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China spruces up highway to Aksai, India moves troops


Nov 4, 2011
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China spruces up highway to Aksai, India moves troops
Surya Gangadharan, CNN-IBN
India | Updated Jul 14, 2012 at 07:52am IST

New Delhi: The threat from China looms large on India in the wake of improved roads and a proposed railway line through the disputed region of Aksai Chin. In a few weeks from now, China's ability to transport troops and equipment from bases in its North West and East to the Indian border would have improved dramatically, thanks to repairs and upgrades to key highways including the one running through Aksai Chin.

Indian Army sources say repairs and upgrades to the Western Highway running 1,900 km from Urmuqi in Xinjiang (an autonomous region located in the northwest of China) to Lhasa in Tibet also include the portion which cuts through Aksai Chin.

The repairs to the highway will enable faster movement of forces in case of a confrontation with India in Aksai Chin.

Even more serious a threat is the railway line that China plans to start work on by 2017. This line will cut through Aksai Chin will run parallel to the Western Highway.

Sources say the combination of an improved all-weather highway, further strengthened by the presence of a railway line, will dramatically boost China's ability to transport vast number of troops and equipment to the Indian border. Add to that the 2,000 km Central Highway from Golmud to Lhasa and the 2,200 km Eastern Highway from Kunming to Lhasa, that have also been improved and both of which run along the border with India.

The Indian Army has responded by moving observation units and patrols closer to the Line of Actual Control. A major build up of forces is underway in Ladakh.

However, because of the lack of all-weather roads, the Chinese, it is widely acknowledged, have the advantage over India.
China spruces up highway to Aksai, India moves troops - India News - IBNLive
I think its wake up call for India and its needful to develop tremendous infrastructure in full swing near LOC which enables to restrict future Chinese aggression in great extent.
Chinese army should aggress upon India to take back our land from east to west as soon as posible before the advantage fades out.
I think its wake up call for India and its needful to develop tremendous infrastructure in full swing near LOC which enables to restrict future Chinese aggression in great extent.

India should deploy one million troops to china border in fully prepared conditin to threaten them.

Go india Go........an opportunity to start the one front of two front war...........go india go
India should deploy one million troops to china border in fully prepared conditin to threaten them.

Go india Go........an opportunity to start the one front of two front war...........go india go

First Manage your Country Affairs and we don't need any advice from any country to manage our affairs. Give Some Advice to your country to Stop Drone, people exploding every other day in bomb attacks etc etc...
Chinese army should aggress upon India to take back our land from east to west as soon as posible before the advantage fades out.

In return IN may Cut your Life line from "Straits of Malacca"
China can only bully Small Neighbors by issuing countless warning's from "Ministry of Warnings"

India should deploy one million troops to china border in fully prepared conditin to threaten them.

Go india Go........an opportunity to start the one front of two front war...........go india go

One Honest question'

Where Your Country stands today ?
In return IN may Cut your Life line from "Straits of Malacca"
China can only bully Small Neighbors by issuing countless warning's from "Ministry of Warnings"

One Honest question'

Where Your Country stands today ?

honest reply...dunno about future...but for now...nowhere
There is not a damn thing the Indian military can do to stop the PLA.
Indians can only have fantasies.

Indian military is a very poorly equipped, poorly trained, poorly integrated military with little to no tactical or strategic capabilities.
It's a very rag tag military typical of all 3rd world countries.

Indian military can brag all they want but their entire military will be lucky to last more than a few hours if the PLA used full force.
Using full force on the Indian military will be condemned by the west because the Indian military is outclassed in every way possible by the PLA.
It's an unfair fight.
In return IN may Cut your Life line from "Straits of Malacca"
China can only bully Small Neighbors by issuing countless warning's from "Ministry of Warnings"
Not only "bulying" small countries, but also "beating" big countries, like beating india in 1962, and US-leaded Union army!!!
And, in fact, before 1962 war, china also issue many warnings to India, I think at that time you thought the warning was countless, right?
And your generals seems like criticising PLA "invade" your land more than hundred times, does it? can call it "warning"?
Chinese army should aggress upon India to take back our land from east to west as soon as posible before the advantage fades out.

The advantage already faded out in 1970, when Indian army became a million.

Event to corroborate that for that is PLA's walking out on Pakistan in 1971, when Pakistan was in need of PLA the most

Not only "bulying" small countries, but also "beating" big countries, like beating india in 1962, and US-leaded Union army!!!
And, in fact, before 1962 war, china also issue many warnings to India, I think at that time you thought the warning was countless, right?
And your generals seems like criticising PLA "invade" your land more than hundred times, does it? can call it "warning"?

China warned India in 1965 and 1971 as well, but never showed up?
There is not a damn thing the Indian military can do to stop the PLA.
Indians can only have fantasies.

Indian military is a very poorly equipped, poorly trained, poorly integrated military with little to no tactical or strategic capabilities.
It's a very rag tag military typical of all 3rd world countries.

Indian military can brag all they want but their entire military will be lucky to last more than a few hours if the PLA used full force.
Using full force on the Indian military will be condemned by the west because the Indian military is outclassed in every way possible by the PLA.
It's an unfair fight.

LMAO! Poorly trained/poorly integrated? hahahaha Indian Army is one of the best rained tplus India has training academies where officers/cadets from all over the world come to get training. :)

Indian Military Academy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Military academies in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also one of the best integrated.


Plus I'm wondering how would average shorter-than-indian-soldiers chinese face indian soldiers in hand to hand battle. Indian Army MAYBE a LITTLE BIT poorly equipped than Chinese Army, but that's why Indian forces are going through modernisation.
I think its wake up call for India and its needful to develop tremendous infrastructure in full swing near LOC which enables to restrict future Chinese aggression in great extent.

Developing 'tremendous' infrastructure requires 'tremendous' amount of money......
Now, if taxpayers money is invested in infrastructure then how will our politicians get rich??

How can we deny our politicians their 'birth-right' to loot India......
China warned India in 1965 and 1971 as well, but never showed up?
So, China also "bully" you, in the two times, before "endless" warning from china, you know when to stop, you learn from 1962, you are not too fool. Don't know whether you told your "allay" viet these?
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