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China's autonomous submersible makes maiden dive


Jun 28, 2012
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China's autonomous submersible makes maiden dive


2013-10-11 16:17:12

BEIJING, Oct. 11 (Xinhua) -- An unmanned autonomous underwater vehicle developed by Chinese scientists has successfully completed in a dive to 5,080 meters in the open sea, the State Oceanic Administration said on Friday.

The unmanned vehicle "Qianlong-1" is a robot that can travel to a depth of 6,000 meters.

The vehicle, tasked to explore the sea bed and collect hydrological data, is about 4.6 meters long, 1,500 kg in weight and 0.8 meters in diameter.

The vehicle, on board of the Chinese research vessel "Haiyang-6," left Honolulu, Hawaii, on Sept. 28 for the eastern Pacific Ocean and with the first dive on Oct. 6.

It operated underwater for about eight hours and successfully resurfaced.

This task is a trial run for the vehicle and the first time an Chinese autonomous underwater vehicle has been used for a scientific expedition.

The vehicle is the latest achievement in China's oceanic technological endeavors, following its a manned submersible and a remote-control underwater vehicle.

The manned submersible "Jiaolong" set a record in June 2012 by reaching 7,062 meters in the Pacific Ocean's Mariana Trench.

China announces new submersible craft for deep water research

Sept. 17, 2013

BEIJING, Sept. 17 (UPI) -- Chinese scientists say they plan to build a new manned submersible to dive as deep as 15,000 feet for scientific research on a majority of the Earth's seabeds.
China's current submersible, the Jiaolong, has dived successfully to a depth of 23,000 feet, putting China on par with the world's most advanced countries in the deep-sea submersible field, Hu Zhen with China Shipbuilding Industry Corp. said.

Hu is in charge of the technology development of the country's submersible program under the Ministry of Science and Technology.

Hu and his colleagues will undertake studies on developing a second deep-sea diving vehicle for the country's ongoing seabed research, China's state-run Xinhua news agency reported Tuesday.

The new submersible will have a number of new features not found on the older Jiaolong, including three crew seats and five windows for observing the seabed from different angles.

It will be easier and more comfortable for the crew to operate and is expected to be able to patrol most seabeds, including those in the South China Sea, Hu said.

Read more: New Chinese submersible to take crew of three to 15,000 feet deep - UPI.com
China's Unmanned Submersible Ready for Deep Waters



An unmanned submersible, named "Haima," or sea horse ROV, has passed its final field test, marking another step in China's drive to explore deep sea resources. [sjtu.edu.cn]

An unmanned submersible has passed its final field test, marking another step in China's drive to explore deep sea resources.

Named "Haima," or sea horse, the vehicle can dive a depth of 4,500 meters via remote control and has the highest proportion of China-made parts compared with the country's other submersibles, according to a statement released on Tuesday by the Ministry of Science and Technology.

Chinese scientists spent six years developing core technologies and making the machine, which went through multiple improvements following problems and malfunctions during tests in laboratory tanks and the ocean.

During tests, the vehicle achieved a maximum depth of 4,502 meters, and reached the central basin in the South China Sea for tasks such as deploying cables, collecting sedimentary rock samples and photographing.

The ministry said the vehicle enables the country to strengthen its hi-tech exploration of deep sea resources, and the ministry will cooperate with the Ministry of Land and Resources in devising work plans for Haima.

Meanwhile, Qianlong-1, another unmanned submersible still in the trial stage, is designed to travel to a depth of 6,000 meters and will be tasked with exploring the seabed and collecting hydrological data.

In 2012, Jiaolong, the country's most advanced manned submersible, achieved a record dive depth of more than 7,000 meters in the Pacific's Mariana Trench.

(Source: Xinhua)






Updated: 2014-07-15 07:17
Submersible's designers prepare to go deep

By Wang Qian (China Daily)

After a record dive to 7,062 meters below sea level by China's manned submersible Jiaolong in 2012, Chinese scientists are developing another submersible designed to reach 11,000 m.

"The Rainbow Fish submersible is expected to be built before 2020 and is designed to carry three people deep under the sea" said Cui Weicheng, chief designer of the vehicle and director of the Hadal Science and Technology Research Center at Shanghai Ocean University.

Cui, who also served as Jiaolong's first deputy chief designer and project leader, said its successful dive laid a strong foundation for the development of the new submersible.

"The new vehicle will help maintain the country's leading position in the global deep-sea submersible industry," Cui said.

Since 2012, when Jiaolong completed the deepest manned dive in Chinese history, the country has been part of an exclusive club of deep-sea submersible operators that includes Japan, Russia, France and the United States.

"We should take the lead and explore new depths," Cui said, referring to the new 11,000 meter goal.

That depth would mean the new vehicle could take Chinese scientists to Challenger Deep, the deepest known part of the ocean at about 10,911 meters.

Cui started his new submersible project in 2012, and 15 to 20 scientists and engineers will develop the vehicle.

Besides the Rainbow Fish manned submersible, the project covers the 4,000-ton mother ship, an unmanned submersible and three lander devices with designed depths of 11,000 meters.:enjoy:
The project is expected to cost hundreds of millions of yuan and will be supported by private investors and government funding.

"I have already raised about 200 million yuan ($33 million) to build the mother ship, which will be completed by next year, and 60 million yuan to build the unmanned submersible and the three landers," Cui said.

Cui hopes the project will be approved as the key national project in the 13th Five-Year Plan for science and technology.

"Even if I get a veto, I can complete it with private investment," he said, adding that overseas and domestic enterprises are welcome to invest in the project.

While Cui and his team are busy developing the new submersible, Chinese scientists and engineers are also accelerating their pace in deep-sea diving technology with improved submersibles and equipment.

In April, the Ministry of Science and Technology said the first China-made and China-designed remote operated vehicle with a design depth of 4,500 meters passed acceptance tests in the South China Sea.

Xu Qinan, Jiaolong's chief designer, said that under the country's innovation-driven development policy, the development of deep-sea technology would be conducted step by step and can contribute to global deep-sea technology.

I thought you were marrying a South Korean girl soon?
That was so out of topic. LOL That's why I was confused by what you said, "kimchi lover". LOL

Yeah we are getting married soon after she finishes her master degree. It is a destiny we are married when SK and China are becoming ally again. LOL
That was so out of topic. LOL That's why I was confused by what you said, "kimchi lover". LOL

Yeah we are getting married soon after she finishes her master degree. It is a destiny we are married when SK and China are becoming ally again. LOL

Congrats. I heard after a hot bowl of Samgyetang Korea women can transform into a tigeress, just so you know on wedding nite. ;):D
I wonder if this project would later be weopanized and how...
That was so out of topic. LOL That's why I was confused by what you said, "kimchi lover". LOL

Yeah we are getting married soon after she finishes her master degree. It is a destiny we are married when SK and China are becoming ally again. LOL

That was so out of topic. LOL That's why I was confused by what you said, "kimchi lover". LOL

Yeah we are getting married soon after she finishes her master degree. It is a destiny we are married when SK and China are becoming ally again. LOL

Is the big event gonna be this year? :D
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