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China-Japan Island Dispute In New Online Game!


Apr 18, 2013
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'GLORIOUS MISSION' Screenshot of the homepage of the "Glorious Mission Online" game.


A video game backed by China's military that lets players fight enemy forces in islands disputed between Beijing and Tokyo was set for release Thursday, August 1.

"Glorious Mission Online", China's answer to "Call of Duty", marks the 86th anniversary of the founding of the People's Liberation Army (PLA).

The game, an online version of an earlier first-person shooter used by the PLA to train troops, features the East China Sea islands known as Diaoyu by Beijing and Senkaku by Tokyo.

Tensions have been mounting over the islands, which are claimed by China but controlled by Japan. Beijing's vessels regularly sail into the disputed waters and, according to state media, tell Japanese ships they are encroaching on its territory.

A press release for the game says: "Players... will fight alongside Chinese armed forces and use weapons to tell the Japanese that 'Japan must return our stolen territory!'"

Images from the game's website are labelled "Guard the Diaoyu islands", and a trailer posted online features shots of Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.


It also shows planes taking off from a computer-generated version of China's first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, which went into service last year.

Giant co-operated closely with the PLA while working on the game to ensure that weapons looked authentic and soldiers' voices were accurate, said company vice-president Gu Wen.

The release comes at a time of increased fears over the PLA's expansion amongst China's neighbors -- Beijing is also in dispute with several countries in the South China Sea.

"It's about soft power," he said. "Through the game we want to allow ordinary people to gain an understanding of the army, which is often seen as closed-off and mysterious.

"In Western games the People's Liberation Army is always the enemy, this is the first game where it is on the good side."

Maggie Du, director of Giant's Center for Overseas Business Development, insisted "Glorious Mission Online" would not add to the tensions between China and its neighbors.

China-Japan island dispute in new online game

Here's the older version but the new on-line one is far better....

So now politics has come down to video games! This one is Sino-Japanese. The next video game by the PLA would probably be based on the Sino-Indian border environment!! I can't wait to get hold of that one!!

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its a free to play multiplier game, you can go download right now for yourself. and really its no more controversial than say BF3 where you attack iran or the new BF4 where fighting is happening in china, russia and other central asia locations
So what exactly is 'Linsanity'?.....Insanity? :smokin:

its Chinese version of Lunatic and Insanity... :laughcry:

by the way,it looks like China is in gaming race on SCS..only few weeks ago,they released another game,but that was a small video game..this one is far better..
Wow can some call the guys who made call of duty because their product was totally stolen typical chinese
its Chinese version of Lunatic and Insanity... :laughcry:

by the way,it looks like China is in gaming race on SCS..only few weeks ago,they released another game,but that was a small video game..this one is far better..

Linsanity is when people were all crazy over Jeremy lin the basketball player

Wow can some call the guys who made call of duty because their product was totally stolen typical chinese

how are you not banned?
Mods must be blacked out from drinking too much or something.
Linsanity is when people were all crazy over Jeremy lin the basketball player

how are you not banned?
Mods must be blacked out from drinking too much or something.

No life goes on i made big money and celebrated you? besides being typical :omghaha:
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