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China supports 'East Asian Community' concept


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China supports 'East Asian Community' concept
Updated: 2009-09-17 20:26

BEIJING: China on Thursday expressed support for the idea of creating an East Asian Community mentioned by Japan's newly elected Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu commented on the idea in response to a question about China's attitude towards it.

Hatoyama has said his government would promote the long-term idea of an East Asian Community modelled on the European Union with a common currency.

Jiang said it is a long-term objective of East Asian cooperation to establish an East Asian Community to promote lasting peace in East Asia and boost the economic and social development of the region in a comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable way.

"It is also the consensus of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) as well as China, Japan and Republic of Korea," she told a regular press conference.

China is committed to working with East Asian countries including Japan to further deepen cooperation in the region and striving for the goal of an East Asian Community, Jiang said.
This is what I have been expecting since early 1970s.

This is indeed a good move. Also China is the bridge between East Asian and Central Asian civilizations.
Its great that China and Japan cooperate well with each other.

With China and Japan's successful economies and China's strong military, China will become the most powerful nation on earth.

Its great that China and Japan cooperate well with each other.

With China and Japan's successful economies and China's strong military, China will become the most powerful nation on earth.


And the highway between China and Iran through Pakistan and Turkey will make the north West China a true melting pot of diverse cultures and civilizations.

And trade and commerce will benefit the East Asia as well as Central Asia. Pakistan is supposed to play a vital role in this trade and cultural exchanges.
Pakistan has good relations with Japan also.

But China+Japan (Chippon ?) would be a powerhouse economy!
If Japan is willing to `switch', at least to be more neutral, China will certainly welcome it. But China will not pay a dime for it.

We gain the heart of Pakistani because when they were in dire need, we are there to help. When China was in similar dire need and was willing to go that far as to forgive Japanese war crimes against us, Japan failed to seize the opportunity to make up with China, they simply played with us. Like our Pakistani brothers, we never forget.

Japanese will never pass the test we `require' to become a true friend of China.
dealing with japanese people ? there is a loooooong way to go

I understand the sentiments of both people Chinese and Japanese, but understand Asia, hopefully has reached a milestone, it has reached a new chapter, where one of it's most leading states Japan has returned and has shaken off the US colonial domination, or is beginning to. With the newly elected government of Japan declaring itself as a nationalist party, a pro-military party, pro-Asian cooperation and friendship party, this new party in Japan's led by newly elected Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama is endeavoring to change the dynamics regarding Japan and it's relationship with the Asian states.

His new government has announced it will distance itself from the US, by removing as many US military bases, reducing US personnel, less involvement in US affairs and less accepting US dictation and orders.

It will be a great day for Asia as a whole when the Japanese raise a new military after 60+ long years and begin an independent foreign policy.

The past maybe bitter and very regretful between China and Japan, but a new opportunity presents itself, both China and Japan ought to take an advantage of it.
Push Sino-Japan ties to new level: Wen
(China Daily)
Updated: 2009-09-17 08:01

Premier Wen Jiabao sent a congratulatory message yesterday to Yukio Hatoyama.

"As each other's important neighbor, efforts to deepen the mutual trust and cooperation between China and Japan are in keeping with the fundamental interests of both nations and their peoples," Wen said.

He expressed hope that Japan and China will work together to push for fresh development of their Strategic Relations of Mutual Benefit ties, starting from a new historic threshold.

Meanwhile, Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi also sent a congratulatory message to his newly appointed Japanese counterpart, Katsuya Okada.


(China Daily 09/17/2009 page1)

Source: Push Sino-Japan ties to new level: Wen
I guess I am too old to be excited by this title. We've been there, done that. It's a thing of the past, Japan failed to seize the opportunity to make up with China when China was in need and even willing to forgive Japanese war crimes against us. Like Pakistani, we regard those who are willing to help us in dire need are our true friends. When we needed the Japanese (after WWII), they simply played with us (to gain economic/political interest from US).

India/Japan is a match made on earth. :rofl:
Besides, Japan is overly-crowded. Man, have you ever been to a hotel room in Tokyo? I think Japanese will be mostly interested int Indian TATA cars. :woot:
I guess I am too old to be excited by this title. We've been there, done that. It's a thing of the past, Japan failed to seize the opportunity to make up with China when China was in need and even willing to forgive Japanese war crimes against us. Like Pakistani, we regard those who are willing to help us in dire need are our true friends. When we needed the Japanese (after WWII), they simply played with us (to gain economic/political interest from US).

India/Japan is a match made on earth. :rofl:
Besides, Japan is overly-crowded. Man, have you ever been to a hotel room in Tokyo? I think Japanese will be mostly interested int Indian TATA cars. :woot:

" It's a thing of the past, Japan failed to seize the opportunity to make up with China when China was in need and even willing to forgive Japanese war crimes against us."

Yes but that was the old Pro-US Japanese Government which really acted like a US puppet. The point is there is a new Government in Japan with major plans for East Asian cooperation, this is a good thing

Can you really expect the old Pro-US Japanese government to work for better relations with China and other Asian nations when the US barred Japan from establishing such policies and plans...?

Let us wait and see the future developments of China and Japan..
I guess I am too old to be excited by this title. We've been there, done that. It's a thing of the past, Japan failed to seize the opportunity to make up with China when China was in need and even willing to forgive Japanese war crimes against us. Like Pakistani, we regard those who are willing to help us in dire need are our true friends. When we needed the Japanese (after WWII), they simply played with us (to gain economic/political interest from US).

India/Japan is a match made on earth. :rofl:
Besides, Japan is overly-crowded. Man, have you ever been to a hotel room in Tokyo? I think Japanese will be mostly interested int Indian TATA cars. :woot:

Like I said before, it only during dire times do you discover who your TRUE friends are.

Likewise, there's a famous chinese Idiom that goes like: "Those you fawn over the strong, but look down on the weak are to be despised of!"

That is why in my life, I stand up for the weak and suffering AND stand up against the strong and evil. This is opposite nearly everybody who instead kowtow towards bullies and shy away from doing what is right -- instead they covet wealth and power at the EXPENSE of exploiting others! This is to me most SHAMEFUL!
Yes but that was the old Pro-US Japanese Government which really acted like a US puppet. The point is there is a new Government in Japan with major plans for East Asian cooperation, this is a good thing

True. But don't forget the civilian feelings will never change (or can't change in a short period of time in unit of generations)
In an unlikely scenario, even if Pak goes down the Path so desired by US, China will never have trouble to find her own crowds of friends in Islamabad. :)

Whatever is happening is only politics.
Furthermore, I would like to point out the following:

We should remember that Japan is split into 3 groups: (1) right-wing imperial facists, (2) the ingorants, (3) those who care and desire Asian common prosperity and brotherly love.

Concerning group (1) -- they are trash.

Concerning group (2) -- be patient and help them to understand.

Concerning group (3) -- open your hearts to them.

This is the way of the ancients. This is the way of the wise. This is the way of Confucius!
can japanese abandon its japan usa alliance and consider china more important than that?? now the japanese new emerging politicians just see the rising china as a counterbalance to usa and jump over there to seize opportunities for economic gain....and also japanese never paid up what they made to malaysia and singapore, just because we are not as big as china and korea for them to notice our discontent...
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