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China will not risk economic ties with India for Pakistan.


Aug 17, 2010
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United Arab Emirates
It might be an 'all-weather ally' of Pakistan, but China is not prepared to treat India as an enemy as it would never want to jeopardise its whopping USD 60 billion trade with the country, eminent Pakistani author and watcher of the region, Ahmed Rashid, says in his new book.

Economic considerations mean that Pakistan can no longer rely on China for full or "unconditional support" to it against India, says Rashid, in his forthcoming book, 'Pakistan on the Brink: The Future of America, Pakistan and Afghanistan' that is slated to hit the stands on March 19.

"China wants a strategic relationship with Pakistan to balance a rising India, and Pakistan has shown a willingness to provide it."

"But China is not prepared to treat India as an enemy, as Pakistan wants it to; rather, China wants the two countries to live in peace, not in a state of proxy war," Rashid writes.

In his latest book running into more than 230 pages, Rashid says that once upon a time, China strongly supported Pakistan's position on Kashmir, but since the mid-1990s it is no longer the case.

"China has a massive USD 60 billion trade and business relationship with India, which it envisages will rise, six fold in the next ten years. China will not forsake that by throwing its support wholly and unconditionally to Pakistan," he says.

Many Pakistanis, he says, believe that if its relations with the United States finally break down, the lost economic aid can be replaced by China.

China is geographically close to Pakistan; it has in the past funded some major infrastructure projects, such as dams, ports, and roads; it has helped substantially with Pakistan's nuclear weapons and nuclear energy programmes; and it has provided the military with several billion dollars' worth of heavy weapons at cut-rate prices, tanks, ships, submarines, and fighter aircraft.

"But the China-Pakistan relationship is essentially military to military, rather than people to people. (Outside the military, Pakistanis don't visit China and don't speak Chinese.) The USD 9 billion trade between the two countries is heavily weighted in China's favour," Rashid says.

Rashid, who has authored several books, including "Descent into Chaos," which is now considered as one of the standard reference books on the region's recent history, argues that China cannot oblige Pakistan the way the United States does.

"It does not give cash or loans for budgetary support - it gave only one loan of USD 500 million in 2001.

"It does not give development aid. In fact, Beijing has no government development agency to distribute such aid," Rashid says, adding that during the 2005 earthquake and the 2010 floods, China's financial help was negligible, and many Pakistanis criticised its lack of presence.

The Americans provided hundreds of millions of dollars and dozens of helicopters, but the Chinese provided neither, Rashid writes.

"Moreover, China lacks the clout the United States has with the international lending institutions that are so vital to Pakistan, and with the Europeans and Japan, who are Pakistan's main aid providers," he says.

"China is now just as deeply concerned about Pakistan's failures and the growth of extremism there as the United States. Its diplomats discreetly point out that Pakistan cannot even protect Chinese citizens, several of whom have been killed.

"China is also deeply concerned about the inability of the government to carry out economic reforms," Rashid says.

In addition to this, China is now increasingly becoming worried about extremism and the threat that it now faces from Islamic militancy at home.

Read more at: China will not risk economic ties with India for Pakistan: Author Rashid : Americas News - India Today
It doesn't even have to be stated.

India is a great asset to have for any country and Pakistan, at the moment at least, is a grave liability.

Pakistan just isn't good business.

Our trade with China will soon reach the figure of $ 100bn.

How much is Pak-China trade? $ 9bn.

IMF has recently come out with a very grim report about Pakistan's ecnomic state.

The figures just do not make sense for one to bet on Pakistan.

The volume of trade is not 60 $B. This figure was for 2010. It 75 $B for 2011. 15 $B increase in trade in one year. It is more of Chinese in the grip of Indians then the other way round, as the trade deficit is in Chinese favour

We consume and they produce :D
Sadly its the truth....

BEIJING: The visiting External Affairs Minister, S.M. Krishna, on Wednesday said India hopes to reach the 100 billion dollar trade with China by 2015.

"At the bilateral front, we have discussed our growing trade relationship. We are confident that we would be aiming and we should be able to reach the 100 billion dollar trade between the two countries by 2015. As it is, we have crossed 74 billion dollars. So, I do not think that we have set a target, which we will not be able to achieve," said Krishna.


China will not break its ties with India as it is the growing market for its products (highest number of middle class and youth population). Also China is not going to break its ties with Pakistan as it is China's gateway to middle-east, a safe transit route for its oil supply and to the resource rich Afghanistan ex. Ayanak mine (copper) etc. Instead of ending the article with pointing out the inability of pakistan govt. the author should have stressed on the role and need of China to play in improving the ties of Indo-Pak and need of joint task force to combat terrorism in China, Pakistan and India.
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