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China conducted 3-4 nuclear blasts in Tibet in 2005 to divert Brahmaputra

tell me what will happen to India without monsoon? :smokin:

Monsoon will still come. And don't try to eat people's head here with your nonsense. If you want to discuss, be a man. Don't bring stupid things between a good discussion. Because No one wants to drop at your level of cheapness to go further with the posts. From the next time if I see any of your BS or you quoting me with your BS I will simply report it. You can talk $hit with others but I will not entertain your bull$hit. I will stop replying and will also ask others to ignore you. This isn't your mental asylum that you will act like a retard. So from the next time if your are good learnt then come up with better discussion and to the point and remain on topic. Don't spoil the posts with your bad habits.
3 -4 nuclear blasts to divert ,:rofl:
Then we need not worry about chinese nuclear weapons ,the river is still flowing.
:rofl: :rofl:
Monsoon will still come. And don't try to eat people's head here with your nonsense. If you want to discuss, be a man. Don't bring stupid things between a good discussion. Because No one wants to drop at your level of cheapness to go further with the posts. From the next time if I see any of your BS or you quoting me with your BS I will simply report it. You can talk $hit with others but I will not entertain your bull$hit. I will stop replying and will also ask others to ignore you. This isn't your mental asylum that you will act like a retard. So from the next time if your are good learnt then come up with better discussion and to the point and remain on topic. Don't spoil the posts with your bad habits.

What's matter, too chicken to answer, resort personal intimidation won't help your cause. :no:, you can report me as much as you want and let the MODs judge by themself.
It is a non issue for India.

China diverting BP, will make India inflict a full scale war and free Tibet.

Tibet back, the waters would be restored and China would be made to pay hefty sums for correcting the systems.

India not worry about BP. India plan to free Tibet.

the problem is not diversion of BP. The problem is Tibet under occupation of China.
What's matter, too chicken to answer, resort personal intimidation won't help your cause. :no:, you can report me as much as you want and let the MODs judge by themself.

What dragon i thoughy you are matured you are arguying on these issues chill it and move on.
Cutting water is not so easy. Are you ready for a full fledged war with India?

Are you ready to risk loosing Tibet?

Once India defeats China and gets back Tibet the waters will be restored to India.

So your water diversion would be only temporary. India do not need to worry about the river. India should just concentrate on annexing Tibet.
Once Tibet is ours, water will automatically be ours. :) and Chinese wet dreams would become dry as before... lol

What can China do if India annex Tibet?

just curious, are you arnab goswami by any chance ?

It is a non issue.

China diverting BP, will make India inflict a full scale war and free Tibet.

Tibet back, the waters would be restored and China would be made to pay hefty sums for correcting the systems.

You can't do a jack A$$ to us, even your gorverment couldn't convince China with water treaty and you're dreaming for retaliation and fantasize with Tibet? :rofl: ...and you want China to pay you with Rupee i suppose :lol:
You can't do a jack A$$ to us, even your gorverment couldn't convince China with water treaty and you're dreaming for retaliation and fantasize with Tibet? :rofl: ...and you want China to pay you with Rupee i suppose :lol:

You cant afford to pay in Rupee at that time. Yuan would be useless that time. So only gold would do.
You cant afford to pay in Rupee at that time. Yuan would be useless that time. So only gold would do.

lol Indian like to bragg about Rupee even these days :omghaha:

What dragon i thoughy you are matured you are arguying on these issues chill it and move on.

Are you trying to insinuating that I was arguing with a bunch of immature guys all these time? :cry:
lol Indian like to bragg about Rupee even these days :omghaha:

Are you trying to insinuateing that I was arguing with a bunch of immature guys all these time? :cry:

if you want to make money in short to medium term.

then buy USD/INR contracts :D

but when India and China war start, buy INR and exit Yuan completely... and wait for war to end and reconvert to Yuan You would become Billionaire in China. :coffee:
if you want to make money in short to medium term.

then buy USD/INR contracts :D

but when India and China war start but INR and exit Yuan completely... and wait for war to end and reconvert to Yuan You would become Billionaire in China. :coffee:

keep the advise for yourself, a rupee free fall is good sign to keep away from Indian's financial expertise.:angel:
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