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Chinese can't innovate.......


Mar 26, 2013
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This my rant, I'm kinda pissed today at work and other things, lol so instead I'm ranting here.


Doesn't the J-20 look exactly like the other three? I think so.

I been hearing this for soooooo long, now the west claims this for a variety of reasons. Let's look at them.

First Chinese culture, it is inward looking and don't like to innovate.

First China started like any other nation barely a couple of provinces, contrary to popular belief the first Chinese dynasty isn't Qin, it maybe Shang, or Xia, depending on what you believe.

At the beginning China was bad a small gathering of tribes, but today it is one of the biggest countries in the world. That didn't happen because we don't go out of our comfort zone.

China at its height have tribute from countless nations, cities states, and other, all the way from south Africa to the middle east and Japan to the east. So the claim China doesn't go out is again not true.

The fact of the matter is China has too much resources per-industrial revolution that anything baring silver and Gold the Spanish and Japanese brought were useless and not sought after.

Today our influence is seen in Africa, Americas, Europe and Asia, everywhere and every mall has Chinese made or something Chinese. We are investing and exporting, importing from every corner of the globe, not one place are we not there, if it exists we are there to make that money.

As to don't like to innovate, well, aside from the industrial revolution, what exactly did the Europeans had that we didn't? But I can name plenty they didn't have that we did. I can name too many reasons why the revolution didn't happen in China, but the point is innovation has been in our culture.

Just look at our government, name one country that has advanced so far in such a short time, most of the policies made in China had never been in place anywhere else, that's innovation you can see.

Second Communism, lack of freedom.

Really? Russian technology are still awesome, was Stalin the great freedom fighter? Hitler's army was one of the world's most advanced, of course except for Russians, which as I mentioned before also not free. Japanese under WW2 was not a free nation, but their navy was world class and had two of the largest battle ships ever created as well as submarine carriers, and a lot of innovations. First carrier air strike and such.

What they had that we lacked was a base for innovation, Japan had already been through the Meiji and had a strong industrial base, Stalin relentlessly industrialized Russia, while Germany under Bismark was advancing like they were being chased. All of them had a platform for their people to innovate, today's China is far less repressive than those, in fact if you are a regular person living in China, you won't even notice the "lack" of freedom. Because I don't know what you think China does to people, but Chinese people are pretty happy where pressure isn't too great like Shanghai and Beijing(Same is true in NY, LA, London, etc).

You can trust me when I say the thought police was not there when credible international organizations were doing their surveys, also cameramen are not arrested on the streets, just look at youtube.

But that's not the point, the point is, instead of freedom, what's actually needed is a developed work environment where our new engineers are working on the same level as Americans. How can we make better TVS like the Japanese when back then, nobody can afford a TV, how can we innovate cars like the Americans when back then people didn't even know the feeling of riding in one, how can we innovate in high speed rails when back then our people never knew it even existed.

But today we have all of that, and look at our smart phone market, pharm industry, IT, cars, ship building, weapons manufacturing(J-20 doesn't look like F-22 or F-35, if it looks the same to you, you need your eyes checked or take off the colored lenses), and all kinds of goods that are entering the international market with each passing year.

Most that come to China goes back thinking how different it is here, but of course, that difference came from being the exact same as everyone else. 9.3 Trillion dollar economy based on copying, why don't America make another one of us, since they don't like us that much. It's just copying.

I must be forgetting something, please, bring it to this discussion.
Why is everybody so upset over some ill-informed and rash opinions of online loudmouths who can't ascertain the discrepancy between copying and form following function?
you won't even notice the "lack" of freedom

China has restricted the ordinary Chinese people's internet freedoms. I'm sure you've heard of the Great Firewall of China.
Not only this, but China also happens to imprison the most political activists and journalists. The right to know and learn is heavily restricted and the people are kept in the dark.
I'm not even sure I can trust you when you say the Chinese people are free.
China employs thousands of internet police who try to portray China in a good light on the internet. For all I know, you're one yourself.
Chinese can't innovate because they have too much feminine blood. Most of them can't even grow beards like most men. Chinese are like feminist ..all talk, no substance. Girls like to copy and compete with each other too. Stealing, copying, gossip and moaning. One example, they are moaning that Japan is building up their army. What business is it theirs?

wow, you bring sexism into this. All talk no substance, really? As the second biggest and soon biggest economy we are the definition of no talk and all substance.

the japanese example is so hilarious, aside from the feminine aspect that you somehow attribute to Chinese is more prevalent in Japan, who do you think keep asking for transparency and low spending in Chinese military, lol. Good choice.

I won't stoop to your level and attack Turkey, because it is a friendly country, but you need help dude.

We have our own search engine, Baidu, own video sharing Youku and a bunch of others, we have our own social media Weibo, and such.

A lot of corrupt politicians are arrested due to social media, changes are happening in the country including environment and others because of social media.

China bans some western sites yes, it's not all for domestic industry, but some aspects of it is there.

Almost nobody is ever put into jail for these things, if they were the west would be all over that. China has open information, sure we block certain things, but mostly it is free, and if you really want to know, the firewall is not unbreakable.

You obviously live in a western world, don't believe all you are told, I won't try to change your mind, but not a lot of westerners comes back and looks at the western news and say I been living in a cave for the time I been in China.

Now it's funny you choose that sentence as I said that's not the point of this post, is China more repressive than Soviet, Germany Nazi, Imperial Japan, or even industrial revolution England and other European powers?

This is about innovation.
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Genesis - cool down. What many people admire about China is the solid belief in doing stuff quietly , without yelling / chest beating about 'we will do / can do/ should do / could do'. You guys ... simply keep your heads down and bring up surprises. I liked the way, much of the western world was tongue tied in amazement in how you guys put up a grandest of grandes shows for the Beijing Olympics. That was true innovation in art form (just an example). True, many inventions are copied but TRUE inventions from China have been documented since ages.

You must have had a bad day.. chill out. China isn't what it is if not for what it has shown in the recent years.
Chinese might have one of the biggest economies but because of its population it doesn't mean much. Most of Chinese live under poverty line and as most economist predict Chinese economy is paper tiger based on foreign demand. Projects are that demand will decrease. They are replacing production to third countries. I'm sad to say that China had its better days. From here it will go down hill. A great Chinese economic crises with disintegration.
Chinese can't innovate because they have too much feminine blood. Most of them can't even grow beards like most men. Chinese are like feminist ..all talk, no substance. Girls like to copy and compete with each other too. Stealing, copying, gossip and moaning. One example, they are moaning that Japan is building up their army. What business is it theirs?

And do please explain how you arrived at believing there's a correlation between tradition and feminism.

If you can.
We have our own search engine, Baidu, own video sharing Youku and a bunch of others, we have our own social media Weibo, and such.

Naturally. China has blocked Wikipedia, Google, Facebook and Youtube.

China has open information, sure we block certain things,

These two statements contradict eachother.

Now it's funny you choose that sentence as I said that's not the point of this post, is China more repressive than Soviet, Germany Nazi, Imperial Japan, or even industrial revolution England and other European powers?

I'm sorry for changing the topic, but it's hilarious how you try to spread the belief that China loves freedom and its citizens enjoy a happy life where they gather every weekend in the town square and sing Kumbaya while dancing with the ever-benevolent Chinese military.
Chinese might have one of the biggest economies but because of its population it doesn't mean much. Most of Chinese live under poverty line and as most economist predict Chinese economy is paper tiger based on foreign demand. Projects are that demand will decrease. They are replacing production to third countries. I'm sad to say that China had its better days. From here it will go down hill. A great Chinese economic crises with disintegration.

All modern economies rely on foreign demand to some extent; it's the crux of an open capitalist economy.
Naturally. China has blocked Wikipedia, Google, Facebook and Youtube.

These two statements contradict eachother.

I'm sorry for changing the topic, but it's hilarious how you try to spread the belief that China loves freedom and its citizens enjoy a happy life where they gather every weekend in the town square and sing Kumbaya while dancing with the ever-benevolent Chinese military.

At least ordinary Chinese live a much better live than you guys do.

Freedom is the last thing you can resort to when insulting China.
China has restricted the ordinary Chinese people's internet freedoms. I'm sure you've heard of the Great Firewall of China.
Not only this, but China also happens to imprison the most political activists and journalists. The right to know and learn is heavily restricted and the people are kept in the dark.
I'm not even sure I can trust you when you say the Chinese people are free.
China employs thousands of internet police who try to portray China in a good light on the internet. For all I know, you're one yourself.

Well, unless an "ordinary" life is defined as one that involves daily riots against a government post, revolution, and plotting against authority, it is doubtful that life in the country conforms to what is claimed by Western media behemoths.
Well, unless an "ordinary" life is defined as one that involves daily riots against a government post, revolution, and plotting against authority, it is doubtful that life in the country conforms to what is claimed by Western media behemoths.
And how has that worked out for them?
How long have the elite been ruling the country and how much has the nation changed?
The Chinese people live a cage. No matter how well-fed or safe they are, that's where they'll be all their life.

And guess what, Santa Claus lives at the North Pole.

I'm glad we nitpicked out all the shortcomings of common knowledge and sense.
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