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China's movie market to rival Hollywood

they dont even hold up to bollywood, how the hell can they compete against hollywood?

for eg i just saw this bolly movie
(for those who do not know, this movie is based on India's war against the LTTE in sri lanka)

is there any movie in china that compares to this?
There many different genres of "Chinese" movies. Most HK produced movies I dislike with passions. I like most Chinese movies produced in China. Some of these movies are arty I found.

I watch some Hollywood movies (well you just can't avoid them living in the west). I avoid the pop Hollywood movies. I do like most Indie movies.

When I watched the west produced movies, I was aware it was all an act. When I watched a well produced Chinese movie, I felt I was in the movie myself. The acting was natural and true.

China is building a movie studio, a huge one, the largest in the world, bigger than Hollywood. I just hope the movies to be produced in China won't be polluted and turn into the gigantic fucks like Hollywood's.
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Do you mean movies and not the TV series? If you do mean the Korean Tv series, they have the tendency to picture the good side of Korea and only the GOOD SIDE. I've watched many Korean Movies and Tv Series. If you want the reality of Korea, watch Korean movies and not the TV series.
In the TV series from every boy, girl, street, house, apartments, country, cars, sidewalks everything is displayed in a grand style. It's not the true picture of Korea.

The korean soap opera is like turning mole hills into mountains. Something that takes 10 chapters to complete , they do it with 75 chapters. Complete waste of time.
wtf you should watch bollywood man it is so good :) Also all the Jackie Chan movies I have seen were in English

Here is a good Jackie Chan movie not in English - Little Big Soldier

under currrent political enviornment,China can't make good movies,the stringent censorship could strangle any movies to be considered out of line.but China does have the potential to buy into Hollywood and become one of its major share holders.

I remember when the Chinese complain how it's movie industry couldn't making a Kung Fu Panda equivalent movie. As you said there were many factors.

Defending Chinese Culture & Kung Fu Panda - Chengdu Living

There are many sensitive topics in Chinese discourse and few more sensitive than the edifice known as “Chinese culture,” so it’s no surprise that Chinese are hashing out the implications of another smash hit involving Chinese characteristics to come out of Hollywood, Kung Fu Panda 2.

Disregarding self-aggrandizing lunatics like Zhao Bandi, the discussion online (where discussions are their most “public”) revolves around a few questions:

Why can’t China produce a film like this? Is Kung Fu Panda a true representation of Chinese culture? What is Chinese culture?
Let’s take a closer look at these questions below:

If You Have to Ask …
For many commentators, the answer to the first question is simple. Censorship, rote learning and a politicized movie industry prevent great works with international appeal from coming out of Mainland China — Farewell my Concubine being one notable exception. Posts like this on Douban are representative of this view:

Last night I read online that the State Administration of Radio, Film, and Television pushed Transformers 3 and Harry Potter 7 to later time slots in order to protect Beginning of the Great Revival, I thought to myself, the Mainland wouldn’t hesitate to do such a thing. No matter if it’s true or false, everyone should think about it. Killing dis-harmonious elements and blocking outside forces as a means of weaponizing the cultural realm will ensure that we never create inspired work.

There are other works which follow the same theme, like writer NanQiao for the Oriental Morning Post’s, “A Look at How Hollywood Plays the ‘Chinese Elements’ Card,” which also goes a bit deeper into the issue. He begins by asking the question that every Chinese engaged with this topic is asking:

From Mulan to Kung Fu Panda, how come others can take our culture, turn it into a tasty meal and sell it back to us at a profit?
if you think thats good, watch a chinese kung fu movie. people actually fly half the time. effective mode of transport

Yeah, I know. Chinese movies are by far more hilarious than that video, specially their kung fu craps as you mentioned.
What Chinese exports except Jaky/bruclee (they r from Hongkong and get fame from hollywood) a BIG ZERO.....
if you think thats good, watch a chinese kung fu movie. people actually fly half the time. effective mode of transport
Yeah, I know. Chinese movies are by far more hilarious than that video, specially their kung fu craps as you mentioned.

I won't blame the bollywood audience for not knowing what is "Wu Xia" genre, but I'm surprised Iranian does't know.

Wu Xia genre is based on chinese fantasy novel, no different from what the superheros in Marvel comics are to the Americans. It is absurd to see the superheros with power and flying around?

Now contrast this with Bollywood, your day-to-day people fighting like superheros. If that's what Indian audience like, fine. What's laughable is the sheer stupidity of action scene and stunts. It's simply ridiculous and amateurish. (let's not even go into the plot)

There's a reason why WuXia wins awards and has international appeal. But your Bollywood don't.:laughcry:

Bollywood fights are no match to Chinese fights. Like making big hole in a building with a palm.

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