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China, Afghanistan, Pakistan agree to work for peace


Feb 2, 2007
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BEIJING: China, Afghanistan and Pakistan held in-depth exchange of views on the situation in Afghanistan at a two-day trilateral dialogue, concluded in Kabul on Tuesday, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hong Lei said.

The representatives of the three countries agreed to continue practical cooperation, Hong said at a regular press conference on Wednesday.

The meeting welcomed the successful visits by Afghan President Hamid Karzai to Islamabad and Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to Kabul as a step for improving cooperation between the two countries.

The three countries, Hong said were unanimous to maintain cooperation in safeguarding the security of Afghanistan as well as in the entire region.

Hong said that “the Chinese and Pakistani sides reaffirmed their support to the Afghan-led and Afghan-owned reconciliation process as well as the efforts made by the Afghanistan High Peace Council for reconciliation”.

He pointed out that the three parties also agreed to enhance cooperation in the fields of counter terrorism, anti-narcotic and people-to-people exchanges.

He said that China, Afghanistan and Pakistan trilateral dialogue is a helpful practice from the three countries for the enhancement of communication and cooperation in the face of rapid changes on the regional landscape.

Earlier, a Xinhua news agency dispatches from Kabul said the two-day third round of China-Afghanistan-Pakistan trilateral dialogue was concluded in Kabul on Tuesday with an agreement for further boosting cooperation among the three neighbouring countries.

Chaired by Ambassador Sultan Ahmad Bahin, director general of 3rd Political Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan, Ambassador Luo Zhaohui, director general of Asian Affairs Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, and Muhammad Iftikhar Anjum, director general of Afghanistan Division in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan, the three sides agreed to cooperate and maintain the security in Afghanistan and in the region.

The three countries agreed that under the current situation it is of great significance for three foreign ministries to hold the trilateral dialogue and exchange views on regional situation and cooperation between the three countries, stressing that dialogue will play a positive role in enhancing friendly cooperation between the three countries and maintaining peace and stability in the region.

In the meeting, the three countries also discussed regional situation and acknowledged that Afghanistan is going through a period of transition and handover of security responsibility to Afghan National Security Forces and 2014 presidential election.

Both China and Pakistan reiterated that peace and stability in Afghanistan is in their national interest and they support the “Afghan-led and Afghan-owned” reconciliation process.

China and Pakistan support the efforts of the Afghanistan High Peace Council in this regard.

The three countries supported the role played by the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation for peace and stability in the region. The three parties highlighted the importance of countering the common threats of terrorism, extremism and separatism.

The meeting highlighted the importance of counter-narcotics campaign especially due to the nexus between terrorism and drug money, and stressed that a comprehensive strategy is needed to address this issue.

The three countries expressed satisfaction with the third trilateral dialogue, considering it as an important undertaking for the three countries to enhance mutual understanding, trust and friendship and agreed to jointly address their common concerns.

The three sides also agreed that the regional cooperation to ensure stability in the region is heading in the right direction and welcomed the outcome of the Istanbul Conference held in Almaty on April 26, 2013, and welcomed the readiness of the People’s Republic of China to host the next Ministers Meeting of Istanbul Process in China by 2014.

The three sides welcomed the first Track-II Trilateral Dialogue in Beijing in August 2013, as well as the first joint visit of Afghan and Pakistani parliamentarians to China in September 2013.

The Chinese and Afghan sides welcomed Pakistan’s offer to host the second Track-II Trilateral Dialogue in Islamabad in 2014. The Afghan and Pakistani sides welcomed China’s offer to host the second joint parliamentary delegation as well as the second joint media delegation from Afghanistan and Pakistan in 2014.

The Chinese and Pakistani sides supported the Afghan proposal of establishing a joint trilateral association of journalist, as well as a trilateral friendship group of parliamentarians. app

peace in Afghanistan needs boots on the ground.

Perhaps China can offer 50,000 troops to NATO for 2 years.

This will reduce the pressure on EU and US troops and

bring a bit of balance from Pakistani POV
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