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Children should marry by parents' choice: Deoband

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Nov 1, 2010
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New Delhi: Islamic seminary Darul-Uloom Deoband has opined that children should follow the choice of their parents for marriage and that a person who is religious should get priority over a wealthy one.

The seminary was asked if a girl wants to marry a boy because he is rich and can give her a good life and does not accept her parents' choice as it is based only on religion then whether the parents should agree to her choice or stick to their choice.

"Religiousness (sic) should be given first priority in choosing a proposal...And the children should follow the choice of their parents," it said.

The seminary also said that according to some imams, the 'nikah' (marriage) of a girl who marries without the consent and permission of her guardian is "invalid".

"If the parents are not known to have (taken) bad decisions and their consent is based on lawful grounds, their opinion should be accepted; because it guarantees goodness and safety," it said but added that parents "too should ask for their children's consent and choice while finalising the proposal of nikah.

So no love marraige in Islam?

Girls are not allowed to exercise thier free will ?
So no love marraige in Islam?

Girls are not allowed to exercise thier free will ?

recently media had been filled with honour killings by Indian Hindus as their girls exercised their free will by marrying with low cast Hindu guys.

BTW for your information in Islam it is stated that consent of a girl as well the boy is necessary for marriage .

As far as your Indian deoband fitna is concerned please dont link it to Islam. ask your bharatis and brits who created this fitna just to malign Islam and divide Muslims.
New Delhi: Islamic seminary Darul-Uloom Deoband has opined that children should follow the choice of their parents for marriage and that a person who is religious should get priority over a wealthy one.

The seminary was asked if a girl wants to marry a boy because he is rich and can give her a good life and does not accept her parents' choice as it is based only on religion then whether the parents should agree to her choice or stick to their choice.

"Religiousness (sic) should be given first priority in choosing a proposal...And the children should follow the choice of their parents," it said.

The seminary also said that according to some imams, the 'nikah' (marriage) of a girl who marries without the consent and permission of her guardian is "invalid".

"If the parents are not known to have (taken) bad decisions and their consent is based on lawful grounds, their opinion should be accepted; because it guarantees goodness and safety," it said but added that parents "too should ask for their children's consent and choice while finalising the proposal of nikah.

So no love marraige in Islam?

Girls are not allowed to exercise thier free will ?

i wonder if you being bharati is maligning your own Muslim clerics by ignoring the bold part in above news item and only twisting his words to suit your Indian anti-Islam rant ?
This hadeeth was narrated by al-Bukhaari (4802) and Muslim (1466) from Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) who said:

“A woman may be married for four things: her wealth, her lineage, her beauty and her religious commitment. Seek the one who is religiously-committed, may your hands be rubbed with dust (i.e., may you prosper).”

So one should see the religion of a person whilst selecting, same goes for a boy as well but this is not the only thing in my humble opinion. :)
so depressing. this whole concept of a wali is skewed in the guy's favour.

janaji... aap ka kya hoga?
so depressing. this whole concept of a wali is skewed in the guy's favour.

janaji... aap ka kya hoga?

Women don't count, except when everybody around wants them to bring children in the world. :angry:
i wonder if you being bharati is maligning your own Muslim clerics by ignoring the bold part in above news item and only twisting his words to suit your Indian anti-Islam rant ?

Explain this...

The seminary also said that according to some imams, the 'nikah' (marriage) of a girl who marries without the consent and permission of her guardian is "invalid".

Islam is same in Ethopia as well as in Pakistan.

Islam's Stance on Love and Marriage - IslamonLine.net - Ask The Scholar

The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, says: “A woman may be married for four things: her wealth, her lineage, her beauty and her commitment to religion. Choose the one who is religious, may your hands be rubbed with dust [i.e., may you prosper]!” (Agreed-upon Hadith).

Out of four aspects that the prophet said of - love factor is missing!
Everyone has got the right to marry anyone they want, except for a few relations. All that must matter is, the marriage isint a forceful and both should be hapy with each other. But we must not go to the extends or marrying without will of our parents. We must in someway make them give a green signal, happily, for the life partner we chose.

This isint a movie where you cant marry multiple times. You have to chose the perfect partner for your life as you have rest of your life to be shared by him/her. (kashhhhhhhhh............:cry::lol: )

Zaki would give you a better opinion.
the concept of wali only arises if she/he has no parents.
Explain this...

Islam is same in Ethopia as well as in Pakistan.

Islam's Stance on Love and Marriage - IslamonLine.net - Ask The Scholar

Out of four aspects that the prophet said of - love factor is missing!

Islam indeed is the same but not the twisted version which anti-Islam idiots are presenting to the world.

we can understand that hindus cant understand the concept of "Consent a free will of a girl and a boy to say Yes to proposal now i dont understand what do you call love marriage?
the concept of wali only arises if she/he has no parents.
seriously? there was a court case a while back and the parents hads aid that since the girl has not taken their (her wali's) permission her nikah is void
the 'nikah' (marriage) of a girl who marries without the consent and permission of her guardian is "invalid".

Silly people, islam exlusively give the right of marriage to the man and woman, they dont mention anything about the parents.

And yes, almost all of us have seen in our personal lives that many parents have messed up the lives of their kids because they were insisting on their choice of marriage rather than considering the childrens' wishes.
now i dont understand what do you call love marriage?

A love marriage is a union of two individuals based upon mutual love, affection, commitment and attraction....

Arranged marriage

An arranged marriage is one in which by someone other than the couple getting married makes the selection of the persons to be wed, curtailing or avoiding the process of courtship....
Now i dont see a problem with arranged marriage as long as the boy and girl are happy with it. The only thing that we all should be against is forced marriage.
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