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China denounces US support for Philippines stance


Mar 21, 2013
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United States
United States
Saturday Oct 12, 2013


China has denounced US Secretary of State John Kerry’s support for the Philippines’ stance in a maritime dispute between Beijing and Manila.

The Philippines drew China’s ire after launching an arbitration case with the UN in a bid to challenge the legal validity of Beijing’s claims over the South China Sea.

Kerry said at the East Asia Summit in Brunei that all claimants “can engage in arbitration and other means of peaceful negotiation.”

On Friday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said in reaction to Kerry's remarks that “non-parties to the dispute should respect the efforts by relevant parties involved to peacefully solve the dispute through direct and friendly negotiation ... instead of doing things that could harm regional peace and stability.”

Hua further said that the South China Sea has been a calm and tranquil area “so if some country really wants to safeguard peace and stability in the South China Sea, it should stop stirring up waves.”

China and the Philippines have had recurring standoffs over the disputed territories of the South China Sea, amid US calls for stronger military alliances and more troop presence in the Asia-Pacific region.

Brunei, Malaysia, Taiwan and Vietnam also have declared their claims to parts of the South China Sea.

China has time and again criticized the Philippines for refusing to stop the territorial dispute and seeking to expand US military presence in the region.

Meanwhile, Manila has sought the help of an international legal team to fight its arbitration case under the United Nations' Convention on the Law of the Sea.

However, Hua stressed that Beijing will not accept the Philippines' request for international arbitration, saying, China's stance on the issue will not change as it is “entirely justified by international law.”

“China has been advocating and devoted to peacefully solving disputes over territorial and maritime rights and interests with direct claimants through bilateral and friendly negotiation.”

Analysts have warned that the Philippines risks losing part of its sovereignty by agreeing to expand the US military presence in the country, while Washington is sending a signal to the region that it supports the Philippines’ claims on the South China Sea dispute.

PressTV - China denounces US support for Philippines stance
Well this china they have no real evidence or standing just arrogance and dirty tricks and its economic and military might let them screw themselves over
However, Hua stressed that Beijing will not accept the Philippines' request for international arbitration, saying, China's stance on the issue will not change as it is “entirely justified by international law.”

lol..thats funny..justified by international law,yet don't want to fight and win the case and settle it once and for all????what reason that might be??? :omghaha:
A third party under UN should really be encourage by the Americans to formulate the rules of navigation on West Philippine Sea. This is to prevent China to bully or bribe other ASEAN nations into accepting their conditions at the sea.
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