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China builds military radar base in Spratly Islands

Nov 9, 2011
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China installs new radar near Kalayaan islands

Aside from Panganiban Reef (Mischief reef), China has installed another powerful radar in Subi Reef, an islet just 12 nautical miles from the Philippine-held Kalayaan islands in the disputed Spratlys in the West Philippine Sea.

Mayor Eugenio Bito-onon of the municipality of Kalayaan in Palawan reported yesterday that the silver-colored dome radar is located atop a four-story building that the Chinese started to build six years ago at the reef southwest of Pag-asa Island, which is part of the Kalayaan islands.

“While the radar could be only for weather monitoring and weather forecasting, one can also surmise that it can also monitor wide areas in the region for any moving and floating object,” Bito-onon said.

Bito-onon said at the other side of the building is a lighthouse that can be seen from Pag-asa Island at night when the sea is calm.

Aside from Subi Reef, China has also constructed a military garrison in Panganiban Reef, an area only 70 nautical miles from Palawan.

Located within the country’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ), Panganiban Reef is halfway toward the disputed Spratly islands.

The Chinese initially constructed structures on stilts at Panganiban Reef supposedly to provide shelter for fishermen from China during bad weather, despite protests from the Philippine government.

The Chinese later transformed Panganiban Reef into a military garrison equipped with powerful radars and other air and maritime monitoring equipment.

China is claiming almost the entire West Philippine Sea (South China Sea), which is also being claimed in whole or in part by Vietnam, Malaysia, Taiwan and Brunei.

Futile arms race

Meanwhile, Sen. Miriam Defensor-Santiago said there is no point for the government to use diplomacy or build up military might to go up against China to settle the disputed areas in the West Philippine Sea.

Santiago, an international law and foreign relations expert, said that the Philippines and other Southeast Asian nations with claims over the West Philippine Sea are merely mosquitoes compared to China, which she considers a dragon, so waging a battle of might with the superpower is futile.

“It is futile for the Philippines to engage in an arms race with China. No matter how much military equipment we buy, we cannot outfight China. They are just more technologically sophisticated and their economy is simply surging. We don’t have the money to keep up with the Joneses,” she said during the weekly Kapihan sa Senado forum held at the Senate.

She said diplomacy will not work with China and this has been proven numerous times, such as the manner by which the Chinese unilaterally abrogated the 2002 Code of Conduct of the South China Sea that it signed alongside the Southeast Asian claimants.

She pointed out that China has also refused to place itself under the jurisdiction of any international tribunal to settle the disputes in the West Philippine Sea.

China is a signatory to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) but will not accept any compulsory procedure in the settlement of disputes.

She said that the Philippines and the Southeast Asian claimants could only make a lot of noise against China because no matter how much it spends trying to develop its military capabilities, they would never be able to match the power of China.

“China, to put it bluntly, is a big gorilla, like an 800 pound gorilla. It will bully its way across the forest. But this is international relations, what can we do? We are entitled to equal protection of the law. But not an equal creation of states,” Santiago said.

“China has its own international law. China is very, very complicated. The Chinese mind is very Chinese,” said Santiago, who was elected as a judge to the International Criminal Court late last year.

As far as the expectation of some Filipinos that the United States will come to the aid of the country in its dispute with China because of the existence of the Mutual Defense Treaty (MDT) between the two countries, Santiago said that she does not see this happening based on the terms of the treaty.

any foto available from the site?
Thats like telling a Great white Shark,I don't taste good!
GOOD LUCK! :cheesy:
Thats like telling a Great white Shark,I don't taste good!
GOOD LUCK! :cheesy:

Don't try to paint China as the bad guy. China offered joint economic development.

The Japanese thought the terms were fair and agreed to joint economic development of disputed sea territory between China and Japan.

Vietnam and the Philippines took a hard line (which reminds me of India's Nehru). They flatly rejected China's reasonable compromise of joint development. The Vietnamese and Filipinos will have to live with the consequences of their decision.
China has illegally occupied only some coral reefs, which it had robbed from Vietnam in 1988. No any "island".


A coral reef which China robbed from Vietnam in 1988.
China has illegally occupied only some coral reefs, which it had robbed from Vietnam in 1988. No any "island".

A coral reef which China robbed from Vietnam in 1988.

No one cares about your self-serving statements. The history books are quite clear. China discovered all of the major islands in the South China Sea starting 2,000 years ago. I have provided ample citations in other threads.

Vietnamese claims of ownership to 2,000-year-old Chinese South China Sea islands are not going to fly. Hence, you have no support from the international community. Zero support from ASEAN. Zero military aid from the United States. Zip. Nada. Zilch.

You arrogant Vietnamese have painted yourselves into a corner. You can either accept China's reasonable compromise of joint economic development or you'll have to send out your military for a war. Unfortunately, you keep yapping and won't send out your navy for a decisive battle.
No one cares about your self-serving statements. The history books are quite clear. China discovered all of the major islands in the South China Sea starting 2,000 years ago. I have provided ample citations in other threads.

Vietnamese claims of ownership to 2,000-year-old Chinese South China Sea islands are not going to fly. Hence, you have no support from the international community. Zero support from ASEAN. Zero military aid from the United States. Zip. Nada. Zilch.

You arrogant Vietnamese have painted yourselves into a corner. You can either accept China's reasonable compromise of joint economic development or you'll have to send out your military for a war. Unfortunately, you keep yapping and won't send out your navy for a decisive battle.

What remains today after the Chinese had "discovered" the islands since 2000 or 20,000 years ago? Nothing.

China has robbed some coral reefs from Vietnam in 1988. In addition, no anything else.
What remains today after the Chinese had "discovered" the islands since 2000 or 20,000 years ago? Nothing.

China has robbed some coral reefs from Vietnam in 1988. In addition, no anything else.

The bones of our Chinese ancestors and ancient Chinese pottery (such as bowls) are on those South China Sea islands. Want to see the citation?

Some islands also have Chinese wells.

The historical evidence is rock solid.

Don't they teach you any facts in Vietnamese schools?
The bones of our Chinese ancestors and ancient Chinese pottery (such as bowls) are on those South China Sea islands. Want to see the citation?

Some islands also have Chinese wells.

The historical evidence is rock solid.

Don't they teach you any facts in Vietnamese schools?

If you come Dong Da hill (the hill man-made) Hanoi or the Bach Dang river estuary in the Gulf of Tonkin, you can dig a lot of things like you said. It is very ancient. I'm sure.
What remains today after the Chinese had "discovered" the islands since 2000 or 20,000 years ago? Nothing.

China has robbed some coral reefs from Vietnam in 1988. In addition, no anything else.

you know what, its good that scientists proved that human race started from Africa. Had it been the case, human race started from China, chinese would have declared whole world as part of their territory and all humans as chinese. :lol:
The bones of our Chinese ancestors and ancient Chinese pottery (such as bowls) are on those South China Sea islands. Want to see the citation?

Some islands also have Chinese wells.

The historical evidence is rock solid.

Don't they teach you any facts in Vietnamese schools?

If we Dig in Chinese shaolin temple we can find the bones of Indian monks, who taught basic martial arts to Chinese during the spread of Buddism in China that does not mean China belongs to India.
Don't try to paint China as the bad guy. China offered joint economic development.

The Japanese thought the terms were fair and agreed to joint economic development of disputed sea territory between China and Japan.

Vietnam and the Philippines took a hard line (which reminds me of India's Nehru). They flatly rejected China's reasonable compromise of joint development. The Vietnamese and Filipinos will have to live with the consequences of their decision.

Donot propagate lies Martian2. The joint economic development is not in the disputed area. The joint economic development that you are citing is far from the disputed islands.
There is no agreement between China and Japan on Senkaku Islands.
Chinese started claiming them from 1971 onwards after US left them. China should resolve this issue according to international law not according to its own law and by force.

Regarding Nehru's thinking, at that time the boundary between Tibet and India was Mcmohan line to which Tibet agreed. We don't need China's approval as we do not consider China as a player in that boundary talks at the time of British
Donot propagate lies Martian2. The joint economic development is not in the disputed area. The joint economic development that you are citing is far from the disputed islands.
There is no agreement between China and Japan on Senkaku Islands.
Chinese started claiming them from 1971 onwards after US left them. China should resolve this issue according to international law not according to its own law and by force.

Regarding Nehru's thinking, at that time the boundary between Tibet and India was Mcmohan line to which Tibet agreed. We don't need China's approval as we do not consider China as a player in that boundary talks at the time of British

You're an idiot. Daiyou/Senkaku Islands have always been Chinese for centuries. The Japanese stole the Daiyou Islands at gunpoint in 1895. China wants it back. The Japanese can either give it back peacefully or we'll do it the hard way.


Regarding the other issue, see citation below.

China and Japan agree on joint gas exploration of East China Sea | World news | guardian.co.uk

"www.guardian.co.uk › News › World news › China
Jun 18, 2008 – Historical enemies China and Japan have reportedly agreed to jointly develop gas deposits in the East China Sea, raising hopes for a ..."


We don't care what Nehru or you Indians think about the illegal McMahon line. We can settle the issue with another war. You guys are a bunch of losers who insist on ruling over Chinese Tibetans.

You're running out of time. I say China will take it back before the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CCP circa 2049.
Don't try to paint China as the bad guy. China offered joint economic development.

The Japanese thought the terms were fair and agreed to joint economic development of disputed sea territory between China and Japan.

Vietnam and the Philippines took a hard line (which reminds me of India's Nehru). They flatly rejected China's reasonable compromise of joint development. The Vietnamese and Filipinos will have to live with the consequences of their decision.

No, actually China just DID for itself. China SPITS OUT and LICKS BACK based on whatever happened in SCS right now.
Don't try to paint China as the bad guy. China offered joint economic development.

The Japanese thought the terms were fair and agreed to joint economic development of disputed sea territory between China and Japan.

Vietnam and the Philippines took a hard line (which reminds me of India's Nehru). They flatly rejected China's reasonable compromise of joint development. The Vietnamese and Filipinos will have to live with the consequences of their decision.

has China made VN an offer to joint economic development in the disputed south china sea?
source pls!
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