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China shot down the US Global Hawk

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Jan 27, 2010
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Yeah, we will examine the wrecks, but it doesn't mean we have to copy it since we already possess the comparable technology. :coffee:
Which region are these pics from ? Where in China ?
Any source.....more pictures will do

What Global Hawk was doing there?
This is what i'm getting from Chinese forum, maybe Chinese member can translate the whole thing:

US unmanned global hawk shot down in Chanbai mountain

according to washington post, 12/10, one of US unmanned plane Globalhawk doing reconnaisance work in northern korea, and got shot down in Chanbai mountain near China jilin province. US intelligence suspected it was the missile HQ-10A. and it believed North Korea doesn't have such capability. HQ-10A is specifically disigned to attack unmanned plane like Global Hawk.
US defense department already protested to CHina and demanded the wreckage be returned.

美国《华盛顿邮报》近日报道,美军一架“全球鹰”12月10日从本土美军起飞到东亚地区执行任务,在朝鲜北 部被不明导弹袭击,坠毁在中国吉林省境内。文章称,根据美军情报机构的内部消息,该导弹很可能是中国的防空 导弹HQ-10A,因为朝鲜现在没有能力打下美国的高空侦察机,而且HQ-10A是中国HQ-10 的升级,专门为了对付美国的“全球鹰”等先进侦察机而设计的。

文章说,被击落的“全球鹰”是美国关岛空军基地的编号为YH100的改进型侦察机,坠落地点在吉林省长白山 地区,其残骸已经被中国的军方运走。美国太平洋副司令皮里拉13日称,美国国防部已经向中国提出抗议,要求 中国对此负责,并归还击落的“全球鹰”残骸。


斯罗普·格鲁曼公司的RQ-4A“全球鹰”是美国空军乃至全世界最先进的无人机。样机于1998年2月首飞,2000年6月一个完整的 “全球鹰”系统部署到了爱德华兹空军基地。“全球鹰”机身长13.5米,高4.62米,翼展35.4米,最 大起飞重量11622千克。翼展和波音747相近,因此“全球鹰”是一种巨大的无人机。“全球鹰”机载燃料 超过7吨,最大航程可达25945千米,自主飞行时间长达41小时,可以完成跨洲际飞行。可在距发射区55 56千米的范围内活动,可在目标区上空18288米处停留24小时。飞行控制系统采用GPS全球定位系统和 惯性导航系统,可自动完成从起飞到着陆的整个飞行过程。

Can anyone confirm from reliable sources?
^^^^ the link which U have provided is not workin .... Can you provide any other link or any video source ????

The thing burnin in the pics is not quite clear ....
This is what i'm getting from Chinese forum, maybe Chinese member can translate the whole thing:

US unmanned global hawk shot down in Chanbai mountain

according to washington post, 12/10, one of US unmanned plane Globalhawk doing reconnaisance work in northern korea, and got shot down in Chanbai mountain near China jilin province. US intelligence suspected it was the missile HQ-10A. and it believed North Korea doesn't have such capability. HQ-10A is specifically disigned to attack unmanned plane like Global Hawk.
US defense department already protested to CHina and demanded the wreckage be returned.

美国《华盛顿邮报》近日报道,美军一架“全球鹰”12月10日从本土美军起飞到东亚地区执行任务,在朝鲜北 部被不明导弹袭击,坠毁在中国吉林省境内。文章称,根据美军情报机构的内部消息,该导弹很可能是中国的防空 导弹HQ-10A,因为朝鲜现在没有能力打下美国的高空侦察机,而且HQ-10A是中国HQ-10 的升级,专门为了对付美国的“全球鹰”等先进侦察机而设计的。

文章说,被击落的“全球鹰”是美国关岛空军基地的编号为YH100的改进型侦察机,坠落地点在吉林省长白山 地区,其残骸已经被中国的军方运走。美国太平洋副司令皮里拉13日称,美国国防部已经向中国提出抗议,要求 中国对此负责,并归还击落的“全球鹰”残骸。


斯罗普·格鲁曼公司的RQ-4A“全球鹰”是美国空军乃至全世界最先进的无人机。样机于1998年2月首飞,2000年6月一个完整的 “全球鹰”系统部署到了爱德华兹空军基地。“全球鹰”机身长13.5米,高4.62米,翼展35.4米,最 大起飞重量11622千克。翼展和波音747相近,因此“全球鹰”是一种巨大的无人机。“全球鹰”机载燃料 超过7吨,最大航程可达25945千米,自主飞行时间长达41小时,可以完成跨洲际飞行。可在距发射区55 56千米的范围内活动,可在目标区上空18288米处停留24小时。飞行控制系统采用GPS全球定位系统和 惯性导航系统,可自动完成从起飞到着陆的整个飞行过程。

Can anyone confirm from reliable sources?

why is the us asking for the wreckage now you go inside others country they shoot it down abd then you have the shame to ask them to return the wreckage
If its true excellant news. Probably not true cos americans are cowards wouldnt dare touch china.
Was it spying on North Korea or China ?
Pictures looks fake, the 2nd one in particular..
Aboves report was posted in on 12-18-2009.

If it has anything to do with the pictures in the first post in first place.
I check the archive, there is no such article in Washington post to match the story. that could very well had been a chinese UAV that failed and crash...
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