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China, Russia rebuke India

Only on Pakistani defence forum retarded Indians like freshmint (aka the fair & lovely) can say terrorist Pakistan. :cheesy: If only Bharti forums also allowed that kind of freedom :/

Tibet belongs to China since Qing dynasty. When the emperor abdicated the throne, all territory transferred to the new republic, it's legally binding. Tibet is recognized by UN. But Kashmir is not. See the difference?

Back then, there is no such thing as India border, only British Raj border. India should consult its creator, the UK, about the actual border before taking unilateral action of annexing other princely states. See, China is sovereign country, not a princely state, that's why 1962 war erupted.
If India had done that, South Asia would be a land of peace and harmony.

You are absolutly wrong, Indian civilization date back to 7000 B.C and they always lived as one and are same people. British actually divided people to conquer South Asia. Before that there was not a single war between different kingdoms in Maha bharat :omghaha:
Lets separate the facts from opinions.

overview of Facts:
- India is under economic stress due to current account deficit and reduced growth rate.
- The BRICS are considering two common financial institutions 1) a common forex reserve pool 2) a joint development bank

BRICS bank facts:
- the motive behind these was indicated as a bank that is more like a counter to the IMF and world bank where the voting rights of the BRICS nations is not as much as it would be in their own banks. Given the lesser number of participants, there will be lesser number of people to please to get loans. (loans are NOT assistances. IMF provides loans with strings and requires payments . the BRICS bank will probably do the same with lesser strings attached).
- the primary concern here is to make the BRICS more stronger and give it more teeth in terms of global position. The EU with its financial might can tilt a few other nations' course and hence win over the nation for their own interests.
- another example is while competing for money for any interests that are common to the BRICS but detrimental to the other powers (EU/USA/Arab bloc) the BRICS bank will give a leverage or a cushion that will ensure those projects can have access to funds unreachable by the opposing powers.
(sources for the above:
1. Can the BRICS Have Their Own World Bank? - Businessweek

Facts about India's position:
- India is under significant economic pressure and a looming CAD
- India's suggestion of a common BRICS bank and trading in respective currencies is aimed towards reducing its CAD and saving its forex reserves vis-a-vis the dollar. however, this does not come at an expense to the other BRICS economies. it will in fact help everyone stregthen against the dollar and make a case for China to further make the dollar's reduced relevance in the emerging new world.

Here are some economic Facts that would be possible from a common fund:
First, it will help the BRICS economies to diversify their foreign reserve exposure away from the dollar. In the aftermath of the global financial crisis, the stability of the US is being threatened as evidenced by the increased risk of a downgrade or default of US government debt, thereby threatening the role of the dollar as a global reserve currency.

In the event of a US debt downgrade or default, BRICS economies would suffer significant losses due to their exposure to the dollar. Furthermore, policies adopted by the US such as quantitative easing could lead to future inflation, thereby eroding the value of the dollar reserves maintained by the BRICS economies.

Second, the use of local BRICS currencies could facilitate the development of these currencies as global reserve currencies. As the BRICS economies share of global trade continues to increase, its currencies could be used more in international trade, thereby adding to the pool of currencies that could act as global reserve currencies.

Third, the use of BRICS currencies in cross-border trade will help reduce transaction costs and exchange rate variability, thereby promoting greater intra-BRICS trade, which will result in more sustainable growth.

Fourth, greater use of local currencies in intra-BRICS trade will help increase the influence of the BRICS economies in a multi-polar world and give it influence in multilateral bodies such as the IMF, World Bank and WTO.

Fifth, the use of local currencies in intra-BRICS trade could be a precursor to the formation of a BRICS monetary union.

- based on the facts, you can see that the common bank proposal (in itself) is a pretty good idea.
- the conditions for setting up the bank, and running the bank will be based on consensus and hence it wont be "pulling up one person at the expense of the others" it is rather about standing united and getting stronger.

Further opinion:
The BRICS economies could (1) select a particular currency of one of its members to use as the vehicle for intra-BRICS trade, (2) use the local currency of the exporting or importing country in bilateral trade, and (3) consider setting up a BRICS common currency to settle intra-BRICS bilateral trades.

The first approach would involve the BRICS economies agreeing to use the currency of one of its members in all forms of BRICS-to-BRICS trades. They could agree to use the Brazilian real, the Chinese renminbi, the Indian rupee, or the Russian rouble as the currency for intra-BRICS bilateral trade.

For instance, if they all agree to use the rupee for bilateral trade, then even if trade takes place between Brazil and Russia, the currency used would be the rupee. This approach could result in the emergence of the selected local currency as a potential global reserve currency to rival the dollar.

Based on present trends, the renminbi would appear to be the most likely currency to be used under this approach, as China is a creditor country with large current account surpluses, a small budget deficit, remarkable growth and a low public debt as a share of GDP.

Obtaining the agreement of all members of the BRICS countries to select a vehicle currency could, however, prove challenging.

The second approach would involve the exporter invoicing the importer using the currency of either the exporting or importing country. This approach would be similar to the bilateral arrangement made between China and Russia in November 2010.

The BRICS economies would need to agree whether to transact bilateral trades in the currency of the exporting or importing country.

The third approach would involve setting up a currency union, eventually leading to the formation of a BRICS common currency.

This would perhaps be the most difficult approach to adopt, but could have the biggest impact as it would harness the combined strengths of all BRICS economies.

before I cold write such a researched post, the thread has been run over with troll posts.
to the OP: India is under economic stress but so did most of the world a few years back and they are all temporary.
to the other troll: where is the need for taiwan here? I wish the admins were less burdened with posts like these that destroy a wonderful opportunity to discuss emerging new trends.
India just irrelevant in international scene China should have just supported U.S stimulus withdraw, this will bankrupt India and make it the 4th world slum country.:lol:
Only on Pakistani defence forum retarded Indians like freshmint (aka the fair & lovely) can say terrorist Pakistan. :cheesy: If only Bharti forums also allowed that kind of freedom :/

You are absolutly wrong, Indian civilization date back to 7000 B.C and they always lived as one and are same people. British actually divided people to conquer South Asia. Before that there was not a single war between different kingdoms in Maha bharat :omghaha:

According to some of you people, no civilization existed before Islam whereas the fact is that the whole world knows that the creations of the ancient pre-Islam civilizations were far greater and advanced than what Islam ever achieved. Just see the great pyramids of Egypt which were much older and at least a 1000 times more complex than Taj Mahal which was built in India and not Arab lands after seeing the magnificent temples of India.

Babylon, Mesopotamia, Sumeria, India, China, Persia, Egypt, Rome, Greece, native Americans. etc. all accomplished much before what was achieved by Muslims 1000s of years later and that too by copying and cloning from ancient preexisting non-Islamic civilizations.
The Brics countries have already agreed to a $100 billion currency stabilisation fund to tackle volatility ahead of an expected pullback of US monetary stimulus. China, with the world’s largest foreign exchange hoard, has committed the biggest share to the pool worth $41 billion, while Brazil, Russia and China will each give $18 billion, and South Africa $5 billion.

there is a typo: should be india

Asked if India’s $18 billion contribution to the pool would not deplete its precarious foreign exchange reserves further, the foreign secretary said no timeline had been drawn on making it operational, and hence fears of a further drawdown on India’s reserves were premature. Officials of other Brics members too agreed it would still take some time for the pool to become functional.

india's fx reserve as at end of august is $275.49 billion. It has lost $16.55 billion in 5 months

dont expect india can contribute to the fund any, any time soon.
According to some of you people, no civilization existed before Islam whereas the fact is that the whole world knows that the creations of the ancient pre-Islam civilizations were far greater and advanced than what Islam ever achieved. Just see the great pyramids of Egypt which were much older and at least a 1000 times more complex than Taj Mahal which was built in India and not Arab lands after seeing the magnificent temples of India.

Babylon, Mesopotamia, Sumeria, India, China, Persia, Egypt, Rome, Greece, native Americans. etc. all accomplished much before what was achieved by Muslims 1000s of years later and that too by copying and cloning from ancient preexisting non-Islamic civilizations.

Persia, Egypt, Sumeria decendents converted to Islam and were responsible for Islamic golden age. Thats why Hindi still have 70% of words from persia/arabic. See you guys cant even use your own languages. And unfortunatly for Indians the cradle of South Asia civilization was Pakistan from Indus valley to vedic civilization.

You want to see your self without foreign people making your kind civilized? From vedic people to British, just see your ancestors on this video.

Andamans & Nicobar island natives: cute kids and simple tribals - YouTube

Yep these guys are 100% ASI (ancestral south indian).
The India media triumph in trolling again!

From within a group that is suppose to cooperate and help each other out, normal disagreement in an on-going negotiation is really not fit for public disclosure. What are they trying to do, trying to rally the public to pressure other countries (like that is going to work!), or they are out to score political brownie point. Sometime I really don't understand these "democratic" politician.
The problem is that some Chinese forget what was the situation of China from much before its independence in 1949 to 1991 and how it managed its trade and economy with so much foreign aid and loans and generous barter deals provided by the USSR from at least 1949-1961 and the Chinese back stabbed the Russians with claim on Russian territory and these are the very Chinese who are jeopardizing China's and world security by their arrogant behavior.

The Chinese gave Russians very low quality footwear in a very generous barter deal which the Russians could hardly afford in 1992-93 in exchange for Su-27s which gave a 25-year (two generation!!!!) leap to Chinese aircraft technology while during that time China had huge foreign reserves and it could have very well paid for them in hard currency. The West never offered the Chinese any contemporary military technology during the time that the Chinese were allied to the West until the West dumped them over Tiananmen Square massacre. The West never trusted the Maoists in China.

The Westerners never ever took any Chinese goods in barter for their much more expensive goods during this period and the thing is that the Chinese never even dared to offer their goods in barter to the West. The Chinese very obediently offered hard cash for goods imported from the West which at times were not at all needed by the Chinese but went to decorate the mansions of corrupt wealthy Maoists.

But with the Russians, the Chinese played like fox and sensing that the Russians were in dire need of hard cash due to Soviet collapse, instead of paying them hard cash, the Chinese gave them cheap footwear that came apart in less than two months.

Do you have sources for this? Because many chinese products I use are good quality .Its indian trader who ask for the lowest price and chinese give accordingly so,China offers all kind of quality for same product at different prices. Almost all shoes ,computers,Motherboards are made in China.
You know this is perfect, looking at the current situation, we may even be able to go to 50 billion and have the headquarters in China.

Though I got to say India, if you don't want us to dominate this group, simply fix your economy, problem solved. Don't delay progress from your own personal feelings.

Once this Idiot Manmohan singh & his corrupt Govt is kicked out
& Possibly replaced by a NDA govt with Modi leading it
You will see us bounce back in no time
I dont know why India is so enthusiastic about BRICS bank. First lets get out of the economic mess we are in. And all stake holders of the common reserve should contribute equally to the fund. Nobody should be allowed play 'boss' here. Yes I am talking about China !

I agree with Russians and Chinese. These Congressi thieves have robbed a booming economy.

Just praying for NDA to come and set things right. After that we can work on solving other country's problems.
I agree with Russians and Chinese. These Congressi thieves have robbed a booming economy.

Just praying for NDA to come and set things right. After that we can work on solving other country's problems.

You should also pray that bane of casteism and lack of unity be gone.This will always play in politicans favor and will create more pakistans and bangladeshs in india.
Delhi political leaders need to change -only PM Narasimha Rao and PM Atal Behari Vajpayee were of material quality-Congress in power from 2004 -done poorly.Economic growth in 2006,2007,2008 was due work put in by PM Vajpayee in speeding up the infrastructure sector. Shame on PM Singh-Unable to move many infrastructure projects-slowly implemented and no reforms.Now people of India are suffering.Adding to making the fiscal deficit worse and Rupee declining is introducing FOOD SECURITY BILL and giving handouts,25 mobile phones and 900,000 tablets all for vote bank politics.
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