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China picks two female astronauts for space mission


Oct 29, 2011
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China has selected two female astronauts among seven candidates for its next manned space mission that will be launched between June and August.
Three Chinese astronauts, also known as taikonauts, will be chosen from the candidates to fly aboard the Shenzhou-9 spacecraft that will manually dock with Tiangong-1, an orbiting module of the country's planned space station, and conduct scientific experiments, said Li Wei, deputy designer for spacecraft systems with the China Aerospace and Technology Corporation.
The two female astronauts, whose identity will be released before the launch, were selected from 15 women who must be married and have given birth naturally, Space International magazine under the China Academy of Space Technology said Saturday. They also must have no scars nor body odor.
Pang Zhihao, deputy editor-in-chief of the magazine, said: "They even must not have decayed teeth because any small flaw might cause great trouble or a disaster in space."
Pang said a scar might open and start bleeding in space and the cramped conditions would intensify body odor.
Xu Xianrong, a professor with the General Hospital of the PLA Air Force, said the female astronauts must be married and have given birth naturally because that ensures their body and mental condition are mature enough.
Meanwhile, Pang said female astronauts tend to be more "keen and sensitive with better communication skills than their male counterparts."
He added women were also good at dealing with relationships with their space partners, which would be an important quality on a long mission such as a trip to Mars.
The former Soviet Union sent the world's first female astronaut, Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova, into space in 1963.
The seven candidates for the Shenzhou-9 were picked from fighter pilots. Another 45 astronauts, 15 female and 30 male, were selected as backups, Li said.



Is it safe to say women in China have more rights than their peers else where? But anyway that's the understanding I have.

Our women in the past were soldiers and have reached new heights then ever before they soar the skies.
Is it safe to say women in China have more rights than their peers else where? But anyway that's the understanding I have.

That's right. :tup:

Best and Worst Countries for Women, the Full List

Newsweek/The Daily Beast analyzed dozens of data points for 165 countries to determine which countries offer women the most expansive rights and the best quality of life.

23, China
Overall score (out of 100): 84.4
Justice: 92.2
Health: 99.2
Education: 100.0
Economics: 73.2
Politics: 36.7

China is ranked as being one of the best places in the world for women, even above Western European countries like Germany and Spain.

30, Germany
Overall score (out of 100): 83.4
Justice: 74.0
Health: 94.7
Education: 96.8
Economics: 78.2
Politics: 62.7

44, Spain
Overall score (out of 100): 79.4
Justice: 73.1
Health: 88.7
Education: 96.9
Economics: 69.9
Politics: 78.0
"The Chinese people have stood up!" 1 October 1949"

Yes; It was a long march away from the Gun Boat diplomacy the West imposed unjustly on Asia centuries a go.

{ It would be nice to see Chinese in more traditional uniforms than that of look a like European ones}.
That's right. :tup:

Best and Worst Countries for Women, the Full List

Newsweek/The Daily Beast analyzed dozens of data points for 165 countries to determine which countries offer women the most expansive rights and the best quality of life.

23, China
Overall score (out of 100): 84.4
Justice: 92.2
Health: 99.2
Education: 100.0
Economics: 73.2
Politics: 36.7

China is ranked as being one of the best places in the world for women, even above Western European countries like Germany and Spain.

China would've ranked much higher without the 36.7 Politics part. This is more of a cultural thing that East Asian women are less political. If they add a "wife's power in the household", China's score will shoot to the sky.
women should stay out of politics, trust me, i am from a nation that has had women prime ministers for the past 20 years, useless.
Great news, good to see China progressing in space technology. What the thinking behind the criteria of "women who must be married and have given birth naturally" anyone know?
Good news, I hope these brave women will contribute significantly to China's space mission than just becoming trophies for PR propaganda.

Also it was good to know that China ranks high/better when it comes to women rights and security. I hope no low on self esteem lunatic will start comparing these alleged stats with other nations.
Good news, I hope these brave women will contribute significantly to China's space mission than just becoming trophies for PR propaganda.

Also it was good to know that China ranks high/better when it comes to women rights and security. I hope no low on self esteem lunatic will start comparing these alleged stats with other nations.

If you knew nothing about China, just keep mum and you won't be making a fool out of yourself.
Good news, I hope these brave women will contribute significantly to China's space mission than just becoming trophies for PR propaganda.

Also it was good to know that China ranks high/better when it comes to women rights and security. I hope no low on self esteem lunatic will start comparing these alleged stats with other nations.

l loled, you cant just find some nice lookings for space mission, maybe car exhibitions
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