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China suspected of violating the embargo N.Korea

Nov 10, 2011
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China suspected of violating the embargo Korea
Apr 19, 2012

UN officials are investigating allegations that China provides the launch pad for North Korean missiles capable of violating the ban on Pyongyang developed nuclear weapons and missiles of this organization .

AFP's leading source IHS defense magazine Jane's Defence Weekly said on day 19.4.

According to AFP, The IHS Jane's Defence Weekly quoted a senior official close to the Commission sanctions the Security Council of the United Nations (Security Council) said that a group of experts is suspected China provided missile launcher for North Korea and will be investigated.

Security Council Resolution 1874, prohibiting North Korean missile launch ICBMs and other countries banned arms sales, missile technology exchanges with Pyongyang.

Mobile rocket above the truck military WS-51200, 16 wheels, 20 m long appear in big parade in Pyongyang on the occasion of 100 years 15.4 birthdays tried President Kim Il Sung.

According to the Chosun Ilbo and IHS Jane's Defence Weekly, the defense experts said the Chinese WS-51 200 used to transport produce and launch intercontinental ballistic (ICBM).

The South Korean military source revealed a Chinese company has been manufacturing and exporting a WS-51200 8 in the period 2010-2011.

According to Chosun Ilbo, if Pyongyang uses the WS-51200 in the parade, Beijing may be in violation of Security Council resolution 1874.

But Baek Seung-Joo - Research Institute of Korean defense - told AFP: "If China is the WS-51200 export to North Korea for the purpose of trade, Beijing does not violate resolution 1874 whether Pyongyang used the WS-51200 for what purpose. "
China suspected of violating the embargo Korea
This is an abomination. Hum, what is Nato waiting for ?
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