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China Might Have Over-Reached Itself


Jul 12, 2011
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Antigua And Barbuda
There are times when seemingly unrelated anecdotes are more revealing than reams of data. This just might be one of those times, when it comes to U.S. relations with China, China's economic future, and the geopolitics of Chinese economic expansion.

Start with the political scene in America. First, the Democratic-controlled senate overwhelmingly passes a bill that would require the U.S. to respond to China's undervaluation of its currency by imposing significant tariffs on Chinese goods, and a majority of members of the House of Representatives promise to do the same if their leaders bring the bill to the floor for a vote. Then Mitt Romney, the leading contender for the Republican presidential nomination, uses one of the endless debates among prospective Republican candidates to announce that if elected he would name China a currency manipulator, complain to the World Trade Organization, and impose tariffs on any made-in-China goods that rely on stolen intellectual property.

Then President Obama decides to use his swing through Asia to warn China to "follow the rules," allow its currency to appreciate more rapidly, and respect intellectual property rights. And this time he seems to offer more than talk. For one thing, he has set about crafting an Asian trade bloc, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, that doesn't include China. This, on top of a new trade agreement with South Korea. It is a long way from the general agreement at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Honolulu to a new free-trade zone, but this is the first tangible reaction to its trade policies that the Chinese regime has confronted.

Early indications are that the nation's current rulers find this challenge unsettling. China's assistant foreign minister, Wu Hailong, characterized U.S. expectations for a trans-Pacific partnership as "too high," beyond the reach of many Asian countries, and the president's agenda as "too ambitious." And Chinese authorities complained about not having been invited to the negotiations in Honolulu, to which Michael Froman, White House adviser for international economic affairs, responded that the new partnership "is not something one gets invited to. It's something one aspires to" if one plays by the rules of fair trade.

China's new rulers, destined to take over next year, and reputed to have close ties with the nation's increasingly assertive military, will also have to confront the fact that Mr. Obama has decided China's challenge to U.S. military supremacy in the Pacific can no longer be ignored, and need not be, now the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are ramping down.

Mr. Obama is using a speech tomorrow during his stopover in Australia, America's most consistent ally in the post-WWII period, to announce a phased-in increase in America's permanent military presence in Australia, a step-up in joint exercises with Australian naval forces, and increased access of U.S. naval vessels and aircraft to the port at Darwin, which is beyond the reach of Chinese missiles.

U.S. officials have been passing the word that the objects of the exercise are to react to the recent launch of China's first aircraft carrier and its development of the Dong-Feng 21D "carrier killer" missile capable of sinking any aircraft carriers in the region; increase American influence in the South China Sea, much of which China claims as sovereign territory; and reassure allies in Asia that the U.S. will retain a strong presence in the region to counter a rising Chinese military presence. China may just be paying the price of ignoring Teddy Roosevelt's dictum—speak softly and carry a big stick—by speaking belligerently to its neighbors and the U.S.

Equally important are the problems China seems to be running into at home. Its export-led growth has left its consumers with less to show for their hard work than they would wish: parents can't afford to buy their children the toys they manufacture for export to America. Polls suggest widespread discontent, especially among farmers upset at land grabs by local officials. Not that the current level of discontent is likely to result in an overthrow of a regime that knows how to stomp on dissenters, but neither can it be ignored.

In order to pop a property bubble and damp inflation, the government has tightened credit, driving property prices down by something like 20%-30%. Families that bought condo units before the credit crunch have rioted as discounts offered to new buyers push down prices, wiping out earlier buyers' equity. And owners of small businesses are finding it necessary to turn to what is essentially a black market in finance as loans available from banks decline and the growth of the money supply slows.

Such credit as is available is gobbled up by state-run enterprises. Ian Bremmer and Nouriel Roubini, respectively president of the Eurasia Group and a professor at New York University, pointed out in The Wall Street Journal last week that 39 of the 42 Chinese companies listed among the Fortune 500 are state-owned, and three-quarters of China's 100 largest publicly traded companies are state-controlled. This distorts the flow of capital and bank credit, and allows inefficient enterprises to load banks with their dicey IOUs. Meanwhile, local governments, overburdened with infrastructure projects, are raising taxes at three times the rate of increase in gross domestic product, just as exports to Europe are hit by the euro-zone crisis.

None of this is to say that China is on the verge of precipitous decline. But it does seem that its days of what President Obama called "gaming the system" may be coming to
an end.

China Might Have Over-Reached Itself - WSJ.com
Generally China maybe overeached,but partially still stepping on original place.
No more deepwater economy in concern,just come to see actual looking of China.
@ Chinese dragon
I think you shoud read this

Bernanke Bludgeons China With Inflation in Currency War: Books

Nov. 15 (Bloomberg) -- We're in the throes of Currency War III, and Ben Bernanke has won the first offensive by flooding China with inflation.

If this sounds like a geeky online game, recall how Chinese prices surged after the Federal Reserve unleashed its quantitative easing in 2009 and 2010, one of many moves James Rickards parses in his somber book, “Currency Wars.”

“It was the perfect currency-war weapon and the Fed knew it,” he says, describing how the Fed's expanding money supply forced China to print more yuan to maintain its peg to the dollar. “China was now importing inflation from the United States through the exchange-rate peg after previously having exported its deflation to the United States.”

Enough was enough, as President Barack Obama has now summed up the U.S. view that the yuan remains undervalued.

Bernanke Bludgeons China With Inflation in Currency War: Books - BusinessWeek
usa have over debut but still dollar is the main currency for exchange
I dont know wether China was overrated,but the everyone knows India was way way overrated by the western media.in every aspect India is still a country of poverty.not in the same league with China.

Is this thread about India genius.. you are sure not Chinese... I mean with so much low IQ how you can be?
the west uses india as a counter to china.

that in itself shows who the more powerful nation is.

lol, how many in the west talk about india taking over the west? NONE!

the more anti-chinese articles i see, the more i know china is getting close to toppling the west.
its a barometer. when the west feels threatened, their media propaganda spews hate towards china.

of course indocarib is a hindu extremist that hates china because he is so frustrated india cannot beat china at anything.
india is behind china in economy, military, politics, technology, information, culture, diplomacy, sports, space, brands, overall global influence.

india only wishes they had the same sort of attention in the western media like china gets.

sorry india, u gotta be a big boy to get attention to this degree. only world powers get this sort of attention.
US vs china.

india vs pakistan.

remember ur role india, we humiliated u in 1962 to show our absolute superiority over u. we do everything before u, u just follow china.
First, the Democratic-controlled senate overwhelmingly passes a bill that would require the U.S. to respond to China's undervaluation of its currency by imposing significant tariffs on Chinese goods, and a majority of members of the House of Representatives promise to do the same if their leaders bring the bill to the floor for a vote. Then Mitt Romney, the leading contender for the Republican presidential nomination, uses one of the endless debates among prospective Republican candidates to announce that if elected he would name China a currency manipulator, complain to the World Trade Organization, and impose tariffs on any made-in-China goods that rely on stolen intellectual property.

A large chunk of US manufacturing comes from China. Inflation will start creeping up if this becomes reality.
US will not have it easy as the cost to produce in a country other than China may not be feasible in the near future unless other countries ramp up their capacities.

25% of Chinese economy runs on Exports and if US takes some action on the above lines it will be significant NEWS.

China and US are in a bear hug/death twist and it is not possible to implement such policies without considering the ramifications. It can be implemented but with a slow increase in tariffs that will reach its desired value. One way or the other, it will be difficult for both the countries.
China's new rulers, destined to take over next year, and reputed to have close ties with the nation's increasingly assertive military, will also have to confront the fact that Mr. Obama has decided China's challenge to U.S. military supremacy in the Pacific can no longer be ignored, and need not be, now the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are ramping down.

Mr. Obama is using a speech tomorrow during his stopover in Australia, America's most consistent ally in the post-WWII period, to announce a phased-in increase in America's permanent military presence in Australia, a step-up in joint exercises with Australian naval forces, and increased access of U.S. naval vessels and aircraft to the port at Darwin, which is beyond the reach of Chinese missiles.

U.S. officials have been passing the word that the objects of the exercise are to react to the recent launch of China's first aircraft carrier and its development of the Dong-Feng 21D "carrier killer" missile capable of sinking any aircraft carriers in the region; increase American influence in the South China Sea, much of which China claims as sovereign territory; and reassure allies in Asia that the U.S. will retain a strong presence in the region to counter a rising Chinese military presence. China may just be paying the price of ignoring Teddy Roosevelt's dictum—speak softly and carry a big stick—by speaking belligerently to its neighbors and the U.S.

China Might Have Over-Reached Itself - WSJ.com
The conclusion the author draws from the facts he cites is the exact opposite of what the facts point to:

USA's provocations led to the rise of Mao Zedong-type leaders. And now US is completely screwed because with a powerful leader at the helm, China is unbeatable. India is completely screwed too because it thought China was too afraid to go to war.

In fact, China is just waiting for the right time to go to war. Our newest weapon systems are entering service now and our combat power will take a quantum leap over the course of this decade. We can definitely go to war against hostile neighbors and win by the middle of the decade at the latest.
the west uses india as a counter to china.

that in itself shows who the more powerful nation is.

lol, how many in the west talk about india taking over the west? NONE!

the more anti-chinese articles i see, the more i know china is getting close to toppling the west.
its a barometer. when the west feels threatened, their media propaganda spews hate towards china.

of course indocarib is a hindu extremist that hates china because he is so frustrated india cannot beat china at anything.
india is behind china in economy, military, politics, technology, information, culture, diplomacy, sports, space, brands, overall global influence.

india only wishes they had the same sort of attention in the western media like china gets.

sorry india, u gotta be a big boy to get attention to this degree. only world powers get this sort of attention.
US vs china.

india vs pakistan.

remember ur role india, we humiliated u in 1962 to show our absolute superiority over u. we do everything before u, u just follow china.
Equal to China, no way. Irritant, definitely. A threat, probably.

I'd rather overestimate them, recognize them as a legitimate threat and then put down this threat permanently than take India lightly.
Equal to China, no way. Irritant, definitely. A threat, probably.

I'd rather overestimate them, recognize them as a legitimate threat and then put down this threat permanently than take India lightly.

OK... Now stop dreaming. Get real and smell the coffee. Pick up a newspaper and look at the date. It is not 1962.
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