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China emerges as India’s top trading partner


Dec 11, 2013
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China emerges as India’s top trading partner: Study - The Times of India

NEW DELHI: India's eastern neighbour China has emerged as its biggest trading partner in the current fiscal replacing the UAE and pushing it to the third spot, according to a study conducted by PHD Chamber of Commerce.

India-China trade has reached $49.5 billion with 8.7% share in India's total trade, while the US comes second at $46 billion with 8.1% share and the UAE third at $45.4 billion with 8% share during the first nine months of the current fiscal, the study revealed.

The UAE was India's biggest trading partner in the 2012-13 fiscal.

India's trade (exports and imports) with China was only of $7 billion in 2004 which rose to $38 billion in 2008 and to $65 billion in 2013.

"India's direction of foreign trade has exhibited a structural shift during the last decade. Trade volume and trade share of emerging and developing economies has increased while the share of conventional trading partners has showed a declining trend," PHD chamber president Sharad Jaipuria said.

However, with the revival of demand in advanced economies, the US has re-emerged as India's top exports destination. India's exports to the US during April-Dec 2013 stood at $29.3 billion followed by the UAE at $22.3 billion and China at $10.8 billion. In the 2012-13 fiscal, UAE was India's top exports destination followed by the US and Singapore, the study pointed out.

Besides, UK and Germany have come down in the list of the top export destinations, while Belgium and Italy are out of the list. On the other hand, Saudi Arabia and Netherlands have made it to the list of top ten export destinations.

One significant development in India's import scenario is the emergence of Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Qatar, Iraq and Switzerland amongst the country's top ten import sources.
I don't think the trade flows have changed.

Due to its financial crisis, India is buying less gold from the UAE. Once the Indian economy recovers, the UAE could very well return to the top spot.


Here's what I'm saying.

a. India buys machine tools and cellular phone base stations from China. This is probably fairly constant. In essence, India buys quality infrastructure products from China.

b. India buys military equipment from the United States. The Indian military is on a fairly predictable budget (around $30 billion with a fixed percentage for foreign weapon purchases). This arms trade is also fairly constant.

c. India uses the UAE as a conduit to sell goods to Iran and other Middle Eastern countries. Also, India buys a lot of gold through the UAE. Once the Indian-UAE gold trade returns to normal, the UAE should be India's top trade partner again.
why India buy gold from UAE instead of Switzerland?
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