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China's Ford class supercarrier

Varyag nearing completion and looking good.






Correct. I rounded and shaved off too much.
I am now impatiently anticipating as China puts more carriers in the water.
You are wrong again, what brazil and Thailand have done is not what China wants to achieve. India after decades and decades of experience of operating an AC still NOWHERE near the more stablished powers. Its not easy, it takes time.

Of course China can and will do it, but to use your own logic, if it was easy, would zimbabwe, chad and congo not have done it already???

Bottom line - your logic is flawed.

What is true about the Americans is always criticising and insulting the Chinese because they were all jealous on China progress, growth and succeeded. India has being used as a tool to prevent China from catching up. Vaunting and exaggerating India plausible economy and military could match on China. The United States Imperialism is vanishing together with their economy and military is falling. Admit or believe it or not? It is so true.
Aye, the U.S. plan to use India to counterbalance China will be a big failure. ^^
US has over 80yrs of experience of building and operating aircraft carriers. Ford class supercarrier is a culmination of that experience.
Whereas China has zero experience with aircraft carriers. 0 to 100,000T is a mighty leap.

Well if you guys can claim that Virat is India's carrier.(although its russian) and now india is also saying that they are building new carrier in country................then China is much ahead in technologies than Indian..............whey can't she.
notice the vurved front of the ramp rather than a flat one...
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