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China should learn from 'guru' India

again india vs china BS!

This thread is not about India V/s china but some troll with some type of complex is making it like that.

This thread is about a book written by a successful Chinese businessmen "Pan Song" about "what china can learn from India"
1. You can first learn some manners to start with. Though, i know being shameless 50 cent army solder don't care about shame or manners.

2. Get real India is the 2nd fasted growing economy in the world and its a fact. So when a troll says India is not even half way to the fastest growing economy a hard slap of fact on his face.

You can't Google the facts and CPC sensors biedu that's not my problem.

3. As for super power thing not all Indians says that but even those who says are talking about future but a troll can't see any reasoning because he just want to post maximum post to earn 50 cent.

Hu Shih, former Ambassador of China to USA said: India conquered and dominated China culturally for 20 centuries without ever having to send a single soldier across her border. :wave:

by calling every post in favour of china is a 50 cent trollers , this shown how ignorant pathetic and stupid the kind of person u r, then again they dont said u had an iq of 81 for nothing. looool
Guys pls pm mods with the racist posts instead of replying to trolls, they thrive on it.

Check every thread not pampering their ego (check the taiwan missile thread) and see the systematic offtopic trolling that goes on to destroy the thread. Please pm mods with such trolling as replying only serves their purpose. Thanks.
by calling every post in favour of china is a 50 cent trollers , this shown how ignorant pathetic and stupid the kind of person u r, then again they dont said u had an iq of 81 for nothing. looool

Bro, thats ok, there are some area we need to learn from Indians, here is one, they got the ability to glorify something which normal people will puke into a thing of beauty and value;

Does your Pepsi lack pep?

Is your Coke not the real thing?

India's Hindu nationalist movement apparently has the
Guess what is it?:cheesy:

See, credits need to be deliver when its due, they are super power in propaganda and we are miles behind.:argh:

your rant are classic of a 50 cent troll

According to you "despite Sichuan earthquake caused by US magnetic bomb and CIA funded Tibetan and Ouighour riots." :woot:

As for biggest event, killing of millions in name of cultural revolution and great giant leap forward was also the biggest events, no where in the world millions of people get killed by their govt.

You are so obsessed with "western media" that you failed to read that its a book written by a successful Chinese businessmen, who has more brain more money, more success then you can ever have.

Killing millions of people was due to Mao Zedong ideology of cultural revolution and great leap forward leading to famine. However this is not exclusive to Chinese Communist Government. Indian Govt had been responsible of million of death due to economic failures leading to worst famine compared to China in the 50's to the 80's. Japanese Imperial Governemnt and its infamous Unit 731 are responsible for mass killing of civilians in Manchuria and Nanking in World War II. Israeli Government killing Palestinian civilian in Gaza. US bombing of civilians in Iraq and Afganistan. Govt of Zaire massacre in the 90's. Bosnain civilian killing in Yugoslavia. I will not talk of Westerners African and South American colonization.:p:P:china::pakistan:

I read it and it confirms my'troll'. This article is dated in Jan 2010 and it confirms CHina is far ahead India in almost everything except in WMD (Weapons Of Mass Destruction) procurement. So this article mentioned that the growth rate of India is more sustainable given that the stimulus package in China will create a real estate bubble leading to possible financial collapse. But what we see in June 2010. The financial collapse happens not in China but in Greece, Portugal, Spain, Iceland and now Hungary. Eurozone is falling apart and China is still going strong and EU begging China to lend money and buy EU treasury bond to rescue EU's economy. Conclusion India surpassing China is a Western media myth. We will see in 2020 if we are still around!:china::pakistan:
This thread is not about India V/s china but some troll with some type of complex is making it like that.

This thread is about a book written by a successful Chinese businessmen "Pan Song" about "what china can learn from India"

i know. i was also referring to them as well.

funny part is, some of them even don't know their own country neighbors. (chines).

got a chiness dude in my class and thinks Pakistanis and both Indian as terrorists.

when i told him of china and Pakistan relations. he started laughing. AND that made me laugh as well. ( he didn't knew, i was laughing at him).
this may not be true always.
in China, phone call (mobile) cost RMB 10-30 cents per minute.
in Australia, where there about a dozen telecom companies, the call costs about AUD 10-30 cents per 30 seconds and a connection fee.

In India I pay per second charges.

In India I pay 1 paise per second that means I pay 60 paise per minute.

0.6 rupees per minute

In dollar terms 0.6/47=0.013 dollars= 13 cents per minute
i didn't know chinese are racist. Atleast 3 of chinese are indeed racist. i wonder which one is grey boy. Am bit supriced how admin didn't take notice of it yet. Hope they will. This racist chinese spoiling every thread in PDF by racist remarks.
i didn't know chinese are racist. Atleast 3 of chinese are indeed racist. i wonder which one is grey boy. Am bit supriced how admin didn't take notice of it yet. Hope they will. This racist chinese spoiling every thread in PDF by racist remarks.

Oh dear, thats some serious accusation, Chinese are racist? i look through the whole thread up to this moment, i failed to find any racial post by Chinese member, can you point out one for me please?

Btw, since you claimed atleast three Chinese are racist, so how many Indians that you found are racist? :argh::hang2:
With an IQ of Just 85, we have men doing the best jobs in IT than anycountry, R&D companies have high percentage of this low IQ people and oh yes the game of mind, chess has a low IQ Indian as number 1 ranked. ..:lol::lol:
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