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Children of a lesser God ?


Sep 7, 2010
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Are they “Children of a Lesser God?”


You must have abundantly heard about School shooting in the US where children are brutally murdered by maniacs, the world gushed a shock at the inhumanity of how a person could have the heart to kill a child.
What people seem to forget amongst another statistics are the CHILDREN killed in Pakistan courtesy of US Drone action in Pakistan. Drones Watch has aggregated a list of the names of about 97 Pakistani children killed by US Drones attack in Pakistan – The data has been extracted from The Bureau of Investigative Journalism - The excuse is that these highly accurate equipment is necessary to coordinate targeted attacks designed to take out various Al-Qaeda militants hiding in the tribal belt of Pakistan.
With the presented list of over 97 children under the age of 18 – is this a mere accidental casual collateral damage or are these actual innocent human children suffering due to shear ignorance of the Pakistani Parliamentarians to not stop the drone menace in Pakistan. No one has heard about these children, probably no one wanted this list to be compiled – but what fault is it of these children to have been killed for no fault of their own – mind you this is a list of 97 children whose names have been documented and recorded – I fear to think how many hundred more there might be who simply dont get counted.

Noor Aziz – 8 – male

Abdul Wasit – 17 – male

Noor Syed – 8 – male

Wajid Noor – 9 – male

Syed Wali Shah – 7 – male

Ayeesha – 3 – female

Qari Alamzeb – 14- male

Shoaib – 8 – male

Hayatullah KhaMohammad – 16 – male

Tariq Aziz – 16 – male

Sanaullah Jan – 17 – male

Maezol Khan – 8 – female

Nasir Khan – male

Naeem Khan – male

Naeemullah – male

Mohammad Tahir – 16 – male

Azizul Wahab – 15 – male

Fazal Wahab – 16 – male

Ziauddin – 16 – male

Mohammad Yunus – 16 – male

Fazal Hakim – 19 – male

Ilyas – 13 – male

Sohail – 7 – male

Asadullah – 9 – male

khalilullah – 9 – male

Noor Mohammad – 8 – male

Khalid – 12 – male

Saifullah – 9 – male

Mashooq Jan – 15 – male

Nawab – 17 – male

Sultanat Khan – 16 – male

Ziaur Rahman – 13 – male

Noor Mohammad – 15 – male

Mohammad Yaas Khan – 16 – male

Qari Alamzeb – 14 – male

Ziaur Rahman – 17 – male

Abdullah – 18 – male

Ikramullah Zada – 17 – male

Inayatur Rehman – 16 – male

Shahbuddin – 15 – male

Yahya Khan – 16 -male

Rahatullah -17 – male

Mohammad Salim – 11 – male

Shahjehan – 15 – male

Gul Sher Khan – 15 – male

Bakht Muneer – 14 – male

Numair – 14 – male

Mashooq Khan – 16 – male

Ihsanullah – 16 – male

Luqman – 12 – male

Jannatullah – 13 – male

Ismail – 12 – male

Taseel Khan – 18 – male

Zaheeruddin – 16 – male

Qari Ishaq – 19 – male

Jamshed Khan – 14 – male

Alam Nabi – 11 – male

Qari Abdul Karim – 19 – male

Rahmatullah – 14 – male

Abdus Samad – 17 – male

Siraj – 16 – male

Saeedullah – 17 – male

Abdul Waris – 16 – male

Darvesh – 13 – male

Ameer Said – 15 – male

Shaukat – 14 – male

Inayatur Rahman – 17 – male

Salman – 12 – male

Fazal Wahab – 18 – male

Baacha Rahman – 13 – male

Wali-ur-Rahman – 17 – male

Iftikhar – 17 – male

Inayatullah – 15 – male

Mashooq Khan – 16 – male

Ihsanullah – 16 – male

Luqman – 12 – male

Jannatullah – 13 – male

Ismail – 12 – male

Abdul Waris – 16 – male

Darvesh – 13 – male

Ameer Said – 15 – male

Shaukat – 14 – male

Inayatur Rahman – 17 – male

Adnan – 16 – male

Najibullah – 13 – male

Naeemullah – 17 – male

Hizbullah – 10 – male

Kitab Gul – 12 – male

Wilayat Khan – 11 – male

Zabihullah – 16 – male

Shehzad Gul – 11 – male

Shabir – 15 – male

Qari Sharifullah – 17 – male

Shafiullah – 16 – male

Nimatullah – 14 – male

Shakirullah – 16 – male

Talha – 8 – male

Are they “Children of a Lesser God?” | Teeth Maestro
Sad but true.

These children have done nothing wrong.But war leaves no one.It shows no mercy.Children and adults alike.

I hope that one day we Will live in a war and terror free world where no one is a child of a lesser God.
everyone alike.
Sad but true.

These children have done nothing wrong.But war leaves no one.It shows no mercy.Children and adults alike.

I hope that one day we Will live in a war and terror free world where no one is a child of a lesser God.
everyone alike.

glad to hear your thoughts. khush raho : ))
Rest in peace to the children..........

Pakistani parliamentarian and military should be answerable to their parents, as they live in Pakistan. Along with it, their should be wider publicity and media coverage in American society to stop the drone attacks, because they are the ones pulling trigger.

On second thought, we as humans also fail miserably when children die due to war, famine, malnutrition and poverty.
Rest in peace to the children..........

Pakistani parliamentarian and military should be answerable to their parents, as they live in Pakistan. Along with it, their should be wider publicity and media coverage in American society to stop the drone attacks, because they are the ones pulling trigger.

On second thought, we as humans also fail miserably when children die due to war, famine, malnutrition and poverty.

RIP innocent children.

I'd like to make an important point here.

The day Pakistan army is allowed to safely operate from North Wazirastan, drone attacks will stop.

These tribals must make an effort and support building of new cantonments and new forts to house Pak soldiers and police officers.

If Pak army and police cannot enter and operate safely from an area, then by default that area loses any claims of protection by the same army.

Thank-you Obama for this wonderful gift you have given to Pakistan.

We are also grateful for your efforts in minimizing the differences between yourselves and the terrorists to the point where we can not distinguish who the greater evil is.


May Allah have mercy on those kids, give strength to their loved ones and to keep Pakistan safe.
very sad. coward jihadis should not use children and innocent civilians as human shields.
First of all the tribals in our tribal area should see the Taliban as worse than the US

Even when Taliban does suicide bombing and kills few kids, the Tribal idiots dont say anything, but when drone strikes kill a militant and his child these people & mullahs act as if they have taken a bullet to the knee

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