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China claims ‘absolute nonsense’: Philippines


Mar 21, 2013
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United States
Agencies-Global Times | 2014-2-21
By Agencies – Global Times


Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, 18th chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, hosts armed forces of the Philippines Chief of Staff Gen. Emmanuel Bautista at the Pentagon.

The Philippines will defend its fishermen against any Chinese "terror or intimidation" in the South China Sea, Philippine Military Chief Emmanuel Bautista said on Thursday during an interview with the AP.

According to AP reports, Baustita said in the interview that the disputed islands claimed by China in the South China Sea were just off the Philippine coast and Chinese claims are "of course absolute nonsense."

"Just take a look at the map," the military chief added.


"Our fishermen will continue on fishing, assert their rights on those areas. They should go on with their lives and live their life as fishermen, not to bow down to terror or intimidation," Baustita said, referring to an incident in which he said a fishing vessel was sprayed by a water cannon from a Chinese boat.

Asked if the Philippine military would defend fishermen in the event of another incident in the future, he said, "To the best we can, we will support them, especially if there is more aggression and unnecessary use of force."

China and the Philippines, along with Brunei, Malaysia and Vietnam, have disputes over territories in the South China Sea.

Agencies - Global Times
When Republic of China claimed the islands, the modern country of Philippine was not exist yet.

It's time for Philippine to grow up and respect international law.
When Republic of China claimed the islands, the modern country of Philippine was not exist yet.

It's time for Philippine to grow up and respect international law.

Ha i think you chinese d bag should respect international law
Philippians should defend themselves against pedophiles who are mostly coming from america and the west exploiting their children. This is one of the the real daily problems of Philippines not some Islands.

that's true is this food security and resources security is important too
Well even Chinese scholars criticize that “9-dashed LIE:lol:

According to Chinese scholars, the “U-shaped line” first appeared on the Location Map of the South China Sea Islands (Nanhai zhudao weizhi tu) compiled by Fu Jiaojin and Wang Xiguang and was published by Geological Bureau under China Ministry of Home Affairs in 1947.

Some people tried to hold on to the origin of this line with an aim to have an advantegous explaination for China. According to them, the “U-shaped line” was drawn by one person named Hu Jinsui in 1914. Until December 1947, an official from the Republic of China, named Bai Meichu, re-drew this line in his individual map. The 11-dotted line covered Islands of Dong Sa (Pratas), Hoang Sa (Paracel), Truong Sa (Spratly) and Trung Sa (Macclesfield Bank). However, in 1953, the 11-dotted line was adjusted into 9-dotted line. Two dots in the Tonkin Gulf was removed with no clear reason. In fact, there has so far no document featuring the accurate co-ordinate and location of the “U-shaped line” or “the 9-dashed” line been found.

Scholar, famous commentator of the online Phoenix newspaper (Hongkong, China) Xue Litai warned that China will face various difficulties and challenges from international community if it claims sovereignty over the “9-dashed” line. This scholar pointed out some incorrect points of the “cow-tongue” line.

Firstly, China itself has drawn the 11-dotted line on the map without demarcation at sea with neighbouring countries and the dashed line has received no international recognition.

Secondly, to date, China has failed to make clear that the “cow-tongue” line is the national dashed border line or traditional demarcation line at sea. Beijing has given no definition and clear longitude and latitude relating to the geological location but just drawn the dotted line on their map. That is not convincing at all.

Thirdly, if Beijing stresses that the previous 11-dotted line was the national border line that could not be violated, why after the new China was born, Beijing itself removed two dots on the map in the Tonkin Gulf. Does China consider the fixing of national border line a joke? :lol:
When Republic of China claimed the islands, the modern country of Philippine was not exist yet.

It's time for Philippine to grow up and respect international law.
Don't talk like a scatterbrain. Do you even know what the International Law contains regarding the South China Sea? Before blabbering, I suggest you read the UNCLOS treaty.

China, instead of throwing all international treaties to the winds, must try to solve disputes with all its neighbors in an amicable manner instead of bulldozing its way through. For China it is, 'my way or the highway'!
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