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China interested in 12 billion projects in Pakist

You would come out sounding very ignorant if you say Indian company is wholly owned by foreign investors - no foreign company can operate in India without Indians having at least 48% stake in the company

And there is definitely no company in India that operates only in India and is owned 100% by a foreign company

Paktel was only one example - you live in Pakistan. I don't need to indicate to you the Chinese ownership of the other big compnaies in Pakistan - you know that better than I do

Did I in my post ever say Pakistan should/would care if Chinese companies had 100% stake in Pakistani companies

My post was an outcome of my admiration for Chinese companies and their growth - the fact that Pakistan is involved is merely incidental

It should have been a Chinese who should have responded to my statement by posting something like


yet somehow an Indian expressing admiration for Chinese is taken as an indication of belitteling Pakistan...how so?

Great going China :tup:

Stop being ignorant and stop trying to be two-faced.
Your posts above indicated that you had a negative input regarding China's investments in Pakistan.
The basic words you used to describe that was enough, "Pakistan being industrially conolized" is one I can remember without even reading your posts above again.

So you want me to see your posts in this thread as a positive sign towards China and their investments?
If so, then put your posts in such a way, because you're misleading not only me, but alot of other people aswell.

On another note, I have my doubts about foreign companies in India having to share atleast 48% with the GoI or other Indian parties, but i'm not too certain, can you provide me with a source for that?
Stop being ignorant and stop trying to be two-faced.
Your posts above indicated that you had a negative input regarding China's investments in Pakistan.
The basic words you used to describe that was enough, "Pakistan being industrially conolized" is one I can remember without even reading your posts above again.

whats wrong with colonization and increasing your field of influence?

only the powerful can do so - i simply admired China's power

If there were similar Chinese ventures in Gabon, I'd have said the same thing about China

On another note, I have my doubts about foreign companies in India having to share atleast 48% with the GoI or other Indian parties, but i'm not too certain, can you provide me with a source for that?

I certainly don't doubt your doubts - you din't even understand what I said

no foreign company can enter the Indian market without taking on an Indian partner totalling at least around 48% stake in the company

Please Google term like foreign direct investment +India

or participation of foreign entities in India +clauses

I found all about Paktel and other such companies without you having to provide me any source didn't I ;)
What about the Americans owning a large part of India's industry especially when it comes to callcentres lol?
Please refrain from trolling, why can't you wish Pakistan good luck or the best? China's investments in Pakistan only mean good for both nations, unless ofcourse, you don't want to see Pakistan develop and invest either, and I can understand that, an economical weak and unstable Pakistan is ofcourse easy for India to attack or maintain, but guess what, not in a million years. :)

India is very protective market.
no industry can be established to serve indian with out indian parternership of 48%.
So they need partner ship.

for example if you want to establish cell u need to have indian partner in pakistan that is not the case.

I am sure it will help chineese more than pakistani
whats wrong with colonization and increasing your field of influence?

only the powerful can do so - i simply admired China's power

If there were similar Chinese ventures in Gabon, I'd have said the same thing about China

I certainly don't doubt your doubts - you din't even understand what I said

no foreign company can enter the Indian market without taking on an Indian partner totalling at least around 48% stake in the company

Please Google term like foreign direct investment +India

or participation of foreign entities in India +clauses

I found all about Paktel and other such companies without you having to provide me any source didn't I ;)

I'm not into googling, give me your so called facts.
Also, keep it up with the two-faced attitude, it is to be expected.
You admire China's power and at the same time undermine Pakistan's abilities and achievements.
Also, congrats with your findings on Paktel, I couldn't care less to be honest.
Do me a favor and take a hike out of threads regarding Pakistani economical deals or news.

Your basic message to me still remains that Pakistan will feel the after effects of letting China invest heavily in its properties.
You can twist or turn that around, but yet you manage to give me a bad taste in my mouth because a simple thread with simple yet great news for both countries is being hijacked by the likes of you.

So the only message you wanted to spread out here was that you admire China's strength in terms of economic influence around the region or in particular Pakistan?
I choose no longer to go round and round explaning the same thing in multiple posts

I had posted in a thread involving China to state my admiration for China's economic growth and policies

Somehow admiration for China was construed as undermining Pakistan, which I did not do in this thread

My admiration for China stated - i have nothing more to justify

Great going China :tup:
I choose no longer to go round and round explaning the same thing in multiple posts

I had posted in a thread involving China to state my admiration for China's economic growth and policies

Somehow admiration for China was construed as undermining Pakistan, which I did not do in this thread

My admiration for China stated - i have nothing more to justify

Great going China :tup:

Your above posts seem to implicate another, but you've tried to change that into something else in your latest posts regarding this thread.
Looks like the Chinese own pretty much every industry in Pakistan :tup:

Great going China. Your path to industrial colonisation started with Pakistan.

Anyways, let's leave it at that.

Great going China & Pakistan indeed. ;)
Thats a good news

Seemed to me, not a good news at all. You guys are selling everything off to foreigners.. These are your core national projects and you guys should keep those to yourself. I know people of a lot of countries will kick their govt out if they try to sell these kind of projects to foreigners... :sniper:
Seemed to me, not a good news at all. You guys are selling everything off to foreigners.. These are your core national projects and you guys should keep those to yourself. I know people of a lot of countries will kick their govt out if they try to sell these kind of projects to foreigners... :sniper:

I'm sure these deals are made with great profit for both China and Pakistan, I don't think the level of economic education and understanding in Pakistan is in such a bad state that we do not know what to do and what not to do when it comes to making Pakistan more prosperous.
So what i'm saying is that these deals are done and are agreed upon with future gains and prospects in mind for Pakistan and for China.
We as regular people often don't know the complete ins and outs of certain deals, but then again, I might be wrong, so feel free to correct me.
Why not open there project for bidding?
why not call all countries and companies for these project?

If chineese give 12Billlion $ others may be intrested in investing even more.
may be better deal may be hatched.

Why make monoply for chineese in Pakistan

I see chineese getting better deal than what Pak gets.
Is there any rule these public works need to be put for open offer or it can be given to who gov want to?
I'm sure these deals are made with great profit for both China and Pakistan, I don't think the level of economic education and understanding in Pakistan is in such a bad state that we do not know what to do and what not to do when it comes to making Pakistan more prosperous.
So what i'm saying is that these deals are done and are agreed upon with future gains and prospects in mind for Pakistan and for China.
We as regular people often don't know the complete ins and outs of certain deals, but then again, I might be wrong, so feel free to correct me.

Well, even though I dont agree to a lot of commune and ultra nationalist in Bangladesh, but they did not let Port to go to a american company. they did not let indian to mingle with our roads infrastructure which they proposed like myanmar to develop and use, they did not let a australian company to take over coal mine. a UAE group is offering 3 billion dollar for our deep sea port every day, but govt decided to invest 10 billion from its own resources.
Ok let me go back to a foreign investment. Keeping in mind current flight of foreign investment of PK which put the whole economy in standstill. If those were you local investor then they had nowhere to go but to live with the crisis and find a way out. But foreign investor will not wait a second in your rainy days. Again in case of foreign investment they will likely to take back their investment in 1/2 years. This will again strain your current account balance, for instance they invested 12 billion but in 5/10 years time they have to take out 24 billion with profit. If that were your local investor then money should have remained inside pakistan.
Also these are the projects related to service sectors and will not produce any goods neither will earn any foreign currency. But they will ask you to pay in $$$. In this current pakistan economic condition I would rather suggest not to go with it...
I strongly suggest that PK should encourage FDI in export oriented manufacturing sector or financial sector. Nothing else... these will bring you dollar as well as will create jobs for the poors.. :enjoy:
Chalo jee Shabashay, the Chinese want to invest in Pakistan and according to our Indian friends they are colonizing Pakistan :D. Mashallah, i think logic and common sense has reached its lowest point :D.
Seemed to me, not a good news at all. You guys are selling everything off to foreigners.. These are your core national projects and you guys should keep those to yourself. I know people of a lot of countries will kick their govt out if they try to sell these kind of projects to foreigners... :sniper:

These are not readymade projects being sold off to the Chinese though, china is bringing in capital to construct infrastructure and the pakistani economy will benefit through a trickle down effect. The pakistani people do not want their own national assets sold off, that is one of the reasons why Musharaf was overthrown because him and Shaukat Aziz tried to sell the steel mills off. Don't be fooled into thinking that normal, honest Pakistanis approve of public assets like coalmines, steelmills etc being sold off to foreigners. They don't.
including Islamabad International Airport, oil refinery at Gwadar, Bunji Hydropower Project and Neelam-Jhelum Hydropower Project for Chinese investment.

infrastructure projects
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