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China’s influence increasingly positive in Western countries


Dec 29, 2010
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The newly elected French President, François Hollande, has recently stated that China’s relationship to the EU is fundamentally adversarial. This is just the latest of many calls from Western officials trying to address a perceived unfairness in the world’s trade system, an unfairness for which they consider China mainly responsible.

Yet, despite this official “hostile” rhetoric, GlobeScan’s 2012 Country Ratings Poll finds that the global public’s opinion of China has improved significantly over the past year. The poll asked respondents to rate the influence of 16 countries and the European Union. On average, in 21 tracking countries, 50 per cent of respondents rate China’s influence in the world positively, while 31 per cent consider it to be negative—a substantial improvement since 2011, with positive views increasing by four points and negative views dropping by the same amount. China has now overtaken both the EU and the US on this measure. This improving trend is remarkable in Western countries—although in some of them negative perceptions continue to outnumber the positive. In Australia (61%), Canada (53%), the UK (57%), the US (42%), and Germany (42%), the proportion of positive views has never been higher since tracking began in 2005. Opinion has grown more positive in Spain and France as well.

A subsample of respondents was asked to say which of four possible areas was most influential in their judgment—foreign policy, the economy (including products and services), traditions and culture, or the way people are treated. Of those who think Chinese influence is positive, 51 per cent say this because of China’s economy, products, and services. While China certainly triggers some feelings of apprehension—the economy is also the top reason (30%) cited by respondents who hold unfavourable views of China—these positive results suggest that publics increasingly acknowledge that China’s economic power has become vital to the world economy.
http://www.globescan.com/images/ima...ings/2012_bbc_country rating final 080512.pdf



Ok, 朋友们, 不要发太多中国的新闻了, 这毕竟是巴基斯坦防务论坛, 而不是中国防务论坛. 如果满眼都是中国新闻,或是中国人和印度人吵来吵去,如果你们是巴基斯坦朋友, 你们会怎么看?? 当然,别人找上门的另当别论...
Should just consider NATO countries - I mean how does Peru or Nigeria's view matter?
I notice that south korean don't like india much,but why?
Ok, 朋友们, 不要发太多中国的新闻了, 这毕竟是巴基斯坦防务论坛, 而不是中国防务论坛. 如果满眼都是中国新闻,或是中国人和印度人吵来吵去,如果你们是巴基斯坦朋友, 你们会怎么看?? 当然,别人找上门的另当别论...

Most of the news about China were actually posted by the anti-China trolls, not the Chinese members here. :coffee:
Ok, 朋友们, 不要发太多中国的新闻了, 这毕竟是巴基斯坦防务论坛, 而不是中国防务论坛. 如果满眼都是中国新闻,或是中国人和印度人吵来吵去,如果你们是巴基斯坦朋友, 你们会怎么看?? 当然,别人找上门的另当别论...

我看在PDF绝大部份的中國网友都不是"撩事斗非"的人. 很少干涉人家内政! 在西南方的自命世界级大国对我们就不是那么客气了! 来而不往者 非君子也!

google translation:
"I look at the PDF of the vast majority of Chinese users are not tease things non-fighting "the people. Little interference in the internal affairs of other people! Self-proclaimed world-class country in the south-west of us is not so kind to and not to non-gentleman also"!
Most of these survey samples were taking from either HK and Taiwan or the southern area like Guangdong. :coffee:
In total 24,090 citizens in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Egypt, France, Germany, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kenya, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Russia, South Korea, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States were interviewed face-to-face or by telephone between December 6, 2011 and February 17, 2012. Countries were rated by half samples in all countries polled. Polling was conducted for BBC World Service by GlobeScan and its research partners in each country.

In Brazil, China, Egypt, Indonesia, and Kenya urban samples were used. The margin of error per country ranges from +/- 2.9 to 4.9 per cent, 19 times out of 20

1.In Brazil the survey was conducted in Belo Horizonte, Brasília, Curitiba, Goiânia, Porto Alegre, Recife, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, São Paulo, representing 45 per cent of the national adult population.
2.In China the survey was conducted in Beijing, Beiliu, Chengdu, Dujiangyan, Fenyang, Fuyang, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Manzhouli, Quanzhou, Qujing, Shanghai, Shenyang, Shuangcheng, Wuhan, Xi'an, Xining, and Zhengzhou, representing 45 per cent of the national adult population.
3.In Egypt the survey was conducted in Alexandria, Cairo, Giza, and Shubra El-Kheima, representing 24 per cent of the national population.
4.In Indonesia the survey was conducted in Bandung, Jakarta, Makassar, Medan, and Surabaya, representing 27 per cent of the national adult population.
5.In Kenya the survey was conducted in Kakamega, Kisumu, Machakos, Mombasa, Nairobi, Nakuru, and Nyeri, representing 45 per cent of the national adult population.
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