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Chinese Blogger Says He Was Fired After Meeting With Kerry

“Right now, I’m just going to rest,” he said. “Then I’m going to study English, and try to find a way to go to the U.S. or some other country to study.”

Relatives of high ranking officials of China's govt do the same.
I think this is what he expected and wish for. Delivered what the American like to hear and get pay by US taxpayer. They have too much money they do not know what to do with anyway.
This link below is what this blogger send to Foreign Policy magazine.

The guy is obviously aiming to get famous!! If this doesn't get him fired, I am sure he would try something else.

Actually, the real reason he got fired is because he told on the internal operation of the internet company he worked for (tencent). Somewhat like a whistleblower on google for something like censorship or cooperation/handling over information to US government agency.

As far as the government is concerned, people that are in this business for substantial period know full well what the red line are.

Everything they say publicly afterward are just show for western public and media consumption.

The minute he accepted an invitation by the US embassy to have a publicity/propaganda meeting with Secretary Kerry, it is no longer disagreement within the family, it is a matter of state affair.

He has make his decision, so next he should try harder to get his name in the headline instead of just "well-known blogger"(Actually I don't think he is well known, I think most Chinese has no idea who the name refer to, but it is customary for western media to put that tag on).

Everything I Wish I'd Told John Kerry

Everything I Wish I'd Told John Kerry
A well-known blogger calls on the U.S. to deny visas to those responsible for China's Great Firewall.

On Feb. 15, I had the honor of sitting with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and several notable Chinese bloggers to discuss Internet freedom in China. During our meeting in Beijing, I found Kerry and his staff very warm, open, and willing to listen carefully to the voices of the Chinese citizenry. I left the get-together feeling excited that they had let us speak and ask questions so freely.

But our time, of course, was limited. Although I had the opportunity to ask Kerry to help tear down the so-called Great Firewall of censorship -- which makes some major Western sites like Facebook and the New York Times largely inaccessible to Chinese Web users -- I wasn't able to say everything on my mind. Here is what else I'd tell Kerry and his staff. I hope they're still listening:

Since 1949, Chinese dictators have robbed their people of their freedom, forcing the country's citizens to live in fear.Now, Chinese authorities are censoring and deleting some online speech, landing some online commenters in prison for speech crimes. China's people are still unable to freely access the World Wide Web. The existence of China's Great Firewall is an embarrassment not just to China but to the human race, and an open challenge to public justice and the public consciousness.

For many years, Chinese who aspire for freedom have spilled their blood and sweat fighting for it. Chinese people will continue to try to push down every wall erected by their dictatorial government, but if the United States could help in the effort to tear down China's notorious Great Firewall, it would help China realize Internet freedom sooner.

At present, some U.S. companies are helping Chinese authorities restrict Internet freedom, partly by blocking Twitter, Facebook, and other websites in China. There's no doubt that this conduct is a violation of our human rights. I hope that U.S. policymakers can investigate this matter, and if the facts warrant, take necessary measures to punish the companies responsible. I also call on U.S. authorities to deny visas to everyone involved in building and maintaining this wall. That includes Fang Binxing, who has designed many parts of the Great Firewall and whom many refer to as its "father."

Those Chinese currently imprisoned for speech crimes require our collective, sustained attention. I call on the U.S. government to use the power of diplomacy and public opinion to request China immediately free Xu Zhiyong, Liu Xiaobo, and other prisoners of conscience jailed for political reasons, and to refrain from any conduct that restricts their freedom.

Finally, I hope that the U.S. government can provide Chinese citizens with technology to allow them to scale the Great Firewall and access the worldwide Internet, not just the Chinese intranet. This will allow Chinese to understand the world around them more clearly, and it will encourage their quest for freedom. In the 21st century, free and open access to the Internet is one of the most important freedoms afforded to the human race. 1.3 billion Chinese people should not be an exception.

Translated by David Wertime
Many Indians are very loyal to their Anglo masters, and there is even one member here said that he would choose to die for the Anglo masters.

LOL says the guys whose own government treats them like morons and has to censor simple stuff that they see and read. Oh look an article in NYtimes-- don't let my minions read, they may go all mad if they read an opinion piece..:lol:
I hope China will condemn him to live in Michigan.

Pretty undiplomatic, cheap and rough rhetoric by the secretary of state of the greatest country that ever, ever, ever existed.

Kerry calls Snowden a 'coward' and 'traitor'

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry Wednesday called the whistleblower Edward Snowden a "coward" and a "traitor" in response to the latest comments Snowden made in an interview with NBC.

"Edward Snowden is a coward, he is a traitor and he has betrayed his country," Kerry told NBC. "And if he wants to come home tomorrow to face the music, he can do so."

"If this man is a patriot, he should stay in the United States and make his case," he said. "Patriots don't go to Russia, they don't seek asylum in Cuba, they don't seek asylum in Venezuela, they fight their cause here."

"The bottom line is this is a man who has betrayed his country," Kerry said in an interview with CBS, "He should man up and come back to the United States if he has a complaint about what's the matter with American surveillance, come back here and stand in our system of justice and make his case."

"We'd be delighted for him to come back. He should come back. That's what a patriot would do. A patriot would not run away and look for refuge in Russia or Cuba or some other country. A patriot would stand up in the United States and make his case to the American people," Kerry told NBC.

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