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Chinese Air Force's J-16 may play the core role in South China Sea combat


Oct 30, 2007
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When asked about China's trump card in sea and air command over the South China Sea region, military expert Du Wenlong told the media in an interview that cooperation between the J-10 series, J-11 series, J-16, KJ 2000, and KJ 200 - i.e. fighters and AEWs – gives China control over enemy targets in an extended airspace through strong air-to-air attack capability. A variety of airborne weapons form a relatively strong attack network.

Some of our fighters, weapons, and AEWs with air-to-ship attack functions can also meet the need for command over the sea.

In addition, we have advanced destroyers and frigates on the surface, as well as submarines operating under water. It should be pointed out that command of the air implies command of the sea. This means that the extraordinary air-to-air, air-to-sea, and air-to-ground capabilities of the J-16 enable it to serve as an air platform which can fulfill multiple simultaneous roles in the region.

If in the future our advanced AEWs are equipped with air-to-sea and air-to-ground reconnaissance and early warning technology, the accuracy and scope of their detection capability and their data transmission capacity will be significantly improved, while their capacity to command flight formations and air-to-sea operations will also develop rapidly. Therefore from this perspective cooperation between the J-16 and other fighters, along with the AEWs, will play a core role in establishing command over sea and air in the South China Sea region.

Chinese Air Force's J-16 may play the core role in South China Sea combat - People's Daily Online
Wenlong forgot to mention that the JH-7B,currently under trials flights in Xi'an,will also play a major role in resolving any conflict over the SCS。

Both J-16 and JH-7B can use the YJ-12 ASM to carry out standoff attacks。
Wenlong forgot to mention that the JH-7B,currently under trials flights in Xi'an,will also play a major role in resolving any conflict over the SCS。

Both J-16 and JH-7B can use the YJ-12 ASM to carry out standoff attacks。

What about the YJ-18?
How is the performance of those aircrafts if compared to SU-30MKs of Vietnam?
Wenlong forgot to mention that the JH-7B,currently under trials flights in Xi'an,will also play a major role in resolving any conflict over the SCS。

Both J-16 and JH-7B can use the YJ-12 ASM to carry out standoff attacks。

Why are they still using J-7 air design? Or is it different for jH-7B
How is the performance of those aircrafts if compared to SU-30MKs of Vietnam?

the J-16 is essentially the chinese version of the MKK, however the j-16 clear sport more updated gear, so overall the j-16 should have a solid advantage over the MKK and by extension the MKV.

Why are they still using J-7 air design? Or is it different for jH-7B

JH-7 has nothing to do with the j-7
J-16 is equipped with AESA and is able to fire Chinese made ammunition unlike Su-30MKK/MKK2 which can only fired Russian ammuntion. J-16 using far superior manufacturing technique like 3D printing can result in stonger structure and reduction of weight, therefore enhancing performance like increase payload or higher thrust due to decrease of weight.

Wenlong forgot to mention that the JH-7B,currently under trials flights in Xi'an,will also play a major role in resolving any conflict over the SCS。

Both J-16 and JH-7B can use the YJ-12 ASM to carry out standoff attacks。

JH-7 has a disadvantage that is it needs escort as it cannot dogfight, J-16 while is a strike fighter/bomber which shall be able to stand on its own when comes to defending itself like dogfight when necessary.
How is the performance of those aircrafts if compared to SU-30MKs of Vietnam?
Su-30mkk/Su-30mk2, J-16 and JH-7B all r anti-ship platforms, J-11B or J-10A vs Su-30mkv.

Both VN and CN have Su-30mk, Su-30mkv as similar as China Su-30mkk. Both also own Su-30mk2, PLAAF own 90x Su-30mkk/Su-30mk2 fighters.

J-16(Su-30mkk clone) is China produced Su-30mkk with updated electronic system and AESA radar, like J-11A/B China produced Su-27m.

1st group of J-16 flight
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I think China J-16 fighters will produce >100, coz the main purpose to replace Su-30mkk/Su-30mk2 in the future when 90x Russian Su-30m retired from PLAAF China produced J-16 could replace them.

What's the difference between China J-16 and Russia Su-30mkk ?
I personally think J-16 == Su-30mkk or better, rumor said J-16 install China AESA radar, and all J-16 components and sub-systems made in China by SAC. So Russian can decide how many Su-30mkk/Su-30mk2 sell to u, Chinese can decide how many J-16 we can build, that's different.
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What does "J" in all kind of fighters stands for? I could not find in wikipedia also.
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