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Çay Bahçesi

@asena_great Here is the transcript starts from 4:50

Yuvalıda tarlamız var, Yuvalıya ilk göçtüklerinde söğüdü varmış, otururlarmış

Yuvalımız Yuvalımız
Otuz iki develimiz
Söğüdünün dibi göktür
Oturanlar rahattır

İşte onlar öyle söylemişler o zamanlar koca karılar.

this is the first part :)


What do you think ? :D

Not that difficult to understand, it's just the accent.

Some features are like ours. I heard -yir & -er (future tense geler vs gelir) personal nouns, also "onnar" instead of "onlar". When there is an "n" at the end of the word, it's always followed by another "n" in our dialects as well.
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If you noticed she also sometimes use -k suffix for past tense, for example "Gedik"(gone)

Anyway I wish there was enough visual sources that was showing local dialect with all the details, ones I found is just few basic stuff.
@Targon can u put a video from u home town which people speak ? :D
@Targon are you from a different region with a different language?


Not that difficult to understand, it's just the accent.

Some features are like ours. I heard -yir & -er (future tense geler vs gelir) personal nouns, also "onnar" instead of "onlar". When there is an "n" at the end of the word, it's always followed by another "n" in our dialects as well.
:raise: how does Azerbaijani sound like? Can a Turk speaking Tukish and one speaking Azerbaijani understand each other?

BTW, how many languages are there in Turkey? I know the "modern" Turkish ...any other or are they just dialects? How many can an everyday Turk understand?
If you noticed she also sometimes use -k suffix for past tense, for example "Gedik"(gone)
we used that too o_O btw how do u say gone in turkish :what:

@Targon are you from a different region with a different language?

:raise: how does Azerbaijani sound like? Can a Turk speaking Tukish and one speaking Azerbaijani understand each other?

BTW, how many languages are there in Turkey? I know the "modern" Turkish ...any other or are they just dialects? How many can an everyday Turk understand?
turkmen turkish azerbijani turkish are the same language with diffrent accent and dialects and all mostly are same all of this language will be known as oghuz turkish
:raise: how does Azerbaijani sound like? Can a Turk speaking Tukish and one speaking Azerbaijani understand each other?

There are certain differences but generally it's what one might call "mutually intelligible". But there are also dialect differences in Azerbaijani Turkish itself, for example the Tabriz dialect in Iranian Azerbaijan are very different.

Gitmiş, they use both Getmiş and Gedik, even I'm not exactly sure at what times they replace each other :D

We use -ib/ip suffix, gedib/gedip. In my dialect we also use -ip for second person. In "standard" speech one would say "getmisen", while we say "gedipsen".
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