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China-Tibet Relations, Past & Present


Dec 30, 2008
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The Tibetan legislature has decided that March 28th will commemorate the end of feudal serfdom in the autonomous region.

Monday's session of the regional legislature endorsed a proposal for setting up the annual "Serfs Emancipation Day".

On March 28, 1959, the central government announced it would dissolve the aristocratic local government of Tibet, and replace it with a preparatory committee for establishing the Tibet Autonomous Region.

The move came after the central government foiled an armed rebellion staged by the Dalai Lama and his supporters, most of whom were slave owners attempting to maintain serfdom. That meant the end of serfdom and the abolition of the hierarchic social system characterized by theocracy.

About 1 million serfs and slaves, accounting for 90 percent of Tibetan population in the 1950s, were then freed.
Can you spell Propaganda !! take the train to Lhasa and see for yourself , what the Tibetans want !
Can you spell Propaganda !! take the train to Lhasa and see for yourself , what the Tibetans want !
It's history fact,not merely propaganda.dalai lama is also good at propaganda.but in fact he is a serfowner.
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Can you spell Propaganda !! take the train to Lhasa and see for yourself , what the Tibetans want !

you can just ask them whether they want an indian passport or a Chinese passport. I saw a Tibetan monk in the airport on my way back, he holds the Chinese passport heading to india.

you can just ask them whether they want an indian passport or a Chinese passport. I saw a Tibetan monk in the airport on my way back, he holds the Chinese passport heading to india.


sir shchinese i tell you i have been to Tibet a few times. and most Tibetan don't like the idea to be part of china. then again which country doesn't have such issues. India have Kashmir , Pakistan have Baluchistan china have Tibet.
i personally think for the prosperity of Tibet they should be part of china. but china should create it as special zone , with certain changes in its laws.
What a joke - let Tibetans practice their religion and culture before declaring celebrations on their behalf.
sir shchinese i tell you i have been to Tibet a few times. and most Tibetan don't like the idea to be part of china. then again which country doesn't have such issues. India have Kashmir , Pakistan have Baluchistan china have Tibet.
i personally think for the prosperity of Tibet they should be part of china. but china should create it as special zone , with certain changes in its laws.

we did.

this week, a memorial day dedicated to the date when the Dalai Lama was removed and millions of serfs got liberated past the local legislation and will become a regional holiday starting from March 2009.

i would also expect more changes in india, for example, how about set up more schools for girls? how about set up more public hospitals and buy less Russian fighters?

since you have been to China several times, tell me do you still believe the military spending in india is reasonable given its 1) failed education 2) public healthcare, 3) non-exist woman rights?

one thing: half of your female population could read / write, that is according to the United Nation and the World Bank, that is the universal truth which can be denied by any educated people.

please fix your own problem before suggesting the above crap to your neighbor, your home is like a dump site, your people are dying at 64, your army is operating hundreds of Su-30 threatening both or your large neighbors.

What a joke - let Tibetans practice their religion and culture before declaring celebrations on their behalf.

let more of your female citizens to get proper minimal education before having any more brainwashing national day parade.

Literacy in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

your regime just can't deny the very basic human right - the right to get proper education and the chance to develop yourself, while spending trillions of dollars on war of invasion in the years to come.
we did.

this week, a memorial day dedicated to the date when the Dalai Lama was removed and millions of serfs got liberated past the local legislation and will become a regional holiday starting from March 2009.

i would also expect more changes in india, for example, how about set up more schools for girls? how about set up more public hospitals and buy less Russian fighters?

since you have been to China several times, tell me do you still believe the military spending in india is reasonable given its 1) failed education 2) public healthcare, 3) non-exist woman rights?

one thing: half of your female population could read / write, that is according to the United Nation and the World Bank, that is the universal truth which can be denied by any educated people.

please fix your own problem before suggesting the above crap to your neighbor, your home is like a dump site, your people are dying at 64, your army is operating hundreds of Su-30 threatening both or your large neighbors.

shchinese i have a Chinese mother and whole mother side Chinese family and you n me both know life in china isn't as good as you been yapping about. yeh India is far behind and i am no speaker for whole nation as well. but i know one thing that at least 40% of my sibling from my mother side are living outside china looking for better future. (our's kwok family - just in case if you think we are some Tibetan).. and i been all around the globe i can tell you with full confidence that you talk like a -FOB. grow up sir.:crazy:
as i know LIFE IN CHINA its like a life in a fish tank. yeh you live more in a fish tank than you live in a muddy river.;)
shchinese i have a Chinese mother and whole mother side Chinese family and you n me both know life in china isn't as good as you been yapping about.

really? I have not even described what kind of life I have in Beijing/Shanghai.

yeh India is far behind and i am no speaker for whole nation as well.

the gap is even bigger than the one we have with the US.

but i know one thing that at least 40% of my sibling from my mother side are living outside china looking for better future. (our's kwok family - just in case if you think we are some Tibetan).. and i been all around the globe i can tell you with full confidence that you talk like a -FOB. grow up sir.:crazy:

:crazy: next time make sure you go to North Korea, their people believe they have the best system/life, this is so similar to you guys.

as i know LIFE IN CHINA its like a life in a fish tank. yeh you live more in a fish tank than you live in a muddy river.;)

fish tank in China

muddy river in india
poor little shchinese - sh chinese oh shchinese you are such a yoda! lol

you are so good at going off topic always. you are first Chinese i know who talk so much nonsense. dear you need to go out of your room and go abroad to see what our fellow Chinese are doing. this is Tibet serf emancipation day topic - and related to that truth is - a few week back i was in Sydney and when the Olympic torch arrived there. i saw lot of Tibetan protesting. Tibetan don't want to be part of china.
and if you have television in your country you must have seen what happned in france , europe , america , and most other Asian country.

free Tibet slogan is one of the most known!
where as i told you my personal opinion - Tibet will be best with china its in their own interest. china is doing some, they need to do more!!!!!!
poor little shchinese - sh chinese oh shchinese you are such a yoda! lol

you are so good at going off topic always. you are first Chinese i know who talk so much nonsense. dear you need to go out of your room and go abroad to see what our fellow Chinese are doing. this is Tibet serf emancipation day topic - and related to that truth is - a few week back i was in Sydney and when the Olympic torch arrived there. i saw lot of Tibetan protesting. Tibetan don't want to be part of china.
and if you have television in your country you must have seen what happned in france , europe , america , and most other Asian country.

free Tibet slogan is one of the most known!
where as i told you my personal opinion - Tibet will be best with china its in their own interest. china is doing some, they need to do more!!!!!!
poor little shchinese - sh chinese oh shchinese you are such a yoda! lol

personal attacks like this won't gain you any credit on any civilized forum.

you are so good at going off topic always. you are first Chinese i know who talk so much nonsense. dear you need to go out of your room and go abroad to see what our fellow Chinese are doing. this is Tibet serf emancipation day topic - and related to that truth is - a few week back i was in Sydney and when the Olympic torch arrived there. i saw lot of Tibetan protesting. Tibetan don't want to be part of china.
and if you have television in your country you must have seen what happned in france , europe , america , and most other Asian country.

1. the Olympic torch never arrived in Sydney, it arrived in ACT and was welcomed by the owner of the land with their traditional ceremony. how a few refugees comment on the torch doesn't affect anything.

2. we can also help to divide india into multiple states. by peaceful manner or with forces if necessary.

free Tibet slogan is one of the most known!
where as i told you my personal opinion - Tibet will be best with china its in their own interest. china is doing some, they need to do more!!!!!!

better human rights for all females live in india. <50% literacy rate is just criminal, anti-human, crap.

you clean up such crap yourself or one day we can help to liberate all your mum and sisters to make sure they can have equal rights in terms of education and employment.

To some indian who pretend some kind of experts about China here in this forum, please answer this simple question:

In 1962, at the end of China-Indian war, why China returned all the territory they had captured during the war to India?

sir shchinese i tell you i have been to Tibet a few times. and most Tibetan don't like the idea to be part of china. then again which country doesn't have such issues. India have Kashmir , Pakistan have Baluchistan china have Tibet.
i personally think for the prosperity of Tibet they should be part of china. but china should create it as special zone , with certain changes in its laws.

Tibetans have culture of their own,and of course it will taking time for Hans and Tibetans feel familiar about each other,though we had the same ancestor thousands years before,named ancient Qiang.so does India minority in several regions.

but something CPC had done to benefit 90% Tibetans shouldn't be forgotten.and not merely Tibetans,CPC emanicpated all the serfs in China,including Hans.

It's not dalai lama who had emancipated slaves and serfs,he will never do that if he were in Tibet.You may meet those your Tibetan friends whipped if there were no CPC.
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