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China Ranks Last in Importance of Religion, Research Shows


Nov 4, 2011
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China Ranks Last in Importance of Religion, Research Shows
By Ruth Wang
on January 15, 2016 02:01 AM
A new report released by Pew Research Survey of Global Countries on Importance of Religions, lists out the attitudes of "the importance of religion in life" among over ten nations. It says Ethiopia is the most religious for 98% of them think religion is very important in their lives. China ranks in the bottom with the number of 3%.

The rest of the top ten nations in the following are respectively:

Burk. Faso(92%)


The global median is 55% and above the median are basically African nations and Indonesia, Pakistan, Phillippines, Malaysia, India in Asia-Pacific, Jordan and Brazil.

The western countries are below the median as US has 53%, Canada 27%, Italy, Germany, Spain and UK all 21%. Both Russia and South Korea shares 19%, Japan 11%.

China ranks in the bottom as 3%, meaning only 3% of Chinese respondents think religion is very important in their lives.

The report mentions that for most nations, the ratio shows a negative relationship with GDP per person meaning that more religious nations are poorer. But surprisingly China and US deviate from this rule the farthest.


redit: Pew Research Center
Last year a survey of UK published the similar result in which Tailand was the top religious while China was at the bottom (7%) in the ranking.

China Ranks Last in Importance of Religion, Research Shows
China Ranks Last in Importance of Religion, Research Shows
By Ruth Wang
on January 15, 2016 02:01 AM
A new report released by Pew Research Survey of Global Countries on Importance of Religions, lists out the attitudes of "the importance of religion in life" among over ten nations. It says Ethiopia is the most religious for 98% of them think religion is very important in their lives. China ranks in the bottom with the number of 3%.

The rest of the top ten nations in the following are respectively:

Burk. Faso(92%)


The global median is 55% and above the median are basically African nations and Indonesia, Pakistan, Phillippines, Malaysia, India in Asia-Pacific, Jordan and Brazil.

The western countries are below the median as US has 53%, Canada 27%, Italy, Germany, Spain and UK all 21%. Both Russia and South Korea shares 19%, Japan 11%.

China ranks in the bottom as 3%, meaning only 3% of Chinese respondents think religion is very important in their lives.

The report mentions that for most nations, the ratio shows a negative relationship with GDP per person meaning that more religious nations are poorer. But surprisingly China and US deviate from this rule the farthest.


redit: Pew Research Center
Last year a survey of UK published the similar result in which Tailand was the top religious while China was at the bottom (7%) in the ranking.

China Ranks Last in Importance of Religion, Research Shows

Interesting! Maybe that is why we are where we are today.
The ranking of Pakistan scares me...there is a correlation here..higher the faith in god..more the miserable a country is...even countries like Ghana and Nigeria are rated lower than Pakistan...now Ethopia with 98% isnt a model for anyone to follow..is it?
South Korea is christianized. In China, there are much more underground or potential believers than we think, but to me the younger believers are just a bunch of idiot kids who wants to be cool, that's all.
Good. Religion is a hindrance to country development.

Not necessarily so .South Korea and US are the example of it.

Even Europe since Renaissance are booming, although currently Europe more hedonistic.

There are lot of factor for country development : national political will, geopolitical, culture, resource (esp manpower), strategic location, education level, corruption level, etc.
I am not sure how autocratic China is on a day-to-day basis, but I wish I could live in a rationalist society without idiotic concepts like religion.
The day China becomes a democracy, rationalists will emigrate to the Chinese utopia.
This is a very good thing. Religion is inversely proportional to rational thinking. I wish India follows the same path like China. I have literally met people arguing with me that earthquakes are caused by God's wrath. :lol:

Not true.

US (at least 50 years ago), South Korea, Europe (200 years ago) are / were considerably religius society, and experience economic, and technological booming. :)

Dont forget Greek was worshipping gods and goddess, but during her glorious days the society produced knowledge that become foundation to European renaissance.

Meanwhile North Korea is non religius society, and development is not going anywhere.
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