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China's just sent a rocket to the moon ,Why give $27 million aid

Star Wars

Jan 7, 2013
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China's just sent a rocket to the moon and is an economic superpower. So, Mr Cameron... why ARE we still giving them £27MILLION in aid?
(the heading is too big to fit)

Britain is still giving China millions of pounds in aid even though the Communist superpower is so wealthy it has just sent a rocket to the moon.

Official figures seen by the Daily Mail reveal that Britain gave Beijing £27.4million last year – making a mockery of ministerial assurances that the programme was to stop.

The revelation comes days after China flaunted its might by successfully landing a probe on the lunar surface. And only two weeks ago David Cameron went to Beijing to seek Chinese investment to improve Britain’s ailing infrastructure.

It is extraordinary that we are doing this while they send a mission to the moon. If these aid programmes are still continuing then I think Justine Greening needs to come to Parliament and explain what the justification is, because I can’t think of one.’

China has poured billions into its space programme. The landing of its Jade Rabbit lunar rover on Saturday was watched on state TV by 1.4billion Chinese.

Ministers have issued repeated assurances that aid to China has stopped, saying in 2010 that it was ‘not justifiable’ to send millions to an economic superpower.

But figures slipped out by the Department for International Development (Dfid) reveal that China – the world’s second biggest economy with almost £2trillion in reserves – received £27.4 million last year, enough to pay for almost 1,000 UK nurses.

It was one of 16 countries that supposedly had its aid programme axed following a review by Andrew Mitchell, then International Development Secretary, in 2011.

But Dfid figures reveal that 15 of the countries were still receiving a total of £131.9million British aid last year. Vietnam was given £51.5million, Cambodia £14.5million, Indonesia £11.3million and Kosovo £10.2million.

Smaller sums went to Angola, Bosnia, Burundi, Cameroon, Gambia, Iraq, Lesotho, Moldova, Niger and Serbia. Only Russia’s small aid programme was ended.

Ministers have faced persistent criticism for sending aid to countries wealthy enough to develop their own space projects.

India, which received £290million in 2012, last month launched a rocket to survey the surface of Mars. Nigeria was handed £208million despite being able to afford a programme to launch satellites.

Pauline Latham, a Tory member of the Commons international development committee, said she was ‘very surprised’ at the revelation, adding: ‘When China is sending missions to the moon it is quite clear they no longer need our help.’

Matthew Sinclair, chief executive of the TaxPayers Alliance, said: ‘Taxpayers expect UK aid to be helping people in the world’s poorest nations.’

A Government spokesman said it was right to continue to work with non-governmental partners on global issues such as economic growth and climate change.
( NGO's what ever they are doing it ain't good)

Last year’s aid package to China included almost £5million from the Commonwealth Development Corporation (CDC), which is owned by Dfid, and £22.5million from the Foreign Office.

A CDC spokesman said it had been ‘legally and contractually bound’ to hand over the money as part of an ongoing investment deal.

Why ARE we giving China £27m in aid? | Mail Online

:lol: DAILYFAIL :lol:
i remember chinese getting exited by similar news after MOM mission.what say now?
This aid goes for reasons other than assistance. Particular projects that promote sole British interests are financed perhaps.
i remember chinese getting exited by similar news after MOM mission.what say now?
China Development Bank (CDB) together signed loans of at least $110 billion to other developing country governments and companies, more than the World Bank over a similar period.

27 million pound is peanut. Compared to how much China have invested in Britain.:-)
27million$, such a cheap advertisement for the sun never sets empire
This reporter has no knowledge of how international politics works or is just being native and stupid at same time about it.
Humanitarianism and altruism are at least partly an objective for the giving of aid. It may have other functions as well: it may be given as a signal of diplomatic approval, or to strengthen a military ally, to reward a government for behaviour desired by the donor, to extend the donor's cultural influence, to provide infrastructure needed by the donor for resource extraction from the recipient country, or to gain other kinds of commercial access. From Former USAID official Carol Lancaster, in her book Foreign Aid.
The last part is definitely UK's reason for giving PRC aid regardless of its economic statues.
China or India doesn't need any aid from any country. Thank you very much and keep it with you. We are great countries and we will find a way to keep our people prosper as we have for thousands of years. :tup:
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