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China has the world best marriage law: Feminists cry foul

Jun 22, 2013
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Women are no longer able to play dirty under China divorce law. Put it simply,

  1. women have no rights to husband assets acquire before marriage.
  2. husband can sue wife for compensation if their child fail paternity test

The women who enrich themselves who married serially, cuckoo their husband, and file support for someone else child (child of their lover), they have no chance in China.

China's divorce rule dubbed 'Law that makes men laugh and women cry' - Telegraph

New Chinese Marriage Law Protects Men’s Assets, Angers Women – chinaSMACK

China divorce law: Marital assets division rules and regulations
I should definitely get married in China, lol.

I got a lot of big laugh these days when I see women got sued for fathering someone else child. Not only women cannot have hands on husband asset, women need to pay "mental damage compensation" 精神损失费,

亲子鉴定知儿非亲生 丈夫离婚获精神损失费5万元__沈阳离婚律师|沈阳婚姻律师|沈阳涉外离婚律师|遗产继承律师

33岁儿子非亲生 男子欲向妻子追讨精神损失费-中国法院网

男子离婚后带娃做亲子鉴定 发现3名女儿均非亲生_新闻_腾讯网
I got a lot of big laugh these days when I see women got sued for fathering someone else child. Not only women cannot have hands on husband asset, women need to pay "mental damage compensation" 精神损失费,

亲子鉴定知儿非亲生 丈夫离婚获精神损失费5万元__沈阳离婚律师|沈阳婚姻律师|沈阳涉外离婚律师|遗产继承律师

33岁儿子非亲生 男子欲向妻子追讨精神损失费-中国法院网

男子离婚后带娃做亲子鉴定 发现3名女儿均非亲生_新闻_腾讯网

中国法院网讯 张先生经亲子鉴定确定儿子确实非自己亲生后,旋即与妻子协议离婚,同时感觉自己的人格尊严受到了莫大的侮辱,故诉至北京市顺义区人民法院,要求前妻赔偿自己抚养费既精神损失费。近日,法院审结此案,判决支持了张先生的诉讼请求。


I got a lot of big laugh these days when I see women got sued for fathering someone else child. Not only women cannot have hands on husband asset, women need to pay "mental damage compensation" 精神损失费,

亲子鉴定知儿非亲生 丈夫离婚获精神损失费5万元__沈阳离婚律师|沈阳婚姻律师|沈阳涉外离婚律师|遗产继承律师

33岁儿子非亲生 男子欲向妻子追讨精神损失费-中国法院网

男子离婚后带娃做亲子鉴定 发现3名女儿均非亲生_新闻_腾讯网

Its the complete opposite in Japan; which favors the wife most of the time. In fact, most cases, in divorce proceedings, the custody of the child goes to the mother and the family of the mother. In regards to assets; unless otherwise specified through a prenuptial contract, upon divorce the property is divided 50%. Japanese Courts are wife-friendly, most cases.

Divorces usually are a of a last resort since Courts require couples to go through mediation and counseling before really divorcing, the latter only happens when mediation and counseling fail to remedy the problem(s).

A judge usually will say to the father requesting divorce (if the father has children with the wife):

"Do you love your children?"

"Come again?"

"I said, 'Do you love your children?'"

"Because if you do indeed love your children, you will not seek this divorce."

Its the complete opposite in Japan; which favors the wife most of the time. In fact, most cases, in divorce proceedings, the custody of the child goes to the mother and the family of the mother. In regards to assets; unless otherwise specified through a prenuptial contract, upon divorce the property is divided 50%. Japanese Courts are wife-friendly, most cases.

Divorces usually are a of a last resort since Courts require couples to go through mediation and counseling before really divorcing, the latter only happens when mediation and counseling fail to remedy the problem(s).

A judge usually will say to the father requesting divorce (if the father has children with the wife):

"Do you love your children?"

"Come again?"

"I said, 'Do you love your children?'"

"Because if you do indeed love your children, you will not seek this divorce."

I highly suspect the white man elites try to degenerate them. In white man land, even you cuckoo your husband and bear illigimate children, your husband need to slice up half his asset unless the couple has pre-nup.

China divorce law is completely in line with Chinese culture, and also with a lot of consideration for the women. The husband asset before marriage the wife cannot touch. The husband asset procure after marriage the wife can have a share.

When wife got son from someone else sperm, she need to be punish.
I highly suspect the white man elites try to degenerate them. In white man land, even you cuckoo your husband and bear illigimate children, your husband need to slice up half his asset unless the couple has pre-nup.

China divorce law is completely in line with Chinese culture, and also with a lot of consideration for the women. The husband asset before marriage the wife cannot touch. The husband asset procure after marriage the wife can have a share.

When wife got son from someone else sperm, she need to be punish.

How is the marriage and divorce law like in Singapura?
How is the marriage and divorce law like in Singapura?

Women get half your wealth almost in every cases. The judge may consider less penalties towards the man if women adultery.

But even if women adultery, the man STILL pay.

I heard people divorce from wife because she sleep with someone else. Then this wife took the monthly support and cohabitate with her fcuker.

The poor ex-husband pay and pay, work like mad. The ex wife stay at home and fuc.

Worst, some part (could be half) of the house goes to his wife.
Women get half your wealth almost in every cases. The judge may consider less penalties towards the man if women adultery.

But even if women adultery, the man STILL pay.

I heard people divorce from wife because she sleep with someone else. Then this wife took the monthly support and cohabitate with her fcuker.

The poor ex-husband pay and pay, work like mad. The ex wife stay at home and fuc.

Worst, some part (could be half) of the house goes to his wife.

Man, its just a warning for me to make sure I sign a nuptial before I ever get married , that is if i choose to marry.

Life as a bachelor isn't bad, lol. What's your view on that, @Lux de Veritas ?
Man, its just a warning for me to make sure I sign a nuptial before I ever get married , that is if i choose to marry.

Life as a bachelor isn't bad, lol. What's your view on that, @Lux de Veritas ?

You are a Christian, and make sure you marry some one after you fcuk her.

My family keep warning me against anyhow fcuk. You know fcuk and run away is a bad thing to do.

You damage a women soul.
You are a Christian, and make sure you marry some one after you fcuk her.

My family keep warning me against anyhow fcuk. You know fcuk and run away is a bad thing to do.

You damage a women soul.

Yes, that's true. Marriage is an issue that is always at the front burner of any conversation with my parents , that's why whenever I talk to them over the phone or videochat , at the end of any conversation, my mother will always bring that issue up. lol. You know she keeps asking me about my Chinese xgf still, i think she thought i would get back with her , but a alas. One of the reasons I was with her was because she was Catholic , and it was almost similar to Orthodox. I tend to stray away from dating protestants because I don't like the doctrinal differences , specially when it comes to Sola Scriptura and the like.

Its very very hard to find Christian Japanese here, the only Christian Asians are usually Filipinos, Chinese and some Vietnamese. Oh yes, Koreans, too, lol.

PS. Do your family stress you out on the 'marriage' issue as well? I'm sure your mother pressure you eh?
Yes, that's true. Marriage is an issue that is always at the front burner of any conversation with my parents , that's why whenever I talk to them over the phone or wideochat , at the end of any conversation, my mother will always bring that issue up. lol. You know she keeps asking me about my Chinese xgf still, i think she thought i would get back with her , but a alas. One of the reasons I was with her was because she was Catholic , and it was almost similar to Orthodox. I tend to stray away from dating protestants because I don't like the doctrinal differences , specially when it comes to Sola Scriptura and the like.

Its very very hard to find Christian Japanese here, the only Christian Asians are usually Filipinos, Chinese and some Vietnamese. Oh yes, Koreans, too, lol.

PS. Do your family stress you out on the 'marriage' issue as well? I'm sure your mother pressure you eh?

Yes of course. I am single.

We can open another thread about dating. I have observe that women soul get damage after she get dump. You see her eyes lost sparkle.

Also I am always being ridicule for being a pussy for my view of marriage.


I do what Bible preach as far as possible.
Yes of course. I am single.

We can open another thread about dating. I have observe that women soul get damage after she get dump. You see her eyes lost sparkle.

Also I am always being ridicule for being a pussy for my view of marriage.


I do what Bible preach as far as possible.

Let's open a thread in the members section, buddy. Would like to continue this conversation with you there. Just tag me , okay? :)

Xie xie...
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