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China offered Kadafi weapons: report.

We support the people of Libya, as Gaddafi, the Libyan people will miss him soon, even though he is a dictator, because sometimes a dictator is not the worst thing.

A dictator suppresses the freedom of the people and must be opposed at all costs. I'd rather die than live under a dictator. Rather than living like a slave, die a free man is better.
If europe and america can sell arms to taiwan and india to be used against China...then China has every right to sell arms and ammunition to any other sovereign nation on the globe...

Qadaffi is an idiot....he should have made these anti-air purchases long ago.....i am still sure he has planned some strategy...maybe he wants to take the fight to the desert towards the south of the country.

HE IS IDIOT, otherwise he didn't allow to convert country into battle field.

If NATO can join hands with rebels which have linked with AL.Q and if NATO can support them through weapons then what they have problem over this deal of China?

A dictator suppresses the freedom of the people and must be opposed at all costs. I'd rather die than live under a dictator. Rather than living like a slave, die a free man is better.

Gaddafi's Libya was pretty damn free though.

It has higher standards of living than China, India, Malaysia, etc.

They have full welfare and gas is cheaper than water.

Lets face it. He was a successful African leader that made life good for his citizens.

Even though I personally hate him for supporting Chen Shuibian, I also know that NATO conducted an illegal war of aggression.

Gaddafi's only mistake was giving up his nukes. Just 1 nuke mounted on an IRBM would be enough to make France scared as even if they killed every last Libyan, a nuke detonating on Paris would make up for it all.
If this report is real and not just another Western BS piece:

If Gaddafi was going to go down fighting, China might as well make some money out of it. Since rebels have no intention of paying Chinese companies for their construction work, we might have to make up for it by selling weapons. Either way, they're going to pay. One thing Chinese will not turn down is a good business opportunity.
If Gaddafi was going to go down fighting, China might as well make some money out of it. Since rebels have no intention of paying Chinese companies for their construction work, we might have to make up for it by selling weapons. Either way, they're going to pay. One thing Chinese will not turn down is a good business opportunity.

At least China say what they mean and mean what they do. I would much rather be talking to the Chinise than Nato or the UK because the simply lie. They are so hypocritical.
If this report is real and not just another Western BS piece:

If Gaddafi was going to go down fighting, China might as well make some money out of it. Since rebels have no intention of paying Chinese companies for their construction work, we might have to make up for it by selling weapons. Either way, they're going to pay. One thing Chinese will not turn down is a good business opportunity.

So basically China was outplayed and is trying to cut its losses by squeezing water froma moist stone?
If europe and america can sell arms to taiwan and india to be used against China...then China has every right to sell arms and ammunition to any other sovereign nation on the globe...

Qadaffi is an idiot....he should have made these anti-air purchases long ago.....i am still sure he has planned some strategy...maybe he wants to take the fight to the desert towards the south of the country.

Pakistan has been recieiving military aid from usa for last 50 years, dont no why pakkstan boost about india buying weapons off the west all the time, when its clear, pak does it more.
A dictator suppresses the freedom of the people and must be opposed at all costs. I'd rather die than live under a dictator. Rather than living like a slave, die a free man is better.

Can you be responsible for the Libyan people's lives in the future? You see, open mouth is always easy.
Outplayed? Hardly.


We can afford to shake off a few billion in losses, while I can't say the same for the rebels. Like I said, somebody in Libya is going to have to pay one way or the other.

Considering China's seat in the UN and the fact that there will be an outcry if China persists in withholding funds which belongs to the people of Libya, I sincerely doubt that China will be holding these funds back much longer. Given that the Libyan Council has undertaken to honour contracts concluded with Mr Gaddafi, the only concern which China will have is their loss of status as a preferred contractor in Libya after Mr Gaddafi's fall. Their existing contracts seem to be safe enough.
China confirms weapons firms met Gaddafi envoys in July

China has admitted its state-run weapons manufacturers held talks in July with representatives of Colonel Gaddafi as his forces battled rebels.

A spokeswoman said the meetings in Beijing took place without the knowledge of the government.

She said that no contracts were signed and no arms supplied.

The UN Security Council passed an arms embargo on Libya in February as anti-Gaddafi protests gathered pace.

The Chinese response followed a Canadian newspaper report that said three state-run Chinese firms had offered up to $200m (£124m) in weapons to Col Gaddafi's envoys when they visited from 16 July.

Citing documents found among rubbish in a part of Tripoli home to many of Col Gaddafi's former senior officials, the Toronto-based Globe and Mail said the weapons on offer included anti-tank missiles and rocket launchers.

The documents said the companies suggested shipping the arms via Algeria or South Africa, but did not confirm whether any military assistance was delivered, the newspaper reported.

'Treat seriously'

Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu told a daily press briefing that no arms had been sent.

"The Gaddafi government sent personnel to China without the knowledge of the Chinese government and who engaged in contact with a handful of people from the companies concerned," she said.

"The Chinese companies did not sign arms trade contracts and nor did they export military items to Libya."

Domestic agencies in charge of weapons' trading "will certainly treat this seriously", she added.

The admission will complicate China's relationship with Libya's incoming regime, says the BBC's Damian Grammaticas in Beijing.

China still has not recognised the rebels as Libya's new government and the new admission seems to confirm that while Col Gaddafi's rule was nearing its end China was continuing to hedge its bets.

In June China had hosted Libya's rebel leadership in Beijing as it sought to build contacts with them. Now it is clear that just a few weeks later Col Gaddafi's men were seeking weapons from China.

Libya's new leaders may find it hard to believe that China did not know that Libyan officials were in the country trying to secure such a large order of weapons from Chinese state-controlled firms, our correspondent adds.

And there have already been suggestions that China's lack of support for the rebels may mean its companies lose out on future deals for Libya's sought-after oil supplies.

BBC News - China confirms weapons firms met Gaddafi envoys in July

I guess after this report no more contract for china
Ahem..this is precisely what America does around the world, protects its interest. I find it amusing that so many members are "fine" with China doing the same, even though at small level and yet cannot stop berating US! As they say, one's terrorist is someone else' freedom fighter.
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