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Chinese City seeks to banish Muslim Veil!!


Jan 27, 2011
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A city in heavily Muslim far western China has begun a campaign to discourage veils and growing long beards in a bid to “dilute religious consciousness”, media reports said on Thursday.

The notice by the government in the Xinjiang city of Yining was uploaded in full by several Chinese news websites, and by Hong Kong-based Phoenix Television, though it then vanished from the Yining government’s website (????-?????????? ??????).

Many Uighurs, a Turkic language-speaking Muslim people native to Xinjiang, resent Chinese rule and controls on their religion, culture and language, and the region has seen sporadic cases of violent unrest.

The notice said the government in the Dunmaili district of Yining had decided to “further implement the Party’s activities to dilute religious consciousness and advocate a civilised and healthy lifestyle.”

One of the campaign’s aims, it said, was to end the “the abnormal phenomenon” of ethnic minority women and youth wearing Arab dress, growing long beards or covering their faces in veils.

Women who had already “been transformed” would be invited to hold talks to discuss their experience, as would women who had launched successful careers.
Yining government officials declined to comment when contacted by telephone.

Hou Hanmin, a Xinjiang government spokeswoman, told Reuters she was not aware of the notice, but that generally people in the region were free to wear what they wanted, including ethnic minorities.

“However, for certain jobs and in education there are rules about what you cannot wear simply as a matter of convenience,” she said by telephone.

Yining, also known as Ghulja or Yili, has a population of some 515,000 people, about 46 percent of whom are Uighur, according to the 2010 census figures. It was the site of deadly riots in 1997.
While Uighurs have traditionally practiced a more relaxed form of Islam, parts of Xinjiang have become noticeably more conservative and Islamic over the past few years, despite government efforts to reverse that trend.
The face veil has got nothing to do with Islam, & I'd like it if all countries in the world (Muslim ones as well) banned it.

I was informed by my mother when she came back from haj that certain parts of the pilgrimage women are not to cover face. I think a lot of this veil biz is related to regional custom. Though am not an expert on islam my understanding is that women are asked to dress modestly. Perhaps others could give us more detail
Do the Europeans do anything but impose bans on Muslims?

Such a backward medieval society, negating freedom of professing one's Faith in this day n age.

How is a woman freely choosing to wear a Burqa or Hijab or a Sikh choosing to wear a turban in any way equivalent to choosing slavery?

No, the argument you are making is that a majority can restrain the liberties of a minority at its whim just because it disagrees with them.


Wonder if we will see similar posts as above here too ...

I doubt it very much :lol:
I've never heard of this. Muslims in China usually wear the Iranian style head scarf. There are halal cafeterias in every university.

its propaganda. A western attempt to sow dischord between our chinese brothers which will not succeed. The trust amongst chinese and muslim world is too strong. Actions speak louder than words and chinese have been fair in their international relationships and treatment of all minorities within china in my opinion.
its propaganda. A western attempt to sow dischord between our chinese brothers which will not succeed. The trust amongst chinese and muslim world is too strong. Actions speak louder than words and chinese have been fair in their international relationships and treatment of all minorities within china in my opinion.

The west has reached a new height of propaganda and the indian has destroyed the records of themselves of digesting those craps! :cheers:
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