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China in innovation challenge to Europe


Nov 4, 2011
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China in innovation challenge to Europe
May 16, 2013 12:03 am

By Chris Bryant in Frankfurt
Europe’s business leaders fear its industry will fall behind China in technological innovation within a decade as the economic crisis undermines one of the continent’s competitive advantages.

More than two-thirds of business leaders surveyed by Accenture, the consultancy, on behalf of BusinessEurope, the business lobby group, said China would reach or pull ahead of Europe in innovation by 2023.

Weak demand caused by Europe’s economic crisis has sent industrial production into decline, while corporate reluctance to delve into cash reserves is holding back new investment, training and R&D.

Rising unemployment threatens labour flexibility and Europe’s ability to maintain a highly skilled workforce. Fewer than half of those surveyed said Europe’s workforce remained a competitive advantage for industry.

European policy makers are determined to reverse industry’s decline. The European Commission last year proposed by 2020 to raise industry’s share of EU gross domestic product from 15.6 per cent to 20 per cent.

“We cannot continue to let our industry relocate outside Europe,” said Antonio Tajani, vice-president of the European Commission.

European companies remain leaders in sectors ranging from automotive to aerospace, engineering to pharmaceuticals, and two-thirds of surveyed business leaders said European industry was still competitive internationally.

But some Chinese companies such as Huawei, the telecoms equipment maker, are drawing level in innovation capability and gaining share in Europe. Some 61 per cent of those surveyed said they feared Europe would struggle to recover from its economic crisis for at least three years.

Some 90 per cent of German business leaders said Europe’s industry was competitive compared with only half of business leaders in Spain.

The Accenture study identified two areas to support growth: rebuilding Europe’s skills base and reinvigorating industry’s access to finance, including better access to capital markets and venture capital funding for start-ups.

Although Europe is mired in recession, there remain opportunities in areas ranging from low-carbon technology and smart grid networks to biotechnology and advanced manufacturing.

“The China machine is definitely going to invest a lot of money in technology innovation over the next 10 years . . . [But] there’s a sense that if we get our act together Europe can remain successful in manufacturing,” said Mark Spelman, strategy chief at Accenture.

“Just because there is zero growth across Europe doesn’t mean there are not segments of good growth within that . . . So it’s about how you place bets in an intelligent way.

To address the innovation deficit, business leaders want to see more public funding for R&D, reduced tax for R&D and capital investment and improved financing conditions.

European executives raised a variety of other worries ranging from the cost of energy to labour costs.

A majority of respondents were pessimistic that European industry would be cost-competitive in energy compared with markets such as the US, Russia and China in three years’ time.

US industry is enjoying cheap energy courtesy of discoveries of shale gas that permit new investment in gas-intensive industry, such as petrochemicals.

In contrast, Europe remains dependent on more expensive Russian gas, and costly regulation and investments in renewable energy are adding to the burden.

Accenture commissioned a survey of 500 executives and public sector leaders in a variety of company sizes.
China set to surpass U.S. in R&D spending in 10 years
China's overall R&D is a little more than half that of U.S. and growing rapidly; U.S. is stalling


China set to surpass U.S. in R&D spending in 10 years - Computerworld
China set to surpass U.S. in R&D spending in 10 years
China's overall R&D is a little more than half that of U.S. and growing rapidly; U.S. is stalling


China set to surpass U.S. in R&D spending in 10 years - Computerworld

Spending is only one aspect, in China its more about retaining the talent. Because lets be honest, whats the first thing a talented chinese graduate do when given the chance to study or migrate to the US or EU.

In the interesting BBC documentary called Chinese schools in 2007, they followed several chinese kids. One girl was doing her college entrance exam at the time, she was 1st or 2nd in the province of Anhui, and continued to excel in Tsinghua, in 2012 her name was on the student register on MIT.
Chi bots in overdrive posting articles from May....LOL, Indians are really getting to you aren't they? :omghaha:

in re to topic: Chinese innovation is spying for electric vehicle designs for example, from Europe, that "lacks" innovation.


Top Ten 2013 ranking:

Switzerland (Number 1 in 2012)
Sweden (2)
United Kingdom (5)
Netherlands (6)
United States of America (10)
Finland (4)
Hong Kong (China) (8)
Singapore (3)
Denmark (7)
Ireland (9)


7 out of 10 of the most innovative countries are from Europe. :lol:
Clearly it's high IQ Chinese making these deductions.
Chi bots in overdrive posting articles from May....LOL, Indians are really getting to you aren't they? :omghaha:

in re to topic: Chinese innovation is spying for electric vehicle designs for example, from Europe, that "lacks" innovation.


Top Ten 2013 ranking:

Switzerland (Number 1 in 2012)
Sweden (2)
United Kingdom (5)
Netherlands (6)
United States of America (10)
Finland (4)
Hong Kong (China) (8)
Singapore (3)
Denmark (7)
Ireland (9)

Global Innovation Index 2013: US Rejoins Five Most-Innovative Nations as Switzerland Keeps Top Spot – Local Dynamics Key to Overcoming Global Innovation Divide

7 out of 10 of the most innovative countries are from Europe. :lol:
Clearly it's high IQ Chinese making these deductions.

It seems WE are getting to YOU by your reaction to our success!!!!

7 out of 10 of the most innovative countries are from Europe.

None of them is from East Europe.:smitten:

Oh! Where is the big leg? I want big leg!!! :laughcry:
Chi bots in overdrive posting articles from May....LOL, Indians are really getting to you aren't they? :omghaha:

in re to topic: Chinese innovation is spying for electric vehicle designs for example, from Europe, that "lacks" innovation.


Top Ten 2013 ranking:

Switzerland (Number 1 in 2012)
Sweden (2)
United Kingdom (5)
Netherlands (6)
United States of America (10)
Finland (4)
Hong Kong (China) (8)
Singapore (3)
Denmark (7)
Ireland (9)

Global Innovation Index 2013: US Rejoins Five Most-Innovative Nations as Switzerland Keeps Top Spot – Local Dynamics Key to Overcoming Global Innovation Divide

7 out of 10 of the most innovative countries are from Europe. :lol:
Clearly it's high IQ Chinese making these deductions.

Hongkong is part of China and it made the top in Asia,where is India?
We build world's fastest computers,sent our men and women up to the space and down to the bottom of the sea to explore,we build world's longest high speed railway system,subway system,cross sea bridges, the world's biggest ports, airports,dams...What can India do,oh,yes ,you also sent your sailors down to the bottom of the sea with your submarine,to be fish food.
Hongkong is part of China and it made the top in Asia,where is India?

Stunning developments walker and all other Chinese :tup:

Many of them are dual nationals btw.
Singapore is also majority ethnic Chinese. :woot:

When the mainland catches up in per-capita terms it will be even better.

That shows the great potential of the Chinese people.

For the time being, you guys are doing greater than what the whole world had expected.
It seems this East Europe gay waving EU flag drag India into this thread.
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