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Children should marry by parents' choice: Deoband

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i saw few kashmiri girls here,they were butyful.i almost lost my self.
now i have decided,i will marry with kashmiri girl inspite of her religion.
i will convince my parents
i saw few kashmiri girls here,they were butyful.i almost lost my self.
now i have decided,i will marry with kashmiri girl inspite of her religion.
i will convince my parents

Convince her parents first!

Other than that you got nothing.
parents ke saath thodi shaadi karni hai:D
y shud i convince her parents??

Kyonke wo tera band baja denge - a muslim girl is not supposed to be married to non muslim.
Dont tell me there is no caste system in Islamic Pakistan!

Islamic caste (Indian society) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia

Like Rajput, pathan is also a caste....

bwahahahahahahahahahahahah pathan is a cast???????// lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz oh ShU you are too ignorant even for a small knowledge so never mind but stop spamming the forum with your BS trolling against Isam.

as far as cast system is concerned For Your Information NO cast system is there in Islam and Neither we practice Untouchability like Hindus.
Way to go Jana. Bring the stupid caste system into everything. Even after you know as well as I do that most people don't give a rats a$$ about it. And honour killings in hindus you say? Just google balochi and pashtun honour killings and you;ll see how big a pathetic hypocrite you really are.

1. Hindu cast system is still prevalent in India and people do give a rats asss about it.

2. The topic is not about honour killing and oh i dont deny honour killing in our country its been there. The only point here to mention is that in Indian society among Hindus/Sikhs the honour killing is as much prevalent as other parts of the world.

3. Since mr ashuk is so much concerned about love marriages so he better should reform his own Indian society for it before coming up with false claims against my faith
bwahahahahahahahahahahahah pathan is a cast???????// lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz oh ShU you are too ignorant even for a small knowledge so never mind but stop spamming the forum with your BS trolling against Isam.

as far as cast system is concerned For Your Information NO cast system is there in Islam and Neither we practice Untouchability like Hindus.

Caste system among South Asian Muslims refers to units of social stratification that have developed among Muslims in South Asia. Castes among Muslims developed as the result of close contact with Hindu culture and Hindu converts to Islam. Religious scholar Yoginder Sikand elaborates that the caste system among Muslims was not due to the "influence of Hinduism among a previously 'pure', 'uncontaminated' Muslim community," but rather to "the continued impact of Hindu beliefs and customs on the converts who still remained within a largely Hindu cultural universe and retained many of its associated beliefs and practices".

In some parts of South Asia, the Muslims are divided as Ashrafs and Ajlafs. Ashrafs claim a superior status derived from their foreign ancestry. The non-Ashrafs are assumed to be converts from Hinduism, and are therefore drawn from the indigenous population. They, in turn, are divided into a number of occupational castes.

Little knowledge is dangerous thing - Albert Einstine.

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.....
Since mr ashuk is so much concerned about love marriages so he better should reform his own Indian society for it before coming up with false claims against my faith

Claims came from your faith anyway.
Deobandi is of your faith and not mine _ I am an agnostic soul away from all religions....

Sections of the ulema (scholars of Islamic jurisprudence) provide religious legitimacy to caste with the help of the concept of kafa'a. A classical example of scholarly declaration of the Muslim caste system is the Fatawa-i Jahandari, written by the fourteenth century Turkish scholar, Ziauddin Barani, a member of the court of Muhammad bin Tughlaq, of the Tughlaq dynasty of the Delhi Sultanate. Barani was known for his intensely casteist views, and regarded the Ashraf Muslims as racially superior to the Ajlaf Muslims. He divided the Muslims into grades and sub-grades. In his scheme, all high positions and privileges were to be a monopoly of the high born Turks, not the Indian Muslims.
Backward Muslims protest denial of burial

A section of Muslims in Bihar are up in arms against the more affluent and powerful section of Muslims for denying them entry into graveyards on the grounds of lower caste status.

In the last one-year, a few cases have surfaced where the backward or lower caste Muslims faced trouble over easy entry for burial in graveyards and in two or three cases they were not allowed to bury. They finally resorted to burying the body outside the graveyard.

The Pasmanda Muslim Mahaz and All India United Muslim Morcha, both based in Bihar and being the socio-political front of backward Muslims, have threatened to launch a movement against the powerful upper caste Muslim elite on this issue.

Jaana ji the greater our knowledge increases the more our ignorance unfolds.
^^^those claims were some tribes personal interpretation. It has nothing to do with the preaching from our Prophet (PBUH). There were no castes in Islam and there shall be no caste in Islam. If there were some they got derailed just like talibans.
^^^those claims were some tribes personal interpretation. It has nothing to do with the preaching from our Prophet (PBUH). There were no castes in Islam and there shall be no caste in Islam. If there were some they got derailed just like talibans.

How does it matter what Prophet preached when Arabs keep treating you as 3rd class citizens?
I prefer love marriage, more better as it promotes integration.
In addition to the Ashraf/Ajlaf divide, there is also the Arzal caste among Muslims, who were regarded by anti-Caste activists like Babasaheb Ambedkar as the equivalent of untouchables. The term "Arzal" stands for "degraded" and the Arzal castes are further subdivided into Bhanar, Halalkhor, Hijra, Kasbi, Lalbegi, Maugta, Mehtar etc. The Arzal group was recorded in the 1901 census in India and are also called Dalit Muslims “with whom no other Muhammadan would associate, and who are forbidden to enter the mosque or to use the public burial ground”. They are relegated to "menial" professions such as scavenging and carrying night soil.

The ashraf-ajlaf dichotomy is well-known. Claiming foreign descent, the ashrafs represented the Muslim great tradition and formed the erstwhile nobility. The Syeds, for instance, are accorded the highest place in the hierarchy on account of their claim of being descendents of the Prophet’s daughter, Bibi Fatima. In materials terms the ashraf status was sustained through jagirs and zamindaris and through their domination over religious institutions and centres of learning.
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