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China's GDP grows 6.8 pct in H1 - Xinhua


Feb 1, 2018
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China's GDP grows 6.8 pct in H1
Source: Xinhua| 2018-07-16 14:51:31|Editor: Liangyu

BEIJING, July 16 (Xinhua) -- China's gross domestic product expanded 6.8 percent year on year in the first half of 2018 to about 41.90 trillion yuan (6.27 trillion U.S. dollars), data from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) showed Monday.

The pace was well above the government's annual growth target of around 6.5 percent.

In Q2, China's GDP rose by 6.7 percent year on year, slightly lower than the 6.8 percent from the previous quarter but representing the 12th straight quarter that GDP growth rate has stayed within the range of 6.7 to 6.9 percent, according to NBS data.

China's economy expanded 6.9 percent in 2017, picking up the pace for the first time in seven years.

NBS spokesman Mao Shengyong told a press conference that the Chinese economy has been running soundly in the first six months, offering "a good start" for the country's pursuit of high-quality development with further restructuring progress and improved economic quality and efficiency.

The service sector expanded 7.6 percent year on year in H1, outpacing a 3.2-percent increase in primary industry and 6.1 percent in secondary industry, according to NBS.

Consumption continued to play a more prominent role in driving growth, with final consumption contributing to 78.5 percent of the economic expansion in January-June, up from 77.8 percent in Q1 and 58.8 percent last year.

The domestic job market remained stable in June, with the surveyed unemployment rate in urban areas at 4.8 percent, unchanged from the level in May and down 0.1 percentage point from June last year.

China's energy consumed per unit of GDP declined 3.2 percent year-on-year in H1, exceeding the initial target of having energy consumption per unit of GDP cut by at least 3 percent in 2018.

However, noting increasing external uncertainties and the fact that China is still going through a critical stage in structural adjustment, Mao said the country would stick to the supply-side structural reform and coordinate efforts to ensure stable and sound economic performance.

Commenting on China-U.S. trade frictions, Mao said its impact, if any, would have been limited on the Chinese economy in H1, and requires further observation to judge the potential impact on the economy in H2.

With the global economy deeply integrated, the trade frictions, unilaterally stirred up by the United States, would "affect the global economic recovery and sustainability of global trade growth," he told reporters.

For the rest of the year, Mao said China's economy would stay sound and stable as domestic demand is now the deciding force behind economic growth. He expects consumption to continue its upward trend, and investment to remain stable.

He said while external demand remains an important factor in growth, despite China's challenges in foreign trade in H2, there are still favorable conditions to support stable and relatively fast trade growth.



To the disappointment of many... Nominal GDP per capita Crossed $10,000 this year. Will become a high income country within 3 years.
But China is still a developping country.:p:
Sure! "developping country" 是我们现阶段的基本国策:cheesy:
I don't think we will officially claim a developed country even if we have crossed the $20,000 mark, despite someone claimed this title after crossed the $1,000 mark. :rofl:
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Sure! "developping country" 是我们现阶段的基本国策:cheesy:
I don't think we will officially claim a developed country even if we have crossed the $20,000 mark, despite someone claimed this title after crossed the $1,000 mark. :rofl:

China domestic market will generate so many global champions -- it is just beginning to mature. Then, growth in per capita GDP will accelerate. But, I think China will stick to, rightfully, developing country status for a long time to come. That strategically makes more sense.
China domestic market will generate so many global champions -- it is just beginning to mature. Then, growth in per capita GDP will accelerate. But, I think China will stick to, rightfully, developing country status for a long time to come. That strategically makes more sense.

Sure buddy. The true strength lies in our huge domestic market, this is why we don't care about Trump's threat:even if he decide to cut off business completely with us, all other countries in the world are lining up to do business with China. And also we can see that even with a GDP per capita of just $10,000, we are about to surpass the US as the world no.1 economy, and we still have a growth rate of around 7%, which is a dream number for most countries in the world. Just wait for 2 decades for our industries to become really mature, China will resume the historical position, when we contributed 60% of the world's GDP!
China domestic market will generate so many global champions -- it is just beginning to mature. Then, growth in per capita GDP will accelerate. But, I think China will stick to, rightfully, developing country status for a long time to come. That strategically makes more sense.
The problem is that, Under US sanction, King XI can not create enough jobs for hundred million Cnese workers and let poor ppl starve to death in dirty trash bin again. SO those poor Cnese will get angry and start up rising like Lybia, Syria :cool:
The problem is that, Under US sanction, King XI can not create enough jobs for hundred million Cnese workers and let poor ppl starve to death in dirty trash bin again. SO those poor Cnese will get angry and start up rising like Lybia, Syria :cool:
Lol, are you really a retarded? I donnot want to waste my time to educate you. Simple fact: if it is so easy to win us as what you idiot think, the USA has fired hundreds of expertises and impleted the policy long ago. Obviously the trade war is not so easy as the stupid Vnese thought. Whatever, no need to waste my time,your country is still no hope, specially with so many low IQ people.
Why is China's Aksai Chin under India's color in that IMF map? What the hell.
All international organizations are basically against China in one way or the other, including their stats as well...
This is nature and happened many times throughout history when a new power is trying to replace the old one, everyone is against it.
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