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China anti-corruption activists on trial in Jiangxi


Nov 18, 2010
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China has put three anti-corruption campaigners on trial, in what is being seen as part of a crackdown on activists under President Xi Jinping.

The trial of Liu Ping, Wei Zhongping and Li Sihua, activists associated with the New Citizens' Movement, began in Xinyu, Jiangxi province, on Monday.

They were detained after taking photographs with banners urging officials to disclose their assets.

Mr Xi has called for a crackdown on corruption since taking office.

Ms Liu, Mr Wei and Mr Li were arrested in April.

They were initially detained for subversion, but the charge was later changed to illegal assembly, activists and lawyers say.

Zhang Xuezhong, one of Ms Liu's lawyers, told Reuters news agency that "serious procedural problems" had been found in the case, and he was "not optimistic" about the trial.

Defence lawyer Pang Kun also told reporters that he had been detained by police on Sunday.

Tight security was in place for the trial, with lines of police blocking roads outside the court.

A number of Western diplomats who had attempted to attend the trial were blocked from entering the courthouse, AP news agency reported.

Liao Minyue, daughter of activist Liu Ping, told AP they were "still a little bit confident in this case".

UN criticism
Since Xi Jinping took over the leadership of the Communist Party a year ago, his government has launched its own anti-corruption drive, the BBC's Damian Grammaticas reports from outside the court in Xinyu.

But Mr Xi has also overseen the broadest crackdown China has seen in recent years, our correspondent adds.

Several activists in the New Citizens' Movement, which calls for more democracy and government transparency, have been detained.

In July, prominent lawyer Xu Zhiyong, one of the founders of the movement, was detained on suspicion of having "gathered crowds to disrupt public order".

Earlier in October, wealthy Chinese businessman Wang Gongquan, who is considered a key supporter of the movement, was also formally arrested on similar charges.

"Liu, Wei, and Li are canaries in the coal mine for how the government intends to treat this influential group of anti-corruption activists," Sophie Richardson, China director of Human Rights Watch, said in a statement.

"Anything short of acquittal will seriously undermine the credibility of the government's claims to be cracking down on corruption," she added.
arrest, detain, jail with trumped up charges... all because they dared to be photographed with this banner. a banner that asks that govt officials should disclose their personal wealth- an anti-corruption drive among common citizens.

Update: The trial of three Chinese activists from an embryonic civil rights movement was adjourned on its first day on Monday, with one lawyer claiming the court had blocked his clients from properly defending themselves.

Liu Ping, Wei Zhongping and Li Sihua – three members of the so-called New Citizens’ Movement – entered the dock at around 8.30am, according to human rights lawyer Zhang Xuezhong. Proceedings were suspended at just before 5pm.

Lawyers representing the three activsts – who were detained after calling for an end to government corruption - said their services had been released by the defendants, in protest at the court’s handling of the case.

Mr Zhang, who represents Ms Liu, said the court was now likely to reconvene in 15 days.

On the eve of the controversial trial, at least 13 rights activists were reportedly detained by security forces as they tried to reach the courthouse in the city of Xinyu in Jiangxi province.


Let's hope international community can put some pressure and get these guys freed
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