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Carry on china i support you wholeheartedly.


Aug 3, 2013
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Chinese, Russian warships and Marines heading to Syrian waters
Chinese, Russian warships and combat troops entering the hot zone...

As the American naval presence off the coast of Syria awaits for potential orders to launch an attack on the civil war ravaged nation, the Yanks aren't the only ones beefing up their respective armadas, as reported by the Madras, India based TheHindu.com on Sept. 5, 2013 and the Russian-language news aggregate Telegrafist.org (The Telegrapher) on Sept. 4, 2013.

The pride of the Russian Fleet, the battle cruiser RFS (Russian Federation Ship) Moskva will also pull double-duty as the command and control flagship for the task force.

The RFS Moskva will be joined by a destroyer from Russia’s Baltic fleet and a frigate from the Black Sea fleet.

According to Russia’s Interfax news agency, the battle cruiser Moskva is heading to the Gibraltar Straits, and in approximately 10 days it will enter the east Mediterranean, where it will take command of the Russian ships already on station.

Russia is also sending a reconnaissance ship to the region, which reportedly would operate separately from the main naval flotilla.

As previously covered by Examiner.com on Aug. 25, 2013, the small but growing Russian task force in the eastern Mediterranean waters consist of a guided missile destroyer, the RFS Admiral Panteleyev, two amphibious warfare ships the RFS Peresvet and the RFS Admiral Nevelskoi, complete with approximately 2,000 Russian Marines, as well as a oil tanker and an ocean going tug.

Also cited was yet a third Russian amphibious assault ship with an unknown compliment of Marines as slated to join the fleet.

Between their Marines and Naval Infantry landing troops, the Russians could conceivably land a regiment's worth of combat troops in the region.

China Enters The Possible Fray...

Unconfirmed by Western media, the Russian news aggregate Telagrafist is citing various sources that the Chinese amphibious assault warship, the CNS (Chinese Navy Ship) Jing Gangshan is heading towards the eastern Mediterranean potential powder keg to "observe" American and Russian warships.

However, the Kenyan news portal CoastWeek.com via Google News reported on Aug. 27, 2013 that the Jing Gangshan is currently steaming in the Gulf of Aden pulling pirate escort duty for commercial shipping.

Unreleased to the Western media, it is unknown if or how many Chinese Marines are embarked aboard the Jing Gangshan, but she is designed to transport upwards of 1,000 Marines and their equipment.

From the Gulf of Aden to the eastern Mediterranean waters takes approximately five days sailing time.
China needs more time. However something urgent needed to stop the evil, bloodthirsty empire. I wish them the best luck like you do.
meanwhile, US and Russia concluded a deal without bothering about china.

for all the jumping up and down, PRC ends up looking a clown in the world arena.

now, PRC "welcomes" the deal between US and Russia... like a good boy.

Do you know that, Russia and China are strategic partners and they try to create a mutual voice on such events. Because normally China doesn't give a damn about anything in Middle East as long as the oil flows. International trade? No matter who rules, it will trade with China. If not than I welcome Syrian people buying US and EU goods with their 6000$ GDP per capita.

All of the statements made, the ships sent, the UN sanctions blockings were all made in coordination with Russian counterparts. I think you Indians also should stop being a good loyal dog of the west, and start being an honorable member of the international community, like China and Russia. You deserve better, 1.2 billion people ruled by a vassal state? This makes me laugh :)
Do you know that, Russia and China are strategic partners and they try to create a mutual voice on such events. Because normally China doesn't give a damn about anything in Middle East as long as the oil flows. International trade? No matter who rules, it will trade with China. If not than I welcome Syrian people buying US and EU goods with their 6000$ GDP per capita.

All of the statements made, the ships sent, the UN sanctions blockings were all made in coordination with Russian counterparts. I think you Indians also should stop being a good loyal dog of the west, and start being an honorable member of the international community, like China and Russia. You deserve better, 1.2 billion people ruled by a vassal state? This makes me laugh :)

We also support Russian Stand..

India supports Russia’s Syria plan

India supports Russia
We also support Russian Stand..

India supports Russia’s Syria plan

India supports Russia

Of course it does. India also rejected to sign US decleration in G20. What I'm critisizing is the mentality of AADHAAR. Developing nations should work in cooperation to protect themselves from the imperialism lead by developed nations. Fighting with eachother doesn't make any sense right now.
Thanks to Allah, Muslims national do not have that kind of courage to help Syria and Egypt :(
Thanks to Allah, Muslims national do not have that kind of courage to help Syria and Egypt :(

You mean to say, Muslim nation are doing all that trouble in muslim country like KSA doing with Syria ??
Do you know that, Russia and China are strategic partners and they try to create a mutual voice on such events. Because normally China doesn't give a damn about anything in Middle East as long as the oil flows. International trade? No matter who rules, it will trade with China. If not than I welcome Syrian people buying US and EU goods with their 6000$ GDP per capita.

All of the statements made, the ships sent, the UN sanctions blockings were all made in coordination with Russian counterparts. I think you Indians also should stop being a good loyal dog of the west, and start being an honorable member of the international community, like China and Russia. You deserve better, 1.2 billion people ruled by a vassal state? This makes me laugh :)
OH cummun a turkey boy talking bout being dog of west. You people are the undisputed champion in that category.
OH cummun a turkey boy talking bout being dog of west. You people are the undisputed champion in that category.

Not my people, my state. There are spineless Turks (and regretfully, they are majority) who are proud to be the vassal state of the West. But there are also many Turks that thinks like me. What I was critisizing was that mentality, not any particular state like India which I clarified in my latter message.

Btw next time learn what India (Hindistan = Land of turkey) means in Turkish before making nicknames. Idiot..
Not my people, my state. There are spineless Turks (and regretfully, they are majority) who are proud to be the vassal state of the West. But there are also many Turks that thinks like me. What I was critisizing was that mentality, not any particular state like India which I clarified in my latter message.

Btw next time learn what India (Hindistan = Land of turkey) means in Turkish before making nicknames. Idiot..
Turkey is a bird which tastes great when roasted.And not only us whole world knows it! You should be the last one to be making fun of another country's name. lol
Turkey is a bird which tastes great when roasted.And not only us whole world knows it! You should be the last one to be making fun of another country's name. lol

And should I care about what my country's name means in damn English language? Should I make fun of that? Or should I make fun of an Indian whose ancestors spent 2 centuries being ruled by a British company and still making British jokes about my country's name. I guess it's Stockholm Syndrome. :)

And I didn't make fun of your country's name. I'm not that low level. Like yourself. I just told you what India means in Turkish.
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