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China trying to improve ties with India: think-tank

then its better to keep your a&& shut fugly slant eyed chink.
dont whine about your vote.

Another racist indian with an america flag or just a genuis white american cowboy?

Post reported/

He's obviously an Indian, he called me a "fugly slanty eyed chink" in response to this post:

I'm not complaining, I am very happy that India gave us a reason not to support India for a UNSC permanent seat.
keep reporting.you are simply an chinese a%% licker


Keep trolling,abusing u lil ..... ur parents would be proud..... now i can go all racist n all.. but hey not everybdy is an uneducated racist ...k like u .... so keep trolling till the mods slap ur stupid a-- back to the g... u came from.

---------- Post added at 10:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:10 AM ----------

It's not even a surprise.

When I see an Indian here, the chances are pretty high that sooner or later he's going to be calling us "slanty eyed chink faggots".

Just avoid them shytty trolls.... like u always do.
And why would we want to do that?

We have a strong strategic relationship with Pakistan, and a big trade surplus with India.

Best of both worlds.
Now what has this gotta do with Arunachal Pradesh?

The only way to deal with China is to act tough and call their bluff like the oil drilling in Vietnam waters where India told the Chinese to lay off and mind their own business.

And then China has just announced that the waters of the Brahmaputra would not be diverted keeping India's interests in view. This after a strong protest to China to stop work on their dam forthwith. After all, there's a $60 billion trade between India and China (projected at $100 billion by 2015) that could be jeopardized.

Two can play this game, what? :pop:

China has no other option. Its applicable to India too. I guess pakistan won't like it, just my personal view.
China has no other option. Its applicable to India too. I guess pakistan won't like it, just my personal view.

Chinese government will do what's best for China. It's Pakistan's job to convince it that a strategic alliance is in China's long term interests. India, of course, will try to do the same.
i'm in agreement with a comment CD made a while back. When GOI acts like it has a pair, other nations will treat it with respect.
If CPC wants better ties, I'm all for it. But we need to be prepared to stand our ground for any eventualities
China is just calling India's bluff.

On the one hand, India talks about Asian solidarity, BRIC, etc. On the other, it plays up the Chinese 'threat' to squeeze more goodies from the west.

Doesn't same goes for pakistan??? f16's for WoT?

---------- Post added at 12:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:24 PM ----------

Your politicians are with us. :azn: They will never get rid of the trade deficit.

It is their own unique way of "bribing" us. And it only costs a few tens of billions every year.

Thats really shallow, you are a big economy so you have to brag about it by bringing up trade deficit?
So what r u gonna do abt it? troll in a thread which has nothin to do with Pakistan or WOT or even F-16? u guys r so desperate to troll.

troll??? Thats hillarious coming from you... every one knows your caliber to troll here.. i was just replying to the guy who dragged bric and asian solidarity... and please keep your righteousness to yourself... you gotta problem with my post report it .. dont post your bs replies
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