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China Communist Party Intrudes In Mosque Life

Therefore, the Pakistan Muslim concerned about the situation in India, not without reason, after all, the same happened to just half a century ago.

so what happened to the so called Muslim Umaah and all that ? If you saying that they are more concerned about Indian Muslims then does that mean they overlook the hardships of Chinese Muslims ? Wow nice double standards.
so what happened to the so called Muslim Umaah and all that ? If you saying that they are more concerned about Indian Muslims then does that mean they overlook the hardships of Chinese Muslims ? Wow nice double standards.

Muslims in India and Pakistan have some relations, for historical reasons.
Muslims in India and Pakistan have some relations, for historical reasons.

That does not matter, if Pakistan so strongly believes in the Muslim Umaah ideology then it must treat every Muslim equally. By your logic no one in the world would care about the other person until they share the same heritage, Sorry but double standards are quite obvious. Pakistan's relentless rants over India Muslims is just another way to irritate and target India and nothing more. If they really cared about the well being of Muslims, apply the same logic to the heavily oppressed Muslims of China, start fighting for their rights also now.
That does not matter, if Pakistan so strongly believes in the Muslim Umaah ideology then it must treat every Muslim equally. By your logic no one in the world would care about the other person until they share the same heritage, Sorry but double standards are quite obvious. Pakistan's relentless rants over India Muslims is just another way to irritate and target India and nothing more. If they really cared about the well being of Muslims, apply the same logic to the heavily oppressed Muslims of China, start fighting for their rights also now.

muslims aren't oppressed. uighurs make up less than 10% of all muslims. 90% of muslims are hui, who have no problem with the government.

a radical thought - uighurs seem oppressed because they can't speak chinese fluently, the national and official language of china, which is necessary for education, business and scientific research. thus they can't get a job and make money. just liek how mexicans in the USA are poor because they don't speak english, if a minority does not speak the dominant language they will fall economically behind.

hui speak chinese.
muslims aren't oppressed. uighurs make up less than 10% of all muslims. 90% of muslims are hui, who have no problem with the government.

a radical thought - uighurs seem oppressed because they can't speak chinese fluently, the national and official language of china, which is necessary for education, business and scientific research. thus they can't get a job and make money. just liek how mexicans in the USA are poor because they don't speak english, if a minority does not speak the dominant language they will fall economically behind.

hui speak chinese.

Sorry not buying your argument, many Chinese here have told me a totally different story in regards to all this. Point being that does not matter if they cannot speak the language or do not want to. Main point is the huge double standards that exist in regards to Muslim countries when it comes to fighting for so called Muslim rights. In reality its all about personal gains and political agendas. Some of our neighbors need to stop pretending to be the flag bearers of all Muslims as frankly they dont care.
The main difference bewteen Chinese Muslims and Indian Muslims is that many Pakistani's have relatives in India....so when trouble is happening in certain parts of India...obviously some Pakistani's are concerned....as simply they care for there family members.....its only natural
muslims aren't oppressed. uighurs make up less than 10% of all muslims. 90% of muslims are hui, who have no problem with the government.

a radical thought - uighurs seem oppressed because they can't speak chinese fluently, the national and official language of china, which is necessary for education, business and scientific research. thus they can't get a job and make money. just liek how mexicans in the USA are poor because they don't speak english, if a minority does not speak the dominant language they will fall economically behind.

hui speak chinese.

Your right I have a Chinese friend from Beijing...and she told me that the Muslims who are Hui get on well with the Han people.........however the Uighur's are an issue. Partly because around that area rapid development has taken place...and the Uighur's have failed to keep up.....while the Hans have prospered significantly. Her opinion was that the Uighur's are still influenced by there nomadic way of life..and that the vast population lives outside of the City.....so it has not benifited with the growth of China. Anyway she said more but its too long to write it down.

But she did agree that the Goverment has to do more into integrate the Uighurs more into Society.
Your right I have a Chinese friend from Beijing...and she told me that the Muslims who are Hui get on well with the Han people.........however the Uighur's are an issue. Partly because around that area rapid development has taken place...and the Uighur's have failed to keep up.....while the Hans have prospered significantly. Her opinion was that the Uighur's are still influenced by there nomadic way of life..and that the vast population lives outside of the City.....so it has not benifited with the growth of China. Anyway she said more but its too long to write it down.

But she did agree that the Goverment has to do more into integrate the Uighurs more into Society.

yes, we need to do more to help them, but the uighurs also need to make a real effort too. their illiteracy and lack of education drag down their economic status which they then blame on nonsense like "oppression".
It is a fact that in india muslims are backwards when compared to other minorities like christians,sikhs,parsis etc(who are much much richer than hindus and muslims)I believe it is the same for china in the case of ughuirs.What is in their social set up that makes them backward compared to other minorities needed to be understood and rectified(importance to madrasah education than modern education,reluctance to accept english or chinese respectively,reluctance to educate women etc)instead of using it as a tool to bash each other as "oppression".But on the other hand any human rights infringement on minorities by indian and chinese government should be published and criticized internationally,it is only selective criticizm by some that i find unacceptable and disgusting.
@chinese members:I found this news on some anti china propaganda websites and forums,can anyone inform whether there is any truth in this-
1.ughuirs are allowed to read only ccp permitted version of quran,in which certain parts of real version are omitted.
2.Friday prayers by ughuirs have been banned by government in many situations
3.After one year of ughuir riots internet and communication to outside world via internet is still banned from ughuir regions.
4.No ughuir was permitted to beijing at the times of olympics
PS:I am not bashing china,i just want to know whether there is any truth in these accusations made against china,my favourite country after india.
It is a fact that in india muslims are backwards when compared to other minorities like christians,sikhs,parsis etc(who are much much richer than hindus and muslims)I believe it is the same for china in the case of ughuirs.What is in their social set up that makes them backward compared to other minorities needed to be understood and rectified(importance to madrasah education than modern education,reluctance to accept english or chinese respectively,reluctance to educate women etc)instead of using it as a tool to bash each other as "oppression".But on the other hand any human rights infringement on minorities by indian and chinese government should be published and criticized internationally,it is only selective criticizm by some that i find unacceptable and disgusting.
@chinese members:I found this news on some anti china propaganda websites and forums,can anyone inform whether there is any truth in this-
1.ughuirs are allowed to read only ccp permitted version of quran,in which certain parts of real version are omitted.
2.Friday prayers by ughuirs have been banned by government in many situations
3.After one year of ughuir riots internet and communication to outside world via internet is still banned from ughuir regions.
4.No ughuir was permitted to beijing at the times of olympics
PS:I am not bashing china,i just want to know whether there is any truth in these accusations made against china,my favourite country after india.

I am not very clear because I am not a religious person, after all, only a small percentage of Muslims in China.
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China's largest Mosque opens today.

This is the latest,largest mosque in China, HUI, in sadian - a Saudi Arabia cash-affected areas,so it can not imagine, just use the Chinese version. But honestly, I caution against any foreign religious influences, even if Saudi Arabia is a generous and very good relations with China.

On the prohibition of prayer, it is more incredible, there are a number of measures the Chinese Government on religious life, it totally for national security and social stability, so why to ban prayer in any one day that it was not be affected. so, I think that is impossible.

Network in Xinjiang, now available online has been opened a few months ago .

In the Beijing Olympics, many athletes from Xinjiang, but I do not know the exact number of Uighurs. But the Chinese government has taken some measures to limit mobile during the Beijing Olympics, mainly to prevent the destruction of terrorists, in fact, not only in Xinjiang, but in all parts of China, more stringent, but not a ban, you go to Beijing may have many Trouble. However, all Beijingers, including Uighur is unrestricted, and this particular policy during a short time.

These are my personal answer,I do not know if you are satisfied.
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It is a fact that in india muslims are backwards when compared to other minorities like christians,sikhs,parsis etc(who are much much richer than hindus and muslims)I believe it is the same for china in the case of ughuirs.What is in their social set up that makes them backward compared to other minorities needed to be understood and rectified(importance to madrasah education than modern education,reluctance to accept english or chinese respectively,reluctance to educate women etc)instead of using it as a tool to bash each other as "oppression".But on the other hand any human rights infringement on minorities by indian and chinese government should be published and criticized internationally,it is only selective criticizm by some that i find unacceptable and disgusting.
@chinese members:I found this news on some anti china propaganda websites and forums,can anyone inform whether there is any truth in this-
1.ughuirs are allowed to read only ccp permitted version of quran,in which certain parts of real version are omitted.
2.Friday prayers by ughuirs have been banned by government in many situations
3.After one year of ughuir riots internet and communication to outside world via internet is still banned from ughuir regions.
4.No ughuir was permitted to beijing at the times of olympics
PS:I am not bashing china,i just want to know whether there is any truth in these accusations made against china,my favourite country after india.

I don't think the accusations are true. Uighurs are not all muslim, and 90% of muslims are not uighur. Why is the west obsessed with the Uighurs?
yes, we need to do more to help them, but the uighurs also need to make a real effort too. their illiteracy and lack of education drag down their economic status which they then blame on nonsense like "oppression".

What China is doing for raising their educational and economic status??

What are statistics for educational facilities in their areas ?

There is always a connection between oppression and backwards
Marx on religion
See also: Opium of the People
Karl Marx's religious views have been the subject of much interpretation. He famously stated in Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right that

Religious distress is at the same time the expression of real distress and the protest against real distress. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, just as it is the spirit of a spiritless situation. It is the opium of the people. The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is required for their real happiness. The demand to give up the illusion about its condition is the demand to give up a condition which needs illusions
Communism and religion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Communism did just every thing they could do to destroy their peoples belief in religion.
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