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China insulting Iran in the Asian games

What if from now on I will refer to that piece of land you live on as Balochestan, and this is your flag:


Not too long ago, these so called "Arabian" lands were part of Iran. Currently Iranian citizens are being oppressed by fat foreign dictators that call themselves kings.

Not long ago the country called bangladesh used to carry Pakistan flag and now carry their own flag.
And we accepted it. Long time ago it was the persian empire which is gone. And the gulf all the countries r using it if it was only for iran i would not say anything or asked.

I dont know where iranian citizens or opressed in the gulf can u share

Nice to hear from.

You speak about China setting their policy under US pressure.? that is complete Jiberish to my ears however I maybe wrong but give me ONE single example of such an instance...
Very well. I will give you two examples, though there are more examples. China was the strongest opponent of sanctions against Iran. However, according to reports, it caved under US-EU pressure to agree to it anyway. Another example, China is the largest polluter in the world and under US-EU pressure it caved in to agree to lessening their C02, which will clamp down on their industrial expanse, and furthermore they recently caved into admitting they're the worst polluter. Which puts them in a weaker juristic position.

And as far as dependency is concerned, well if you had the slightest knowledge of Economics, you would know that since China is selling its products in the American market then its AMERICA who is dependent on China not the other way around. simple economics man.
You're confusing USA with Pakistan. USA is a developer nation, not a client/user nation, like Pakistan. Pakistan would be devastated if developer countries refuse to sell to Pakistan, simply because Pakistan has no industry to replace what gets imported. This is the reason why a country like Iran can handle any amount of pressure and not care, while Pakistan's back would break. It counts even more so for the US. The US does not need China's products, they have better products in every category of products that China exports. The reason China manages to outmaneuver all these other country's products, is because their barely paid workers are working their ***** off for barely any money, this allows China to sell their products at dirt cheap prices. Add this to the fact that China keeps their currency at a low, which in turn makes it impossible to compete with them. Now the reason resellers choose to sell more Chinese products than home-made products, is because they can buy Chinese products at dirt cheap prices, add a whole lot of profit on top of it, and still sell it at very competitive prices against home-made products.

I mean of course it would hurt China if america seizes to import Chinese product but hey a seller can always find another buyer.. But since America has become so dependent on China and other countries in recent year, it cannot afford to let go of this trade. I live in the US from the past 10 years.. and to be honest there are not many products here which read "made in USA" anymore..
The reason so many Chinese products are being sold is because of what I said above. The reason you see less "Made by USA" is because consumers rather pay a lower price, than a higher price (the product made by expensive US workers). The US is not dependent on any of this. There are two things that prevents the US from simply blocking China from selling in the US, so its own economy can become better:
1) China is the largest US debt holder, and this is the trade off for allowing Chinese imports. China keeps buying more US debt.
2) They're both WTO members, and it would be unlawful for the US to block them.

This forces the US to use foul tricks, so they recently decided to inject 600 billion newly printed money in their economy to devalue the US dollar. This (in theory) again allows them to compete with China, but stay within WTO regulations. The risk for the US though is that they might collapse as a result (sort of like what happened to the USSR)... this is what scares some.

So answer my one single question... IF America stops this trade.. where the h e l l do you think Its gonna fill have the massive product vaccum in the market so fast? Since they barely manufacture anything at home anymore.. ?
Again, you're very much confusing USA with Pakistan. The US has no problem what so ever in producing any product in whatever quantity. What they're having trouble with is finding consumers for their products. Currently the only stupid clients are some Asian countries (e.g. Pakistan (who buys on debt nonetheless), but more insane buyers would be the Arabian peninsula who buy at an insane rate).

But it seems that even after stating the correct facts yourself, you kinda want to twist the reality or perhaps don't want to accept it...

I mean is the person who owes money in greater trouble or the person who is lending the money. Plain logic man.
You're very much in need on getting yourself up to date on basic commerce and economy. Please stop embarrassing yourself, you have no idea what my background in economics is, so stop guessing on that too.
Not long ago the country called bangladesh used to carry Pakistan flag and now carry their own flag.
And we accepted it. Long time ago it was the persian empire which is gone. And the gulf all the countries r using it if it was only for iran i would not say anything or asked.

I dont know where iranian citizens or opressed in the gulf can u share

Nice to hear from.

You should take a look at the percentage Persian speaking shi'a "Arabs" in these kingdoms. They barely have any rights, get treated like dirt. These kingdoms are artificial and their kings were put in power by the British empire and their slaves. "Countries" like "Qatar", "Bahrain", "UAE", and so forth did not even exist some time ago. They came brought a family in power from Tribes they imported from other lands and kept them in power.
Whatever China does cannot be more rediculous than the outright BS sprewed by president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Given the actions and Inflammations of the Iranian president, it would be a miracle if China is not eventually forced to agree to sactions, and even then they have made it more diluted than it was.
You should take a look at the percentage Persian speaking shi'a "Arabs" in these kingdoms. They barely have any rights, get treated like dirt. These kingdoms are artificial and their kings were put in power by the British empire and their slaves. "Countries" like "Qatar", "Bahrain", "UAE", and so forth did not even exist some time ago. They came brought a family in power from Tribes they imported from other lands and kept them in power.


Thank for calrifying so were talking about shia's and iranians. In behrain i know many shia r in their parliment, in kuwait eventhough shia's dont have that big percentage but after the 1st gulf war they r in very good positions and their r many parliment, gallaf named shia politician is very well known he was member of parliment and may be he still is. In saudia they r in small number in madinah , qteef , ahsa's and najran ( najran shia's r ismaelies unlike they others).
I was born in saudia and lived their never met saudi shia. Any how they have very low percentage. Some of my uae friends tell me they are in small percentage and not in every imarate.

60 years ago pakistan was not there but saudi kingdom was their so this argument would not stand atleast for me

wat is persian speaking arabs?

Thanks for ur reply nice to hear from u

hey iranian brother why create issue only for name! after all iran or saudia or arab we all are muslim! we must be united. i will not say that saudia has right but i think iran must be unite with other muslim countrys!
If it makes you feel any better, most maritime charts worldwide (including the US) say "Persian Gulf" not Arabian. It can be easily confused for "Arabian Sea".

Also just because China says so, doesn't "make it so".

Geez China never said it's word is final and it apologized already.
If it makes you feel any better, most maritime charts worldwide (including the US) say "Persian Gulf" not Arabian. It can be easily confused for "Arabian Sea".

Also just because China says so, doesn't "make it so".

ok dear John
Thank you for your answer. i really appreciate. Take care.

Thank for calrifying so were talking about shia's and iranians. In behrain i know many shia r in their parliment, in kuwait eventhough shia's dont have that big percentage but after the 1st gulf war they r in very good positions and their r many parliment, gallaf named shia politician is very well known he was member of parliment and may be he still is. In saudia they r in small number in madinah , qteef , ahsa's and najran ( najran shia's r ismaelies unlike they others).
I was born in saudia and lived their never met saudi shia. Any how they have very low percentage. Some of my uae friends tell me they are in small percentage and not in every imarate.

60 years ago pakistan was not there but saudi kingdom was their so this argument would not stand atleast for me

wat is persian speaking arabs?

Thanks for ur reply nice to hear from u

Are you a foreign worker in the Arabian peninsula? I ask this, because generally Pakistanis have close to no knowledge at all about the middle-east. I doubt the idea of shi'a/sunni even came into your mind when you were born and lived there. The subject is taboo, books about shi'a are banned, unless written and approved by the state. These books contain lies, which funny enough has caused many Saudis to look up more on shia, found out the truth, and convert. Also the shi'a outside of haj, do not like to mention their beliefs due to discrimination.

However, there is no such thing as a parliament in any of these states. It is just a group of people that come to a room, and they simply have no say. It is a theater, and this is one of the reasons they fear Iran so much [the fear of the kings losing their power]. These countries are ruled under absolute monarchy rulership (e.g. a king decides everything).

Though, let me first clarify something that seems to confuse you. "Arab" is not an ethnicity. It is not like, let's say, "Punjabi", "Pashtun", "Baloch" or "Persian". There is no ethnic entity by the name, "Arab". In Saudi Arabia the majority is of the Semite race, and they speak the Arabic language. However, the Persian Gulf littoral states and the chunk of Saudi Arabia northern area, toward the Persian Gulf, are ethnically Persians. These are ethnic Persians that speak Arabic as their main language. Even though you can practically speak Persian everywhere there.

As for the percentage of shi'a, according to Human rights groups in Saudi Arabia 20% is shi'a. You might have never been to the Persian Gulf coastal towns, or even to haj. Even a wahhabi one time said he got 'sick' and his haj was ruined because everywhere he was during haj there were shi'a around him.

As for the creation of Pakistan, that is a separate issue not related to this topic.

Much of the Arabian peninsula was occupied by the British empire and forcefully taken away from Iran, and I'm not even mentioning other parts.
Are you a foreign worker in the Arabian peninsula? I ask this, because generally Pakistanis have close to no knowledge at all about the middle-east. I doubt the idea of shi'a/sunni even came into your mind when you were born and lived there. The subject is taboo, books about shi'a are banned, unless written and approved by the state. These books contain lies, which funny enough has caused many Saudis to look up more on shia, found out the truth, and convert. Also the shi'a outside of haj, do not like to mention their beliefs due to discrimination.

However, there is no such thing as a parliament in any of these states. It is just a group of people that come to a room, and they simply have no say. It is a theater, and this is one of the reasons they fear Iran so much [the fear of the kings losing their power]. These countries are ruled under absolute monarchy rulership (e.g. a king decides everything).

Though, let me first clarify something that seems to confuse you. "Arab" is not an ethnicity. It is not like, let's say, "Punjabi", "Pashtun", "Baloch" or "Persian". There is no ethnic entity by the name, "Arab". In Saudi Arabia the majority is of the Semite race, and they speak the Arabic language. However, the Persian Gulf littoral states and the chunk of Saudi Arabia northern area, toward the Persian Gulf, are ethnically Persians. These are ethnic Persians that speak Arabic as their main language. Even though you can practically speak Persian everywhere there.

As for the percentage of shi'a, according to Human rights groups in Saudi Arabia 20% is shi'a. You might have never been to the Persian Gulf coastal towns, or even to haj. Even a wahhabi one time said he got 'sick' and his haj was ruined because everywhere he was during haj there were shi'a around him.

As for the creation of Pakistan, that is a separate issue not related to this topic.

Much of the Arabian peninsula was occupied by the British empire and forcefully taken away from Iran, and I'm not even mentioning other parts.


Very very thanks to ur useful reply. As far as many pakistaniies dont know about middle east it is right statement for those ppl who never been to middle east but there r many pakistanies who live in M.E. I was born in saudia and live there. I used to speack arabic like an arabic and read too ( as a matter of fact i used to speak arabic bette them my mother tongue punjabi ) Yes when we r born we dont know about our mother and father unless they tell us to call them as mother of father same goes to me i never knew wat is shia or sunni when i was born or when i was a kid. About printing wrongfull or lies about shia books, this statement could stand before the dish antenna and internet now all the major books of all sects on the net.
We can match and see who is not telling the truth.

Yes i never been to persian gulf cities of saudia but it doesnot mean i tolally dont know anything after all we have friend relatives and ppl we meet from all over saudia otherwise how i would tell u where the shia concentration is in saudia. On my going to haj , i would preffer if u asked me instead of assuming did i ever goto haj or not. A pakistani born in saudia and never gone to haj lol. Alhumdulillah been to haj many times that i dont remember the count may Allah accept our good deeds aameen. Actually wat i mean never saw a shia it meant saudia shia and not iranian shia.

20% of saudies r shia this is according to u after these ppl found out the truth and converted i dont doubt ur figure but it is ur saying and even if i accept it still not a big majority as i know it is far less but this is not or topic. They also can claim that sunnies in iran r also opressed and keep blaiming each other any how if u add all the shia's in gulf they will be far less then sunnies living in iran and i dont know thier living conditions for sure so i won't comment without a knowledge.

I agree with u these parliments dont have powers but since in the same parliment sunnies r there so r the shia's.

Greatfull to u for ur info.

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