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China wary of India's rise: Pentagon

sir with all due respect, chinese are one of the most rational people. just look at the progress they have made.

I do not contest that, i know they are the best progressing country in the world. But the interactions between a majority of cihnese have been filled with more arrogance than logic. In india atleasst if you take 10 indians atleast you get 3 to 4 logical people. Which unforutnately was not the case before chinese daragon.. especially if we take the post history of our chinese members..!!!

However its my persnoal opionion and i know what i see with my two eyse is not the entire world. And hope to see the majority rational and logical chinese in this forum more.
Pakistan is one of China's oldest friends and most reliable allies. They are also vital in terms of geostrategy, they open up Central Asia and the Muslim world to China. We can't just give up Pakistan, they are one of our oldest and strongest allies!

So why can't China+India+Pakistan ALL be friends? What can possibly be gained from conflict with another nuclear-armed nation? The only result will be nuclear annihilation, no one will benefit from that.

If we care about the lives and livelihood of ALL the Asian people, we should let these old wounds heal and join together for the future. :cheers:

I agree with you partially...but friend,friendship is not possible with Pakistan unless it stops sponsoring terrorism into India....Pakistan should learn from its mistakes
Pakistan is a land of different civilizations that are all united....

as an ethnic Pashtun, i take STRONG offence to being labelled within same ''civilization'' as a bharti

there is a difference between Faith, Ethnicity and Civilization.

In this region we had Basically 2 civilization, Indus Valley Civilization and Persian Civilization and their cultures matched 80% to each other. More over same. Even the faiths were same because they learnt from their own culture.

That's why India and Iran are bonded with each other because of similar cultures and tradition, Irrespective of faith.

Greeks(Europeans) came tried to invade but lost to our Civilization and went back.
Chinese Civilization was separate behind the Himalayas, but Bodhidharma from South India has a significance role in Chinese Civilization and faith.
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Chinese Dragon - If there are people like you in the Chinese and Indian government then there is no reason why India and China cannot be friends.

I also agree with you - maintain the status quo on the border and concentrate on trade and economy.

Come to China and see for yourself. :cheers:

Most Chinese people have a deep respect for Indian culture, and Indian people.

There are a lot of Chinese ultra-nationalists on the internet, but don't be fooled.

Visit China and see for yourself what the average Chinese person thinks of Indian culture. There is a LOT of mutual respect there.
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Come to China and see for yourself. :cheers:

Most Chinese people have a deep respect for Indian culture, and Indian people.

There are a lot of Chinese ultra-nationalists on the internet, but don't be fooled. Visit China and see for yourself, what the average Chinese person thinks of Indian culture. There is a lot of mutual respect there.

I really want to come to China, possibly in the next 2 years. :cheers:
Correction, Indian and Pakistan are more or less the same civilization

(no matter how much the Pakistanis deny it and claim to be descendents of Invaders :azn: )

I agree with first part of your post and for the second part,
Dude, we don't deny.. Historically, we are your Ancestors!!!
(now don't take it in a negative sense).
I really want to come to China, possibly in the next 2 years. :cheers:

I have lived all across China for my whole life, and I have never seen such ultra-nationalism like I do on internet forums.

Believe it or not, but most Chinese people are down-to-Earth and greatly respectful of other cultures.

I'm sure you will see this for yourself when you visit. :cheers:

Please don't pay attention to ultra-nationalists on internet forums, they aren't representative of our people.
This at best looks like an age old article..China has moved to CSS-6.
CSS-3 was 1960's and cold war.
On to a more serious issue...I don't think either China or India are wary of eachother....I mean they have great trade links...and that will only expand in the future....so there is no reason for them to be cautious of one another.
Please compare the above sentence in bold with the information in the below link:-

Civilization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How is India and Pakistan NOT the same civilization?

i clearly stated how i felt, take it or leave it. Your own choice.

I've never had ancestors from hindustan, never had any old kin who remotely had anything to do with hindustan. I'm relieved about that.

but that is quite off topic, so chuck it
i clearly stated how i felt, take it or leave it. Your own choice.

I've never had ancestors from hindustan, never had any old kin who remotely had anything to do with hindustan. I'm relieved about that.

but that is quite off topic, so chuck it

But Hindustan/India/Bharat was very wast in past

"Bharat's empire covered all of the Indian subcontinent, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgistan, Turkmenistan, and Persia."

Bharata (emperor) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

anyways let's stick to the topic plz.
Justin however the Bharata could be a myth..there is no evidence in such a thing did happen....only evidence is from Hindu scriptures...and sorry to say I don't think that is a reliable source to some people. Abu Zolfiqar is right though....his ancestors are in no way linked to the Hindustan region.
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