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China made breakingthrough in developing quantum communication network

Major Shaitan Singh

Dec 7, 2010
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China made breakingthrough in developing quantum communication network for submarine


China is the current world leader in quantum communication techonlogy, China has already established several quantum communication network and about to launch satelliates as nodes for quantum communcation network (through photons, and can be used for submarine communcations).

This article suggest this technology is particularly useful for submarine, current submarine communicates through ELF or VLF microwave, which has many very serious limitations:

1)Submarine has to reduce their depth (less than 60 meter) and slow down to recieve ELF/VLF signal properly.

2)ELF/VLF has very poor bandwidth, for submarine, it can only recieve a few hundred bit data through ELF per second, as for VLF, it can only recieve several bit data per min, such very poor bandwidth seriously limit the the combat capability of submarines.

3)ELF/VLF are very easy to be dealt with in war-time, (1)Due to their wavelength, they need very large broadcasting stations to work, such stations can be easily spot and taken out (2) Electric countermeasures work like wonders against ELF/VLF.

Therefore China now put great effects to develop communcation technology through quantum techonlogy for submarines, quantum communcation has significant advantage over ELF/VLF for submarine:

1)Submarine dont need to slow down or reduce its depth when communicating through quantum network, and it can send/recieve data at a depth of over 600 meters.

2)Through quantum network, submarine can transfer data at a bandwidth of over 1000 million bits per second.

3)Quantum network is impossible to be distrubed through "soft" countermeasures, and its transmission network consists of many small stations as well as satellites resides from low to high orbit, there are many back-ups and so it is quite robust in war-time.

Quantum commication network will be critical and enable one to put things like long-range anti-ship ballastic missiles on submarines to hunt aircraft carriers in high sea, it will trigger revoluation of sea battle and allow submarines strike targets from thousands of miles away safely, being completely invisible to the enemy.

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