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BD is not in anyone's camp as it gets a lot of military hardware and loans from China. It just wants some time to develop before it flexes it's muscles. It trades with all countries - West, China and India. You think this 8%+ growth has sprung out of nowhere?

The current government is only being tolerated as it is delivering political stability and economic growth. Hasina is getting old(72 years) and the AL will hand over power once she is gone as she has no successor.

BD is a very nationalist country and once it has a large enough economy and powerful enough military, around 2030, it will help lead the revival of the Muslim world - Turkey, Iran, Indonesia, Malaysia and BD itself will form the core of this group in my opinion.

Question is does Pakistan want to be in on this or stay beholden to Saudi, China, IMF etc forever?

Seriously? You aren't being truthful. Everyone knows Bangladesh has become a client state of India. You talk about Muslim unity but your Prime Minister honored Modi the butcher of Gujurat. Instead of holding a hand of friendship you have continued to malign Pakistan which suits India's interests. You are in no position to lecture us on Muslim unity and responsibility. Our Prime Minister didn't invite a man who ordered pregnant Muslim women to be carved up. We didn't collude with a Hindu army to fight against our Muslim brothers. Thus, spare me your crocodile tears for the Muslim world. Bangladesh has acted like a nation described in my previous post. You pursued policies that suited your national interests. Pakistan shall also do the same.

In regards to your economy, we shall see if the Govt can consistently maintain these figures. Bangladesh will lead the Muslim world? Nice joke. You are irrelevant in the Muslim world and you want to claim some superpower status by 2030. You sound like an Indian when they claimed they will be a superpower in 2020.

Chinese are not Muslims.

They have their interests which are separate to Muslim interests.

A strong core of Muslim countries(Turkey,Iran,Indonesia, Malaysia and BD) by 2030 should give Pakistan the confidence to break free from dependence on Saudi and China and join up.

Already we are seeing signs as Pakistan rejected the Chinese Z-10 in favour of the Turkish T-129 attack helicopter.

You don't even know there are 10 ethnic groups in China. At least the Chinese didn't invite a Hindu army to fight against the Muslims. You have great experience in that department.
We don't really care. The Chinese may not be Muslims, but they have done more for Pakistan than all the other Muslim countries combined ×10, not including Turkey. Some Muslim countries like bangladesh have even supported india against Muslim Pakistan and Kashmiris, so Muslim unity is a dead fairy tale that does not exist. Will never exist.

Pakistan may not be buying the Z-10 but we are starting many other countless advanced weapons programs with China. Such as building more powerful nukes and our project AZM 5th generation fighter project. Not to mention building more advanced Missiles, tanks, submarines. We are also expanding the scope of CPEC where China will continue to invest many more billions into industrialising Pakistan and building up our infrastructure.

If Pakistan joins the Muslim bloc it will be treated as an equal. With China you will be seen as poor 3rd world country that is useful to keep India busy and allow access to Arabian gulf.

You think China will ever hand over their advanced tech to Pakistan? JF-17 is pretty much an assembly job with all the core systems imported - engines, radar, avionics, fbw and missiles.

Similar will happen with AZM I can tell you that for sure. Yes it is better to build it in your own country and being able to customise it to Pakistani requirements than just buying the whole fighter outright from overseas of course.

There are massive shifts happening in the world and the rise of China actually gives Muslims an opportunity - use them to balance out the West and then form their own block which serves Muslim interests and neither that of the West or China.

Seriously? You aren't being truthful. Everyone knows Bangladesh has become a client state of India. You talk about Muslim unity but your Prime Minister honored Modi the butcher of Gujurat. Instead of holding a hand of friendship you have continued to malign Pakistan which suits India's interests. You are in no position to lecture us on Muslim unity and responsibility. Our Prime Minister didn't invite a man who ordered pregnant Muslim women to be carved up. We didn't collude with a Hindu army to fight against our Muslim brothers. Thus, spare me your crocodile tears for the Muslim world. Bangladesh has acted like a nation described in my previous post. You pursued policies that suited your national interests. Pakistan shall also do the same.

In regards to your economy, we shall see if the Govt can consistently maintain these figures. Bangladesh will lead the Muslim world? Nice joke. You are irrelevant in the Muslim world and you want to claim some superpower status by 2030. You sound like an Indian when they claimed they will be a superpower in 2020.

You don't even know there are 10 ethnic groups in China. At least the Chinese didn't invite a Hindu army to fight against the Muslims. You have great experience in that department.

Harping on about 1971 is not going to move either Pakistan or BD forward.
Hasina and AL are just playing their own politics - mass of BD people are nationalists and want a strong Muslim world.

As for BD economy growth - it did 5% average in the 1990s - 6% average in the 2000s, 7% average this decade.
The growth is very consistent and long term.
Not saying that BD is perfect but any government that knows how to make the economy grow fast will be accepted by the people.

Who says BD will lead the Muslim world? All I said is that I see BD being part of the Muslim bloc by 2030. Gulf Arabs can then be properly sidelined and made irrelevant in Muslim affairs.
If Pakistan joins the Muslim bloc it will be treated as an equal. With China you will be seen as poor 3rd world country that is useful to keep India busy and allow access to Arabian gulf.

You think China will ever hand over their advanced tech to Pakistan? JF-17 is pretty much an assembly job with all the core systems imported - engines, radar, avionics, fbw and missiles.

Similar will happen with AZM I can tell you that for sure. Yes it is better to build it in your own country and being able to customise it to Pakistani requirements than just buying the whole fighter outright from overseas of course.

There are massive shifts happening in the world and the rise of China actually gives Muslims an opportunity - use them to balance out the West and then form their own block which serves Muslim interests and neither that of the West or China.

Do you EVEN know WTF you are talking about???????............:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:..........80% of JF-17 is now manufactured ENTIRELY in Pakistan. The Chinese are helping us to increase this manufacturing capability to the point were Pakistan will eventually be able to 100% design and produce advanced fighter jets indigenously within the next 10-15 years. The Chinese have also given us the capability to build H-bombs which can wipe out enemies that are more than 7× bigger than us.......:azn::


The above is less than 5% of the total projects/programs going on between Pakistan and China......:azn:

What have the so called "Muslim" world done for Pakistan???........Answer: F**K all.

Funny how you are very wary about the Pakistan-China alliance but fail to question bangladesh's alliance/relationship with india. A nation that has an obsessive and blood-thirsty hatred of ISLAM and Muslims.
Do you EVEN know WTF you are talking about???????............:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:..........80% of JF-17 is now manufactured ENTIRELY in Pakistan. The Chinese are helping us to increase this manufacturing capability to the point were Pakistan will eventually be able to 100% design and produce advanced fighter jets indigenously within the next 10-15 years. The Chinese have also given us the capability to build H-bombs which can wipe out enemies that are more than 7× bigger than us.......:azn::


The above is less than 5% of the total projects/programs going on between Pakistan and China......:azn:

What have the so called "Muslim" world done for Pakistan???........Answer: F**K all.

Funny how you are very wary about the Pakistan-China alliance but fail to question bangladesh's alliance/relationship with india. A nation that has an obsessive and blood-thirsty hatred of ISLAM and Muslims.

OK as regards JF-17 please advise what you manufacture from scratch?

What alliance does BD have with India? It is just a trading relationship.
BD wants to keep on good terms with India as it has a large economy in terms of region and is the gateway to cheap and clean hydroelectric power from Nepal and Bhutan.
Harping on about 1971 is not going to move either Pakistan or BD forward.
Hasina and AL are just playing their own politics - mass of BD people are nationalists and want a strong Muslim world.

As for BD economy growth - it did 5% average in the 1990s - 6% average in the 2000s, 7% average this decade.
The growth is very consistent and long term.
Not saying that BD is perfect but any government that knows how to make the economy grow fast will be accepted by the people.

Who says BD will lead the Muslim world? All I said is that I see BD being part of the Muslim bloc by 2030. Gulf Arabs can then be properly sidelined and made irrelevant in Muslim affairs.

Remind me again who is harping on about 1971 for the best part of the last decade? You want to shy away from the question but deep down you know Bangladesh was created in a haram way. If masses of the BD people wanted a strong Muslim world they wouldn't have elected Hasina. But guess what they did which evidently refutes your point.

Like I told you before we shall see whether your prediction becomes true. Check your posts again. You said Bangladesh will lead the revival of the Muslim world. That will never happen in the real world. Because we both know you are a client state of India.
Pakistan is our true ally. Its capital looks like Europe:
With CPEC, we are achieving great things you Bangladesh could only dream of...
And I bet Pakistan will be the first nation to have 5th gen fighter plane in South Asia.
Like I told you before we shall see whether your prediction becomes true. Check your posts again. You said Bangladesh will lead the revival of the Muslim world. That will never happen in the real world. Because we both know you are a client state of India.

I have going to quote what I said to @PAKISTANFOREVER

"What alliance does BD have with India? It is just a trading relationship.
BD wants to keep on good terms with India as it has a large economy in terms of region and is the gateway to cheap and clean hydroelectric power from Nepal and Bhutan."

As the old proverb goes : "Keep quite while you are building up your strength so you can be strong later and then speak"

BD needs to at the least get on with India. It would be folly to have a bad relationship with them as then BD economy would not by anywhere near as strong as it is now.
Even most AL leaders do not like India. Hasina has soft spot for India due to 1971 but she will not be around forever.
Pakistan can already design and produce 52% of the block 3 variant of the JF-17 fighter which is comparable to the F-16:


Here is the joint Chinese/Pakistani stealth submarine project which can decimate the indian navy:


I have going to quote what I said to @PAKISTANFOREVER

"What alliance does BD have with India? It is just a trading relationship.
BD wants to keep on good terms with India as it has a large economy in terms of region and is the gateway to cheap and clean hydroelectric power from Nepal and Bhutan."

As the old proverb goes : "Keep quite while you are building up your strength so you can be strong later and then speak"

BD needs to at the least get on with India. It would be folly to have a bad relationship with them as then BD economy would not by anywhere near as strong as it is now.
Even most AL leaders do not like India. Hasina has soft spot for India due to 1971 but she will not be around forever.

So it's alright for bangladesh to be a client state of the biggest haters of Islam & Muslims but Pakistan should not have a relationship with China who has done more for it than ALL the other Muslim nations combined × 100.........:disagree:
Pakistan is our true ally. Its capital looks like Europe:
With CPEC, we are achieving great things you Bangladesh could only dream of...
And I bet Pakistan will be the first nation to have 5th gen fighter plane in South Asia.

Yes one city of 2 million out of more than 200 million people.

As for CPEC, Pakistan economic growth is going down:


"3.7 percent to 2.7 percent in 2020"

Was not CPEC supposed to make Pakistan grow at 10% a year by now?

Yes one city of 2 million out of more than 200 million people.

As for CPEC, Pakistan economic growth is going down:


"3.7 percent to 2.7 percent in 2020"

Was not CPEC supposed to make Pakistan grow at 10% a year by now?


The above is short term. The HUGE projects and benefits of CPEC will not be seen until between 2030-35. That's when Pakistan's economy will shoot up exponentially. It's only a matter of time. That will make Pakistan a nation as developed as Turkey.........:azn:

So what advanced military equipment does bangladesh produce or make? What world class cities does bangladesh have?..........:azn:
Pakistan can already design and produce 52% of the block 3 variant of the JF-17 fighter which is comparable to the F-16:


OK using your link...

"Chief designer of the JF-17 Thunder fighter jet Yang Wei," - Chinese guy there
"incorporating an advanced active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar (possibly the Chinese made KLJ-7A)"
- radar looks like it will be Chinese.
"This are reported to include new longer ranged and more sophisticated air to air munitions, the PL-15 according to some reports, and possibly more advanced variants of the PL-12' - Chinese munitions
"PAC is reportedly set to manufacture 58 percent- manufacture is not the same as design.

All the key subsystems will be designed in China I see.

You are too short sighted ... You have no ideal how investment in infrastructure will benefit the country's economy in long term.

At least growth should not be going down?

The above is short term. The HUGE projects and benefits of CPEC will not be seen until between 2030-35. That's when Pakistan's economy will shoot up exponentially. It's only a matter of time. That will make Pakistan a nation as developed as Turkey.........:azn:

So what advanced military equipment does bangladesh produce or make? What world class cities does bangladesh have?..........:azn:

1 nice looking city of 2 million is nothing to brag about.

If BD wanted to it could spend a large sum making a new model capital but it does not want to do it - better to make sure the masses get the basics.

It is nearly 2020 and Pakistani growth keeps going down. Talk about CPEC when Pakistan at least gets higher growth rate.
I have going to quote what I said to @PAKISTANFOREVER

"What alliance does BD have with India? It is just a trading relationship.
BD wants to keep on good terms with India as it has a large economy in terms of region and is the gateway to cheap and clean hydroelectric power from Nepal and Bhutan."

As the old proverb goes : "Keep quite while you are building up your strength so you can be strong later and then speak"

BD needs to at the least get on with India. It would be folly to have a bad relationship with them as then BD economy would not by anywhere near as strong as it is now.
Even most AL leaders do not like India. Hasina has soft spot for India due to 1971 but she will not be around forever.

You have validated my argument with your post and funny enough you don't even realize it. There will be no Muslim block everyone has there own self-interests. You have proven it with your post when you claimed: "BD wants to keep good terms with India as it has a large economy." When money was flowing into your pockets did you forget about the Muslims of Gujarat and Kashmir? Then you have the audacity to lecture us to support the Uyghurs against China. Let this be a lesson to all Pakistani's on this forum. No Muslim country gives a damn about Pakistan yet they expect us to do them a favor. My answer is a middle finger to all these Muslim countries (not the people). You have signed two defense agreements with India in 2017 and you claim quite boldly that your relationship is based only upon trade.
OK using your link...

"Chief designer of the JF-17 Thunder fighter jet Yang Wei," - Chinese guy there
"incorporating an advanced active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar (possibly the Chinese made KLJ-7A)"
- radar looks like it will be Chinese.
"This are reported to include new longer ranged and more sophisticated air to air munitions, the PL-15 according to some reports, and possibly more advanced variants of the PL-12' - Chinese munitions
"PAC is reportedly set to manufacture 58 percent- manufacture is not the same as design.

All the key subsystems will be designed in China I see.

At least growth should not be going down?

EXACTLY!!!!........the next stage to having the infrastructure to Manufacture advanced fighter jets is to start designing and creating them yourselves. Especially now that our scientists and engineers are being trained by China. In 8 years, Pakistan has gone from having 0 to 52% manufacturing capability of advanced fighter jets.

This is EXACTLY how our nuclear weapons program matured where now Pakistan can produced powerful nukes 100% indigenously, that can wipe out india in a flash......:azn:

What advanced nukes and fighter jets are bangladesh manufacturing?
Pakistan is our true ally. Its capital looks like Europe:
With CPEC, we are achieving great things you Bangladesh could only dream of...
And I bet Pakistan will be the first nation to have 5th gen fighter plane in South Asia.

What he doesn't know most of the projects are infrastructure-related. You can't have a booming sector when there is no electricity. The positive outcome will be seen in the next two years.
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