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I won't blame the bollywood audience for not knowing what is "Wu Xia" genre, but I'm surprised Iranian does't know.

Wu Xia genre is based on chinese fantasy novel, no different from what the superheros in Marvel comics are to the Americans and the world. It is absurd to see the superheros with power and flying around?

Now contrast this with Bollywood, your day-to-day people fighting like superheros. If that's what Indian audience like, fine. What's laughable is the sheer stupidity of action scene and stunts. That's totally amateurish.

There is a reason why Wuxia wins awards and has international appeal. But your Bollywood don't. :laughcry:

Come on... you need to be fair and accept that your cinema or at least this genre suc*s. I don't want to intervene in these indian-chinese bashings in favour of indians, but, if we want to be fair, this genre is nothing but a bad joke. In indian movies, although they have some stupid unrealistic scenes but at least we see many dances, songs, and other happy moments, and you are in a good mood when the movie finishes.
Come on... you need to be fair and accept that your cinema or at least this genre suc*s. I don't want to intervene in these indian-chinese bashings in favour of indians, but, if we want to be fair, this genre is nothing but a bad joke. In indian movies, although they have some stupid unrealistic scenes but at least we see many dances, songs, and other happy moments, and you are in a good mood when the movie finishes.

I'm being absolutely fair here. Wu Xia has won international awards from Oscar to European ones, it has topped US box office and it has worldwide appeal. Not just for fight choreography, but the plot and cinematography. Of course, there're good and bad Wu Xia films. Perhaps, you've only seen the bad ones. Or you're simply not in the know about films.
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I'm being absolutely honest and fair here. Wu Xia has won international awards from Oscar to European ones, it has topped US box office and it has worldwide appeal. Not just for the fight choreography, but the plot and cinematography. Of course, there are good and bad Wu Xia films. Perhaps, you've only seen the bad ones. Or you're simply not in the know about films.

Honestly, I am not really interested in these types of movies. As far as fiction cinema is concerned, I am mostly in favor of what hollywood produces in this genre including science fictions and also some fictional historical movies and TV-series made by hollywood, like Game of Thrones.
BTW, I don't know why you get surprised about me as an Iranian, don't know too much about this genre. Sorry buddy, but as far as I know, Iranians are more interested in Indian movies , specially their older movies than Chinese movies. Maybe that's because their movies are culturally more close too us, and their movies are emotional and full of dances and songs. East asian, specially South Korean films also have a big number of audiences in Iran, but I think still Indian movies are more popular in overall in Iran.
Honestly, I am not really interested in these types of movies. As far as fiction cinema is concerned, I am mostly in favor of what hollywood produces in this genre including science fictions and also some fictional historical movies and TV-series made by hollywood, like Game of Thrones.
BTW, I don't know why you get surprised about me as an Iranian, don't know too much about this genre. Sorry buddy, but as far as I know, Iranians are more interested in Indian movies , specially their older movies than Chinese movies. Maybe that's because their movies are culturally more close too us, and their movies are emotional and full of dances and songs. East asian, specially South Korean films also have a big number of audiences in Iran, but I think still Indian movies are more popular in overall in Iran.

I'm surprised because Iran some good art house films, comparable to China and Japan. It gives me the impression that Iranian audience are more film-savvy than Bollywood audience.
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I'm surprised because Iran produce a good number of art house films, almost comparable to China and Japan. It gives me the impression that Iranian audience are film-savvy.
Yes, Our cinema is mostly influenced by European intellectuals cinema, and they are more interested in very so called "pure" artistic movies. BTW, this type of cinema, is not related to Wuxia genre. I see no connection between them.
But, this is not the only genre of cinema which is widely seen in Iran and specially common people prefer to watch other genres like Indian or Korean type of movies as well.

lol we don't care about the opinion of Iranians. Your country is isolated and your people are treated as dirt.
Iranians and Indians are kooky religious nutjobs.
We look down on Iranians and Indians.

Get lost troll. Chinese and also NK governments would be the last ones in the world to comment about how a government treats people in other countries.
Yes, Our cinema is mostly influenced by European intellectuals cinema, and they are more interested in very so called "pure" artistic movies. BTW, this type of cinema, is not related to Wuxia genre. I see no connection between them.
But, this is not the only genre of cinema which is widely seen in Iran and specially common people prefer to watch other genres like Indian or Korean type of movies as well.

You've missed the point, it's not about connection between the two. I'm under the impression Iranian audience are more film-savvy, hence, I'm taken back you weren't able to discern the different genres. Wu Xia is akin to fantasy/superheros. It cannot be compared to Bollywood's ludicrous action scene of a day-to-day man.
Yes, Our cinema is mostly influenced by European intellectuals cinema, and they are more interested in very so called "pure" artistic movies. BTW, this type of cinema, is not related to Wuxia genre. I see no connection between them.
But, this is not the only genre of cinema which is widely seen in Iran and specially common people prefer to watch other genres like Indian or Korean type of movies as well.

Get lost troll. Chinese and also NK governments would be the last ones in the world to comment about how a government treats people in other countries.

lol an Iranian lecturing China. I've seen it all now.
Iranian is a repressive state where women have zero rights. Iran is run by religious radicals.
Without us, your country would be back in the stone age courtesy of Israel. Your entire missile technology was given by China in the 1990's. Without us, Iran is just another Iraq.

Your welcome.
Now shoo.
You've missed the point, it's not about connection between the two. I'm under the impression Iranian audience are more film-savvy, hence, I'm taken back you weren't able to discern the different genres. Wu Xia is akin to fantasy/superheros. It cannot be compared to Bollywood's ludicrous action scene of a day-to-day man.

uhhh, now I got your point. In overall, you are right about Iranian audience, I have seen this genre of movies which they are simply called as Chinese genre in Iran as well. I was not familiar with the word Wu Xia, since it is simply called Chinese genre among Iranians ;)

lol an Iranian lecturing China. I've seen it all now.
Iranian is a repressive state where women have zero rights. Iran is run by religious radicals.
Without us, your country would be back in the stone age courtesy of Israel. Your entire missile technology was given by China in the 1990's. Without us, Iran is just another Iraq.

Your welcome.
Now shoo.

@haman10 what's your opinion about this stupid? ^^^^
It seems that you have not received your 50 cent today from the government and are angry.
Anyway, Iran has not receive the missile technology from Chinese. Iran received scuds in 90's from Libya and later North Korea. Koreans helped Iran in the first stages of developing missiles but now Iran is helping them in the technology. An example is satellite technology. you can kindly ask @SOHEIL to teach you about it, before opening your mouth.
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lol we don't care about the opinion of Iranians. Your country is isolated and your people are treated as dirt.

Iranians and Indians are kooky religious nutjobs.

We look down on Iranians and Indians.
Aye yellow man mind your words!
uhhh, now I got your point. In overall, you are right about Iranian audience, I have seen this genre of movies which they are simply called as Chinese genre in Iran as well. I was not familiar with the word Wu Xia, since it is simply called Chinese genre among Iranians ;)

@haman10 what's your opinion about this stupid? ^^^^
It seems that you have not received your 50 cent today from the government and are angry.
Anyway, Iran has not receive the missile technology from Chinese. Iran received scuds in 90's from Libya and later North Korea. Koreans helped Iran in the first stages of developing missiles but now Iran is helping them in the technology. An example is satellite technology. you can kindly ask @SOHEIL to teach you about it, before opening your mouth.

lol every Iranian missile is developed using technology transfer from China. Go read about Shahab missiles and your anti-ship missiles. All Chinese technology.

50 cent in Renminbi can feed 1,000 Iranians for a month considering the collapse of the Iranian currency lol. Do you realise how many Iranians would beg to get 50 cents in Renminbi.

Without us buying your oil, Iran would have no money and Iran would further spiral into a failed state.

Funny, you being so anti-Chinese when without our money, our weapons technology and our UN veto power, Iran would be back in the stone age.
lol an Iranian lecturing China. I've seen it all now.
Iranian is a repressive state where women have zero rights. Iran is run by religious radicals.
Without us, your country would be back in the stone age courtesy of Israel. Your entire missile technology was given by China in the 1990's. Without us, Iran is just another Iraq.

Your welcome.
Now shoo.

Why do you hate so much?

Love buddy, trust me you'll feel better :) <3 <3

@INDIC @Victory
Now, I understand more what you guys feel about those 50 cent trolls, and why.

Don't take his vitriol as an indicator of Chinese attitudes towards Iran. He's shaming his country here.
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