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China warns Philippines, Japan: ‘We won’t compromise on territory’


Mar 21, 2013
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United States
United States
April 10, 2014


WASHINGTON – Chinese Defense Minister Chang Wanquan has warned the Philippines and Japan not to test China’s resolve to safeguard its national sovereignty, security and territorial integrity, saying the Chinese military can be assembled quickly to fight and win any battle.

The Chinese official raised the warning in a joint press conference in Beijing with US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel.

Chang said territorial sovereignty was a core Chinese interest on which “we will make no compromise, no concession, no trading.”

“Not even a tiny bit of violation is allowed,” he said.

A transcript of the Tuesday conference was released by the Pentagon in Washington.

For his part, Hagel, who is on a three-day visit to China, said the Philippines and Japan were long-time allies of the United States.

“We have mutual self-defense treaties with each of those two countries and we are fully committed to those treaty obligations,”
he said.

Chang accused the Philippines and Japan of stirring up troubles for China. He said the Philippines did its math the wrong way.

Manila earlier submitted a memorial or written pleading to a United Nations tribunal in The Hague on its territorial disputes with Beijing when “the fact is that it is the Philippines who illegally occupy part of China’s islands and reefs in the South China Sea.”

China has made clear on several occasions that it does not accept and will not participate in the international arbitration initiated by the Philippines but stands ready to resolve the issue through bilateral negotiations, Chang said.

On the dispute between China and Japan over islands in the East China Sea, Chang said China has indisputable sovereignty over Diaoyu Islands (called Senkaku by Tokyo), Nansha Islands, and their adjacent waters.

China created an air defense identification zone (ADIZ) over the East China Sea in November 2013, particularly over an area that includes islands at the heart of a bitter dispute with Japan.

There are fears in Manila and Washington that Beijing, which claims almost all of the South China Sea at the expense of the Philippines, Vietnam and Malaysia, among others, may be poised to also create a similar ADIZ over the South China Sea.

Referring to the ADIZ at the press conference, Hagel said every nation has the right to establish air defense zones, but not unilaterally with no collaboration or consultation.

“That adds to tensions, misunderstandings and could eventually add to and eventually get to dangerous conflict,” he said.

In later remarks at a the People’s Liberation Army National Defense University in Beijing, Hagel said America’s rebalance in the Asia Pacific was a reaffirmation of its long standing bonds of history, commerce and friendship throughout the region.

“That is not – must not be, nor will be – at the exclusion of strengthening our relationship with China,” he said.

Referring specifically to the Philippines and Japan, he said both were long-time allies of the United States.

“We have treaty obligations with those two nations and we will honor our treaty obligations. But make no mistake that disputes need to be resolved peacefully, diplomatically, within the framework of international order based on international law,”
he said.

China warns Philippines, Japan: ‘We won’t compromise on territory’
I just hope they don't start some war . Rest they can fart as much as they want.

Man, i don't want to see another crisis. :cheesy: Japan vs China can be very dangerous :mad: for world economy.
what is the meaning of peaceful settlement if this is the stand.
What are they talking about.
There's no fair game with China.
USA continue to prove that they are responsible to their ally.
- B52 to illegal ADIZ of China
- reassure the protection to Taiwan
- protection to Japan and Phillipines

China continue to prove they are not friend to anyone.
The core interest always put into dispute and outside.

The core weakness would be in the inside core ...
There's no fair game with China.
USA continue to prove that they are responsible to their ally.
- B52 to illegal ADIZ of China
- reassure the protection to Taiwan
- protection to Japan and Phillipines

China continue to prove they are not friend to anyone.
The core interest always put into dispute and outside.

The core weakness would be in the inside core ...

China will not invade Japan or Phillipines. But mark my words, China will take back Taiwan like Russia took back Crimea. Taiwanese are all Chinese people and speak Mandarin Chinese.
China will not invade Japan or Phillipines. But mark my words, China will take back Taiwan like Russia took back Crimea. Taiwanese are all Chinese people and speak Mandarin Chinese.

Why you don't try to take Matsu or Kinmen islands controlled by Taiwan first ?
Do you need 2 Liaoning AC to do so ?

It lasts nearly 70 years and you still don't dare

China will not invade Japan or Phillipines. But mark my words, China will take back Taiwan like Russia took back Crimea. Taiwanese are all Chinese people and speak Mandarin Chinese.
If taiwanese what to join china no one can stop it,its up to the people of taiwan to decide.if you force the issue,it will be like eating the not fully cooked food,you wont be able to digest and create complications depending on what and how much you eat.
If taiwanese what to join china no one can stop it,its up to the people of taiwan to decide.if you force the issue,it will be like eating the not fully cooked food,you wont be able to digest and create complications depending on what and how much you eat.

Then let the Taiwanese people have a referendum. My bet is they'll want to join China. China is 9.6 million square kilometers and has high tech industries. Taiwan is only 36,000 square kilometers and has nothing. Taiwan lives in the shadow of China.

Why you don't try to take Matsu or Kinmen islands controlled by Taiwan first ?
Do you need 2 Liaoning AC to do so ?

It lasts nearly 70 years and you still don't dare

It's only a matter of time.
Why you don't try to take Matsu or Kinmen islands controlled by Taiwan first ?
Do you need 2 Liaoning AC to do so ?

It lasts nearly 70 years and you still don't dare


We gave Taiwan a chance to not completely sever all the ties with Mainland China.
The two troublemakers, Japan and Phillipines, started it. First Japan provocatively nationalizing Diaoyu. Second, Phillpines coast guard try to impose their will against our fisherman leading us to cock their head.
We gave Taiwan a chance to not completely sever all the ties with Mainland China.
whats the meaning of peaceful settlement of disputes and how does this statement fit in,wont you think if you already have fixed mind,then whats the point of talking.
whats the meaning of peaceful settlement of disputes and how does this statement fit in,wont you think if you already have fixed mind,then whats the point of talking.
We already said, our peaceful settlement means bilateral negotiation. The Philippines want to bring other non-relevant party into a bilateral dispute. Do you think it's fair? What the US, Vietnam, Japan had anything to do with China-Phillpines dispute? Should we involve in the settlement between the Vietnam-Phillpines own territorial dispute? In fact, should we be part of a party in the South Korea-Japan dispute?
There's no fair game with China.
USA continue to prove that they are responsible to their ally.
- B52 to illegal ADIZ of China
- reassure the protection to Taiwan
- protection to Japan and Phillipines

China continue to prove they are not friend to anyone.
The core interest always put into dispute and outside.

The core weakness would be in the inside core ...

Like how US treat Ukraine and Georgia? :lol: US dare not even send delta forces to hunt down the terrorist who killed their US ambassador in Libya. Fancy talk about standing up for Japan and Pinoy for few pieces of rock? US now is the number one big talker and do nothing.
whats the meaning of peaceful settlement of disputes and how does this statement fit in,wont you think if you already have fixed mind,then whats the point of talking.

If pinoy start shooting us and use forces to evade our fisherman, they are the one who violate the peaceful settlement. And China has the right to reach them the lesson. Remember piniy coast guard fired and killed unarmed Taiwanese fisherman. They are the one who start the violence and don't try to blame other who try to use peaceful means to settle issue as aggressor. Typical cheap shot by Indians.
We already said, our peaceful settlement means bilateral negotiation. The Philippines want to bring other non-relevant party into a bilateral dispute. Do you think it's fair? What the US, Vietnam, Japan had anything to do with China-Phillpines dispute? Should we involve in the settlement between the Vietnam-Phillpines own territorial dispute? In fact, should we be part of a party in the South Korea-Japan dispute?
you dont have to bring in 3rd party in,my question is if you already have a set mind then whats the point of having even a bilateral negosiation.

If pinoy start shooting us and use forces to evade our fisherman, they are the one who violate the peaceful settlement. And China has the right to reach them the lesson. Remember piniy coast guard fired and killed unarmed Taiwanese fisherman. They are the one who start the violence and don't try to blame other who try to use peaceful means to settle issue as aggressor. Typical cheap shot by Indians.

Did you see me accusing anyone,i asked a simple question.
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