crime records unlike other countries and no wonder the United Nations office on Drugs and Crime holds no such records from China the last such attempt to asses the same situation in China was made in 2007 which concluded China having 31,833 rapes a year compared to 20,737 rapes a year in India....According to the United Nations office on Drugs and Crime the Rate per 100,000 population in India is 1.8 with even the western countries like Australia and Untied Sates being way ahead of it...

First present some credible statistics and then talk bull shit like that just to yourself feel good - the world is well aware how the CPC is always in a habit to exaggerate facts and figures in its favour may it be the GDP - inflation stats adding up $1 trillion to the economy through dodgy data or that 2005 official stats of 15,000 rapes a year .....

Source(s):- US-China Today: Rape in China
Rape statistics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

When there is no rape epidemic, there is no need to compile. The definition of rape varies among countries. Unless it is standardized, drawing comparison across countries on these data do not reflect the ground reality.

India rape data looks better for two reasons:

1) Marital rape is NOT criminalized in India( Many countries reported higher numbers due to marital rape)

2) Shame and blame culture. Hence, rape victims don't report.
Victims blamed in India's rape culture - CNN.com by Ruchira Gupta

One only needs to assess how women is treated in the country to know how likely they will be sexually assaulted. In India, your men openly eve tease, aka harass, women in the public. Even Jim Roger's wife got molested in the street in India. Where else do you find such abuse? Certainly not in China.

India faces a social crisis in 'Eve-teasing' | The National

Women protection is so bad that UN ranked India as the worst place for women
India worst place for women among top 19 economies, Canada best - Hindustan Times

Rape Every 20 Minutes For The World's Largest Democracy? - Forbes
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The incident took place in Australia....hence got published.....
Thousands of rape cases in China never comes to limelight due to their Govt. controlled media....
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There is a rape every 22 minutes in India. Those are just the reported rapes. God only knows the true amount of rapes in India. No matter how Indians try to sugar coat it, India is the rape capital of the world. Backward species!

LOL....... Indian media is not controlled by the gov't.....hence the reporting is pretty much accurate.....sometimes the Indian media even sensationalize things.....
But Chinese women might be getting raped every minute......while your media is not allowed to publish such news......
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But we don't have "shame and blame" the victim culture. There's no eve-teasing of women either.

How can we be sure......afterall your govt. controls your media....even if you have, your media is not allowed to report it....
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How can we be sure......afterall your govt. controls your media....even if you have, your media is not allowed to report it.....

Do not degrade the quality of the forum with your mindless post. Culture is daily life. We all know.

FYI, the quality of our media is ranked higher than India's by Transparency Index.
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