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China solar giant Suntech declares bankruptcy

Bhai Zakir

Jun 26, 2012
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China solar giant Suntech declares bankruptcy

SHANGHAI: China's Suntech reached its zenith as the world's largest solar panel producer, but has plunged to the nadir of bankruptcy in just a year, highlighting the woes of the industry it shaped.

The New York-listed company on Wednesday declared bankruptcy and would reorganise, China's official Xinhua news agency said, though Suntech declined to immediately comment.

Oversupply as Chinese producers flooded the global market and trade disputes over alleged Chinese dumping caused a sudden and spectacular reversal of fortunes for Suntech, which last week defaulted on repayments for a $541 million bond issue.

The board ousted the company's renowned founder just days ago, after 12 years in which he led it from nothing to world market domination and then to the edge of ruin, leaving it scrambling to secure new funding and hold creditors at bay.

The global solar industry has been burned by the economic slowdown in Europe and the United States, together with weak prices blamed on Chinese companies which sought to build market share by undercutting competitors.

The European Union and United States last year targeted Suntech and other Chinese solar panel and cell makers, accusing them of selling their products at below cost and receiving "unfair" government subsidies.

Suntech, a private sector company, denied the allegations but made no secret of its aim to keep prices at rock bottom, which it said made solar energy available to more people.

Analysts said Suntech's business model, deliberately pushing down prices to capture larger market share despite narrower profit margins, contained the seeds of its own destruction.

"What (Suntech) has done is increase supply to the market so much, that they really almost can't sell anything at a profit now," said Ben Cavender, associate principal of China Market Research Group (CMR) in Shanghai.

Suntech, headquartered in China's eastern city of Wuxi, recorded a net loss of $1.0 billion in 2011, from a profit of $237 million in 2010, according to company filings. The firm has yet to report financial results for 2012.

Once an investors' darling, its New York-listed shares have plunged from a high of $90.00 in early 2008. They closed down 7.81 per cent at $0.59 in New York on Tuesday.

"It is going to be difficult for them going forward," Cavender added. "You might end up seeing a very different company down the road."

Suntech said earlier this month it would shut a manufacturing plant in the United States in a bid to "rationalise" production capacity.

Analysts said Suntech faced a problem common to Chinese private firms, growing rapidly in the country's economic boom but becoming unwieldy and unmanageable as it turned into a vast corporation.

"Suntech, as a private firm, went too fast in its expansion," said Liu Wenping, a partner in Shanghai-based solar investment consulting firm Sapphire Capital.

"The founder, with the role of scientist-entrepreneur, didn't have the experience to manage such a big company with tens of thousands of workers."

China solar giant Suntech declares bankruptcy - The Economic Times
@any member:
Is it overproduction that have led to bankrupty ?

Over production and selling the products at very cheap price, they got the subsidy from Chinese Govt. and they tried to out run the competitors and in the mean time they went into losses.

@KRAIT India can produce lots of goods in the next decade and can even become a goods producer for China, since chinese are getting older and their wages are getting increased.

The west stood tall by their innovative products even the wages are more in western countries but same cannot be said about Chinese.
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@any member:
Is it overproduction that has led to bankrupty ?

Its the cheap rates and unfair trade practices that causes the burst.

More chinese companies will face the same as their only upper hand is the cheap price and unfair trade practices.

Now, is china is dumping its goods in the name of aid to the countries like sri lanka, BD, pakistan and African nations.
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Slow and Steady is the way to Go, When it comes to Chinese they over do themselves. :big_boss:

Its the cheap rates and unfair trade practices that causes the burst.

More chinese companies will face the same as their only upper hand is the cheap price and unfair trade practices.

LOL, so the failings of one company merit the generalization that "Chinese over do themselves."

You guys are completely against generalization in the other threads on Indian social issues, maybe you should try not generalizing against others too.
LOL, so the failings of one company merit the generalization that "Chinese over do themselves."

You guys are completely against generalization in the other threads on Indian issues, maybe you should try not generalizing against others too.

Chinese wanted their economy to Sprint when the western economies(Customer base which made china a factory of the world) are in the verge of collapse.

This is a wrong strategy.
Bankruptcy common practice for companies to shed off debt and start new...
Chinese wanted their economy to Sprint when the western economies(Customer base which made china a factory of the world) are in the verge of collapse.

This is a wrong strategy.

This is just one company. Our national economy is growing fine, unlike yours which only grew at 4.5% in the last quarter.

It's so easy to tell others they are wrong. One company doing badly is not a reflection on how the Chinese people are "overdoing" ourselves.

Or other cheap comments like how our only advantage is unfair practices. If it is so easy then why don't you do it.
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