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China to Build Second Foreign Naval Base, This Time in Pakistan

Last I would want to Learn is "Aukaat" from a Pakistani. Funny Boy !
Old man ! You very well know your "Aukaat" I just pointed it out as a gentle reminder. The very fact that you guys come here with tongues out panting speaks volume how much you are not concerned about a "failed nation".
Old man ! You very well know your "Aukaat" I just pointed it out as a gentle reminder. The very fact that you guys come here with tongues out panting speaks volume how much you are not concerned about a "failed nation".

You dont always get to bully your neighbor do you? Come on, dont be naive !! Look around, we have been pulling each others pants for 6 long decades.
You dont always get to bully your neighbor do you? Come on, dont be naive !! Look around, we have been pulling each others pants for 6 long decades.
You claim to have all the "resources" to reign in a "failed State" yet you don't and still cry here and there.
You claim to have all the "resources" to reign in a "failed State" yet you don't and still cry here and there.

Only a very few take the risk of buying or adopting things that are broken. We are not confident enough if we could fix you, you are better away than with us. India has no intentions to expand, not atleast towards west.
Only a very few take the risk of buying or adopting things that are broken. We are not confident enough if we could fix you, you are better away than with us. India has no intentions to expand, not atleast towards west.
Yeah we know how much you guys are not interested.
Why would we need to waste our resources on you when you by the virtue of your very own intellect are doing worse than what probably India could ever do to you.

Ah! so cute!! Especially coming from an Indian.

Pakistanis believe that humans are Ashraful Makhlooqat which means superior beings to other animals. On the other hand, Indians believe that monkey, elephant, snake, cow are superior beings to humans and even (Nauzubillah) gods. Indians are so devoted to their beliefs that they often engage themselves in drinking piss from one of these animals

Now what were you saying about Pakistan's intellect?
Ah! so cute!! Especially coming from an Indian.

Pakistanis believe that humans are Ashraful Makhlooqat which means superior beings to other animals. On the other hand, Indians believe that monkey, elephant, snake, cow are superior beings to humans and even (Nauzubillah) gods. Indians are so devoted to their beliefs that they often engage themselves in drinking piss from one of these animals

Now what were you saying about Pakistan's intellect?

Not all Indians are Hindu's !! Speaks a lot about your intellect now

Yeah we know how much you guys are not interested.

Thanks for now you have finally realized.
Not all Indians are Hindu's !! Speaks a lot about your intellect now
My intellect says Hindus are a majority in India and thus stand by my references to Hindus as Indians. But if it bothers you that much then read it again and replace India to Hindu. Don't be surprised if you find out that Hindu is considered synonymous to India even in the Sanghi nation.
My intellect says Hindus are a majority in India and thus stand by my references to Hindus as Indians. But if it bothers you that much then read it again and replace India to Hindu. Don't be surprised if you find out that Hindu is considered synonymous to India even in the Sanghi nation.

What ever it may be that your intellect teaches you, majority of us Hindus dont see India as Hindu . Pity your intellect that you have to barge in with religion to prove a point. I respect all religions therefore I am in no mood to insult Islam.
War on the "So Called" Terror if you may rightly frame. Neither the research on cow mutra nor semi illiterate chai wala has been of any threat to your esteemed presence amongst failed nations(A by product of your exquisite scientific researches topped with a robust and elite political class), something which the world over should probably adopt.

Your low intellect and poor IQ has made you obsessed with useless lists taking you away from facts and hard realities.

But then there is no cure here. It is because of the same low IQ of your ugly inside and outside nation that you replaced an economist with a chai wala.

Last I would want to Learn is "Aukaat" from a Pakistani.

Saying that on a Pakistani forum.

As another member said. Know your auqat. Don't brag. Be an "insan ka bacha" even if it is difficult for you.

And everything would be fine.
Your low intellect and poor IQ has made you obsessed with useless lists taking you away from facts and hard realities.

But then there is no cure here. It is because of the same low IQ of your ugly inside and outside nation that you replaced an economist with a chai wala.

A capable Chai Wala is on any given day a better option than an Economist who turns a blind eye on loot. Rather my intellect has enabled you to ponder deep inside you, as far that as I consider it a success.

Saying that on a Pakistani forum.

As another member said. Know your auqat. Don't brag. Be an "insan ka bacha" even if it is difficult for you.

And everything would be fine.

I would have had the same prescribed for you had that not been said already !! But since you seem to know quite a lot about Aukaat, You probably should teach that your kind and get a dash for yourselves first, or it'll all turn out to be all hat and no cattle.
What do you mean by far out missions? Those are diesel electric subs but not some nuclear subs. Those have to come over surface for resupply of food and fuel and I think those will be unfit for far away missions.

Inaddition, PN is not a blue water navy, and have shown no militiary interests outside Arabian sea. For sure, those 8 subs will be there to safegaurd Pakistani ports and as an option for 2nd strike capability.
Do not worry Nuclear sub is also cumming!
I dont know why are you so happy with this news. IMO, a Chinese naval base in Jiwani will be an invitation to hostile agencies, and to counter Chinese threat, they may try to target CPEC supply routes or further destabilised an already upset Baluchistan through terror funding.
Inadditon, the presence of foreign troops on Pakistani soil will undermine the forces'abilities. Why do you think it is more important to please others rather than peace in our own country?
Peace come through power

Last I checked, the US won the Cold War.

My friend, why are you worried about what happens to the US?
My reference to Afghanistan was to point to what happened to afg post the Cold War. If Pakistan is the next staging ground, are you willing to handle the mess that will ensue? More than what’s already happening in pak without the Cold War 2.0?

Well right now we are at the threat stage. The US outside of withholding aid hasn’t even used its cards. So I would be careful what you wish for.

Nevertheless, I’m happy that Pak is sticking to its guns. Hopefully it ends well for Pak.
As an Indian and naturalized American, i certainly don’t want another war, esp not in India’s neighborhood.
Pakistan deep state establishing strategic balance in the world.
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